
ministry fair

There are many opportunities in this community to find your place serving others. Watch this site and the Sunday “Blue Addendum” for short-term needs and opportunities, including:

  • Stop Hunger Now events – one-day volunteer events for all ages, packing food to be sent to hungry people all over the world.
  • Second Harvest – give, sort and pack food for hungry people in local communities.
  • Rosemary School – help support families and staff at the elementary school right down the street—by offering school supplies or uniforms or snacks.
  • InnVision dinners – We help provide dinner monthly dinners for the homeless at the Montgomery Street Inn in San Jose. Needs include cooking, delivering and serving.
  • Care-a-vanersUnsponsored retired folks who travel in their RV’s all over the state, and sometimes the country, to do service, building and repair projects on campsites, church facilities and mission and ministry sites.

Art & Spirit Ministry

“We bring them a tiny, tiny bit of hope and they load us up with joy and love!”

The Elmwood Art and Spirit Ministry teams go to the Elmwood County Jail facility on a regular schedule, to lead inmates in art projects that encourage them to explore their own spirituality and sources of hope. Exhibits of the art from the jail have been displayed in public buildings; the current exhibit runs Sept 12-Nov 1, at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles.

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This is an exciting and transformative ministry.
Here’s what volunteers say about their experience:

“This collaboration with our group of amazing and dedicated volunteers is inspiring. Inspiring, too, are the words, works, and expressions of the incarcerated women with whom we work. To feel God guiding our efforts and to see the glorious creations resulting from our collective endeavors bring me great joy. I am humbled and grateful to be a part of this ministry, and I look forward to seeing our outreach flourish.”

“The Elmwood ministry is a reminder to us all that our real “job” in life is to love others without judging; judging is not what God asks us to do. Everyone deserves love and kindness. Where they are, who they are, what they do, or have done is not our spiritual business – it is God’s business and their business. This is great news, and it frees us all to give and love with our whole hearts. Being selective about who we love and care for would only get in the way of connecting with God and loving others… our real job.”

“Working with the women at Elmwood has been an uplifting experience filled with grace. Although they have a tough road ahead of them, they are trying to find a way to better themselves, find hope, and strengthen their faith. They show me what grace looks like in their gratitude, excitement, and willingness to expose their hearts to us all.”

“Working on the jail art ministry team has been such a blessing! Seeing the materials we bring in metamorphose into vibrant works of art and hearing the women’s hopes and prayers amidst their circumstances is a spiritual experience. I believe everyone touched by this ministry has been transformed in a profound and beautiful way.”

“Working with inmates and our team allows me to learn truths about myself, turns my concerns into concrete action and constantly puts me in the presence of God’s forgiving and transforming grace. This healing grace has no bounds. We, inmates and volunteers, are transformed; I am changed.”

For more information, contact:


Caring Ministries at Campbell UMC

Care-giving Ministries at Campbell UMC offers encouragement, Christ-centered care giving, spiritual support and prayer as we seek to work for the good of all to fulfill Jesus’ command to love one another and to bear one another’s burdens.

There are many opportunities at Campbell United Methodist Church both to receive encouragement and support and to minister to others who have needs. Caring Ministries at CUMC offers help as needed and training in the ministry to others.

Care Ministry Team
The Care Ministry Team are laypeople who receive Christian care giving training in the congregation, and provide one-to-one care to hurting people. They can provide care to individuals facing a variety of crises or life challenges such as grief, divorce, cancer, financial difficulties, chronic illness, job loss, disabilities, loneliness, a spiritual crisis, or other life struggles.

Home Communion Servers
Homebound members are visited or called every month and, if they desire, are served communion in their own homes by trained volunteers. This group of volunteers touches the lives of others by sharing one of the most sacred sacraments with them in a loving manner.

Caring for Homebound
The Care Ministry Team visits those who have become homebound. These caring visits demonstrate the giving of care and time to show love and concern.

Hospital Visitation
Persons who are hospitalized and have notified the church they are in the hospital, are visited by the pastor and Care Ministry.

If you would like to serve as a volunteer in any of the Caring Ministries or would like further information about any of the following ministries click the link above, and contact: