Sundays for Adults

African Fellowship & Bible Study   

Whether you are from Africa or not, you are welcome to come to African Bible Study, which meets twice a month in the Chapel after worship services.

For more information, contact Pastor Daniel at
pastorgbundema @


Adult Sunday School (Adult Education)

**Adult Sunday School is not currently meeting.**

The Adult Sunday School class meets at 8:50am Sunday mornings.  The meeting format is a video presentation followed by discussion.  The class concludes in time for the 10am worship service.
Drop-ins are always welcome.

The Adult Sunday School class was studying  The Lives of Great Christians, a Teaching Company course taught by Dr. William Cook from the State University of New York.  His focus is on the great practitioners of the Christian faith with more emphasis on their lives than on their writings.

The first lecture is called What Makes a Great Christian? .  This lecture “discusses the difficulties for Christians in ascertaining how to follow Jesus today.  Scripture in translation may not accurately convey Jesus’ works and thoughts, and without that guidance, it’s hard to find our own paths.”  Thus begins our look at some of Christianity’s luminaries.

Please join in at 8:50am Sunday mornings in the Fireside Room.  Come for coffee, tea and conversation.  You are always welcome to join in – no preparation is required, and there is no homework!  Each video session is usually 20-30 minutes which allows for discussion time after.
The video starts at 9am.
Class is over in time for the 10:00 worship service.
Contact Sandy with any questions:

ALL adults are welcome.

About this series:

The followers of Jesus, who came to be called Christians, have practiced and preached their beliefs for centuries.  Their actions and achievements, their abilities and energies, have changed the course of history and the nature of belief.  Many are well known, but many more are obscure or even nameless.  The Lives of Great Christians will introduce you to some of Christianity’s luminaries.  You will know once you meet them why they are great, and you will be interested and inspired by the many ways they found to live lives of faith.


