PREVIOUS Events and Articles

Special Forum – after Worship March 23rd

Following worship, please stay for a special forum with Rev. Dr. David Vásquez-Levy, President of Pacific School of Religion entitled,  “Regenerating the Ecosystem to Shape What Comes
NEXT in the Church.”

This dynamic conversation will explore how our congregation can act as an incubator for positive change amid our rapidly evolving cultural landscape. You are warmly invited to join us for this meaningful & timely dialogue.


Spirituality in Nature – Meetup: Saturday March 15th, 10:00am

At our February 23rd meeting, we decided
our first nature meetup will be at
Oka Pond (off the Los Gatos Creek Trail).

See this Flyer for more info & RSVP address.

For more information, contact Cliveden Chew Haas: cliveden[at]cliveden[dot]com


Upcoming March Concerts

We will host four concerts during March:

March 8 – SJSU Choirs ~ San Jose State University Choraliers & Concert Choir present their Spring Debut Concert, “Dancing Under the Stars,” on Saturday, March 8th, at 7:30pm in the CUMC Sanctuary.  General Admission $20, Premium Seating $25, Student with ID $10. Tix online & at the door.

March 14 – Next Door Solutions Annual Benefit Concert ~ Help end domestic violence!  Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence is a local shelter for battered women and their children. Their annual fundraiser concert, “For Love,” has been held at Campbell UMC for several years.
Enjoy the music of the Rainbow Chorus, South Bay Military Veterans’ Chorus, Mixed Chorus Kakehashi, Resounding Achord, Crystal Young Men, & STOCapella at 7:30pm on Friday, March 14th in the CUMC Sanctuary. Proceeds benefit Next Door Solutions. Tickets or Donate here.

March 15 – Saratoga Symphony ~ On Saturday, March 15th, at 7:30pm, Saratoga Symphony presents a FREE concert to the public, featuring organist Angela Kaft-Cross on CUMC’s spectacular Schantz organ, and Tchaikovsky’s “other symphony,” the Manfred Symphony. Donations are gratefully accepted to help continue the tradition of offering fine music to the public.

March 16 – Bay Choral Guild ~ Beethoven, Brahms, and Beauty! On Sunday, March 16th, at 4:30pm, Bay Choral Guild presents an exciting vocal concert featuring Beethoven’s Mass in C, Brahms’ rhapsodic Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny), and the premiere of Sanford Dole’s All Is Beauty, based on texts by John Muir, written in celebration of Dole’s 25th anniversary as Artistic Director.
There will be a pre-concert lecture by Sanford Dole at 4:00pm.
Tickets may be purchased online at, or at the door.


PrimeTime – Group for Women – next mtg: March 11th, 6:30pm

PrimeTime is a social group focused on women in the prime of their lives. We have planned a variety of activities that help women build friendships and bond through fun and meaningful interaction.

Find the flyer for the next monthly meeting which will be
Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30pm

At the March episode, we’ll celebrate personal growth
as well as growing our gardens!

The PrimeTime regular meeting date is the 2nd Tuesday of each month; and
we meet in the Wesley Lounge (in the Education Bldg).

Everyone is welcome – find out more & spread the word!
Please write: PrimeTime[at]campbellunited[dot]org to RSVP for the next meeting
and to join our email announcement and Facebook groups.


Ash Wednesday Worship services – March 5th; 12 Noon and 7:00pm

Find a pdf file of all Lenten Services and Studies here.

Join us for a meaningful Ash Wednesday service as we reflect on the call to repentance and renewal found in Joel 2:1-2, 12-17. This sacred time will mark the beginning of the Lenten season – inviting us to pause, seek God’s forgiveness, and prepare our hearts for the journey ahead.

We begin the season with the Ash Wednesday Worship & imposition of ashes, offering two times:
12 Noon and 7:00pm – both in the Chapel.

Come experience a powerful moment of worship, reflection, & the imposition of ashes.
We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you.


Sunday Morning Membership Cohort – after Worship services

We are excited to launch a Membership Cohort open to anyone who wants to explore what it means to be part of Campbell UMC!
Whether you are:
– New to Campbell UMC and interested in learning more about our congregation,
– Transferring from another church and looking to officially join, OR
– Simply curious about our history, The United Methodist Church, and why we are excited to be in ministry together – this is for you!

📅 When: Sundays, thru March 2nd , 2025, after worship
⏳ Time: Each session will be 30 minutes
📍 Where: Campbell UMC (Fireside Room)

You are encouraged to attend all sessions, but we understand that schedules can be busy – come on the Sundays that work for you! We will joyfully welcome new members into our congregation on Sunday, March 9, 2025 – the First Sunday of Lent.
If you or someone you know is interested, please pass the word!
For more information, contact the Church Office at 408.378.3472.
We look forward to this journey of faith, learning, & community together!


Spirituality in Nature – Next Meeting: February 23rd, 11:40am

Stressed?  Burned Out?  Too many items on your “To Do” list?

The natural world helps us slow down, reconnect,
and pay attention to the quiet.

Long before there were churches, synagogues, mosques,
or temples, people experienced God in and through
the natural world.
This old and essential way of opening to the Divine
can be a powerful antidote to the pressures and
busy-ness of our modern world.

On Sunday, February 23rd, at 11:40am everyone interested in exploring Spirituality in Nature is invited to meet in the Wesley Lounge to continue a discussion of how we might encourage and experience Spirituality in Nature here at Campbell UMC or in the wider community

Everyone is welcome — no need to be a church attender!

For more information, contact Cliveden Chew Haas: cliveden[at]cliveden[dot]com
or the church office: office[at]campbellunited[dot]org
or Pastor Theon: pastortheon[at]campbellunited[dot]org


African Fellowship Anniversary: January 26th, 10am

On Sunday, January 26th, please join us in
celebrating 20 years of ministry
to the West African community.

Pastor Dick Corson will be the guest speaker in Worship,
and there will be fabulous food
and fellowship after the service.


Blood Drive – January 25th

Click to Blood Drive info

The American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive on
Saturday, January 25th, from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Help save a life by donating blood!

The need for blood donations is constant, and one of the most urgent priorities is ensuring the blood supply reflects the diversity of patients who depend on it. For individuals with Sickle Cell disease, particularly those from African backgrounds, blood donations from individuals with similar genetics can significantly improve health outcomes and reduce complications.

To schedule your appointment or for more info,
visit to see available times for appointments. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes on appointment day by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions.
If you have questions about eligibility, please call 1-866-236-3276.


Watch Night Service – December 31st, 2024 – 10pm

The Watch Night celebration on December 31st will be a time of reflection upon 2024 and contemplation of the year 2025.
John Wesley developed/adopted this practice for Methodists and by 1862 it had new significance among Africans & African-Americans world-wide.
10 – 11pm: Music, sharing testimonies & stories of God’s goodness.
11pm – 12 midnight: Wesleyan Covenant Service.

Join the Watch Night Service in the Chapel, led by the African Fellowship.


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24th

7:00pm – Harp & Choirs, Carols & Lessons
Service followed by candle-lighting in the courtyard
Silent Night, Holy Night


join us for worship image1st Sunday after Christmas – December 29th

10:00am – Worship with Carol sing
Followed by
Fellowship & Coffee/Tea


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st in the Chapel

10:00pm – Chapel Opens – Stories & Testimonies
11:00pm – Wesleyan Covenant Service Begins –
with the African Fellowship (see more info below)


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 5th, 2024

10:00am – Traditional Worship for Everyone
11:00am – Coffee/Tea & Fellowship


Blue Christmas Service – Saturday, December 21 at 5:00pm in the Chapel

The holiday season is often described as a time of joy & celebration. Yet for many, it can be bittersweet – shadowed by grief, loneliness, or distress. These emotions may surface unexpectedly or loom as the holidays approach. In a world that often pressures us to “put on a happy face,” the church offers a sacred alternative: a space where the fullness of our humanity, including sorrow, is not only welcome but honored.

Through Scripture, prayer, and music, this service will create a space of comfort and solidarity. As Jesus reminds us, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath.” This gathering is an opportunity to rest in God’s presence – embracing the depth of your emotions.
Drawing on the tradition of lament found in the Psalms & Lamentations, we will reflect on how personal & communal grief intertwine– reminding us that we are not alone. Together, we’ll lean on God’s boundless love, trusting that grace meets us in our vulnerability and leads us toward healing.

Come as you are, whether your heart is heavy, your spirit weary, or simply in need of quiet reflection.
You are not alone, and here, you will find sacred community.
We hope you’ll join us for this meaningful time of worship.

Following the service, you are invited to a time of Fellowship in the Fireside Room,
with Christmas cookies and hot beverages.

