Care-Giving Ministries

Here are some of the areas in which we initiate and respond to care needs:

Prayer List

  • By email and published each week in Sunday’s Worship Bulletin.
  • We lift up those who have special needs within our congregation, community, and the wider world. We believe that prayers are healing and helpful, strengthening our community as we come together in our united prayers.


  • Visits, phone calls, notes and spiritual care; ongoing follow-up to pastoral care and care within and beyond the congregation.
  • Holy Communion, an extension of our monthly Sunday morning Communion, taken to homes of those unable to regularly attend church. This experience of Holy Communion can be a true Sacrament for the recipient as well as the giver.
  • Homebound Care: A team of 10 who visits regularly with those from our congregation who have graciously accepted callers into their homes and lives, by personal visits or telephone calls. These relationships have been a strength for both callers and receivers, and is a way to include all within the love of God through the church.
  • Support and consultation for the many within our community who reach out to family and friends who need meals, transportation, a listening ear, a time of comfort and prayer, a friendly visit or phone call.

These are just a few of the many ways our Church community shows we care.

If you or someone you know needs this ministry, please contact:
     or leave a message with the church office at 408-378-3472, extension 23.

Please also contact the team if you would like to discuss your interest and possible involvement in this hands-on and satisfying ministry.