Campbell UWF Circles

uwf circles

Campbell United Women in Faith (UWF) General Meetings
(for all Circle members) are held the First Thursday of May and the First Thursday of December in the Fireside Room.
These meetings are followed by refreshments and a program.

Campbell United Women in Faith Circles meet the second or third week of the month, from September through June.
All women are invited to attend.

For more information and to learn more about Circle groups, contact: uwf @

W.A.M. Circle (Wednesday A.M.)

Meets 2nd Wednesdays, 10am
(new meeting place being decided, contact leader or write to: uwf @ for location)
Circle Leader: Susan Lietz Davis

Cereus-Anna Circle (Cereus & Anna circles merged)

Meets 2nd Wednesdays, 1:00pm
in the Fireside Room on CUMC Campus
Circle Leaders: Lou Woodburycatcott, Pamela Eades

Mary Elizabeth Circle

Meets 2nd Thursdays, 9:30am
in the Fireside Room on CUMC Campus
Circle Leaders: Melinda Knepp

Virtuous Women Circle

Meets 3rd Sundays, 11:30am
in the Chapel on CUMC Campus
Circle Leader: Mary Macavoray