Campbell UMC Music Ministries
Scroll down to find out about upcoming events and all of the musical groups at Campbell UMC.
For more information on any of the groups in our Music Ministries, please contact our Music Ministries Coordinator at: music[at]campbellunited[dot]org
We began singing in worship again for the new year on Sunday, January 5th, 2025.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 8:00pm on the second floor of the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building. New & prospective members are welcome!
Meet on Sunday mornings in the choir loft of the Sanctuary at 9:15am for warm-up and run-through of the anthem, then sing at the 10:00am service.
For more information, please email the director, Jim Groff at jimgroff[at]campbellunited[dot]org.
Chancel Choir 2024-2025 Season
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 8:00pm on the second floor of the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building. New & prospective members are welcome! We meet on Sunday mornings in the choir loft of the Sanctuary at 9:15am for warm-up and run-through of the anthem, then sing at the 10:00am service.
You can view a list of planned anthems for the season, updated as available. You’ll be able to view/hear helpful versions of the anthems by clicking on the links within the document (see below); both audio links from publishers and YouTube rehearsal links are listed (as available).
For Choir Members:
Click for the 2024-25 sign-out document (incl schedule) to let the director know when you’ll be out.
Here is a PDF document with schedule & listening/viewing links for 2024-2025.
(List will be updated as anthems are scheduled – both YouTube & publisher links are listed in this doc).
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact:
Jim Groff, Chancel Choir Director: jimgroff[at]campbellunited[dot]org.
Joyful Notes Children’s Choir Rehearsal begins Sept 15th, 2024
If you like to sing and have fun, come and join the Joyful Notes Choir on Sundays after Worship from 11:15am-12pm.
The Joyful Notes Choir is open to all children, 1st-8th grade. Throughout the year we will prepare music to sing in worship, play games, have seasonal parties, and sing in our concerts.
Our first rehearsal will be on Sunday, September 15th, 2024 at 11:15am on the second floor of the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building.
After worship, get a snack in the Fellowship Hall and then come join us! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact: Daelene Groff, Director, Joyful Notes Choir, at joyfulnotes[at]campbellunited[dot]org.
Vocal Choirs for Adults
The Chancel Choir leads congregational singing and presents an anthem for 10:00am service each Sunday morning, from the second week of September through June. The Chancel Choir also leads the festival services during Christmas, and plays an important role during Holy Week and Easter. The choir presents concerts during Advent and Lent. The Chancel Choir rehearses regularly on Thursday eves from 8 – 9:30pm and in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 9:15am.
An “impromptu” Gospel Choir first sang at worship services during the summer of 2015, while the Chancel Choir was on hiatus. So popular it was, that this choir will continue to sing occasionally at worship services. The Gospel Choir is open to everyone who would like to sing. No previous choral experience needed – just the desire to sing in a group setting. Come for rehearsal on Sunday mornings from 9 – 9:45am in the Sanctuary, and present the song at worship at 10am. Join in!
Children’s Vocal Choir
The Joyful Notes is the name of the children’s choir of Campbell UMC, with ages ranging from 1st through 8th grade. They rehearse on Sundays after Worship from 11:15am – 12pm, September through May. They bring their gift of song to the worship services 5 to 6 times each year and sing in the Annual Christmas concerts.
Handbell Choirs
The handbell program is a vital ministry in the musical life of Campbell UMC. It provides another avenue for musical expression and fellowship. ALL handbell groups participate during worship services and also present an annual handbell concert in May.
Carillon Choir – Advanced Adult Handbell Choir
The Carillon Choir is a group of advanced handbell ringers that brings special music to Sunday morning services 5 to 6 times each year. They also enhance the worship and musical life of the congregation during Christmas and Lenten observances with this visually pleasing art. The Carillon Choir rehearses regularly on Thursday evenings from 6:45 – 8pm from mid-September through May.
New A’Peal Ringers – Intermediate Adult Handbell Choir
The New A’Peal Ringers are a group of intermediate handbell ringers that bring special music
to Sunday morning services about 3 to 4 times each year.
This group rehearses every other Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30am on a rotating basis.
Highlights from a Handbell Concert:
Children’s Handbell Choirs – postponed for now
The Diamond Ringers ages range from 3rd grade through 8th grade. These young handbell ringers rehearse on Wednesday afternoons from 5 – 5:45pm, mid-September until February. They offer their gift of bell music for worship services 3 to 4 times each year.
The Discovery Ringers is a children’s handbell group (from 4th grade and up) that meets every other Sunday afternoon at 2pm. They perform during the annual handbell concert in the Spring and occasionally during worship. The ability to sightread is required.