ALL are invited and welcome. Come as you are.


Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus Holiday Concert – JOURNEY!

The SVGMC performance season begins in the CUMC Sanctuary December 13-15th with JOURNEY; a celebration of wintertime songs and music about the holidays highlighting journeys of all kinds—emotional, physical, and transcendent.

General Admission $35 • Senior $30 • Student $25

Friday, December 13th / 8 PM
Saturday, December 14th / 8 PM
Sunday, December 15th / 3 PM
Get your tickets here.


CUMC Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 8th

The annual Campbell UMC Christmas Concert returned with the sounds of the season on Sunday, December 8th.

Brass & String ensembles, Carillon Handbell Choir, along with the Chancel Choir, African Fellowship Choir, and children’s Joyful Notes Choir performed a repertoire including stirring Christmas overtures and arrangements of traditional carols among secular and contemporary tunes.

If you missed the concert you can now view it here!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Safe Parking at CUMC: November 1 – December 15, 2024

This year our church is again participating in the Safe Parking program– an innovative program where people who do not have permanent housing and are living in their cars are invited to park safely each night for a month at a local church.

We provide parking spots, access to a bathroom overnight, a hospitality room with dinner/snacks, and volunteers who greet the guests in the hospitality room each night. For info, write safeparking [at] campbellunited [dot] org

Here are the ways you can help:

  • Sign up to bring an evening meal to share with our guests & join them in the Hospitality Room.
  • Sign up to bring a nightly treat. The nightly treat could be freshly backed homemade items (cookies), but could also be other items, like Starbucks cards, laundry cards, socks, lotions or gum or some other surprise you’d like to provide.
  • Sign up to bring a breakfast or dinner item on Thanksgiving day.
  • Donate financially to contribute to the snacks, hygiene products and gift bags that we will provide for our guests. Please make the check out to Campbell United Methodist Church (CUMC) and write Homeless Ministry or Church and Society on your check.
  • And welcome our guests with open hearts when you see them here on our campus.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall after Sunday services, or through this online link, or by speaking with one of the Safe Parking Volunteers or pastors.


The Giving Tree

This year we are again participating in the Giving Tree
sponsored by the Salvation Army.

In the foyer of Fellowship Hall there is be a Christmas tree, covered in gift tags. The tags are suggested gifts for a needy child, with a variety of ages and ideas.

You can help make Christmas a little brighter for a child in need,
by taking a tag from the Giving Tree
between November 17th and December 1st.
Take a tag from the tree, buy the suggested age-appropriate gift, and
return the gift unwrapped to the church office by Wednesday, December 4th at 10:00am.

The Giving Tree will be in the foyer of Fellowship Hall through Sunday, December 1st.
Your generosity can make the holidays truly special for a child who has little.


San Jose Symphonic Choir Concert – Elijah!

The San José Symphonic Choir celebrates its 100th Anniversary with an epic concert, performing “Elijah” by Felix Mendelssohn, in the CUMC Sanctuary on Saturday, November 30th, at 5:00pm.

The choir, under the direction of Leroy Kromm, will be accompanied by the San José Baroque Philharmonic Orchestra, and Adrian Cotter on organ. (Campbell UMC was chosen because of the excellent acoustics & organ.)

The evening promises to be a deeply moving journey through one of the most dramatic, inspiring stories of faith ever told. Immerse yourself in the gripping tale of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, brought to life through powerful arias, lush orchestration, and the commanding presence of a full chorus. The music will captivate & transport you. Be part of this extraordinary experience of music and storytelling!

Tickets are $40, General Admission, and $35 for Students/Seniors/Military. Youth 12 and under are free. Tickets are available online here, and will be sold at the door (if not sold out).


Campbell Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Join in on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 7:30pm for an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service coordinated by the
Campbell Ministerial Association and held
at Campbell United Church of Christ,
400 W Campbell Ave, Campbell, 95008

The service will include clergy, congregants, and a joint choir from Campbell UMC, Gotlieb Congregation Sinai, First Congregational Church of SJ, St Lucy’s Parish, Strawberry Park Ward, LDS, and Campbell UCC.

ALL are invited and welcome! Please join us in giving thanks!


UWF 2024 Annual Fundraiser – Order Pick-Up

Thank you to ALL who made our annual fundraiser
such a success!

Orders will be available for pick-up Fri, November 22nd;
Just in time for Thanksgiving!

Come to the Fireside Room to pick up your orders:
FRIDAY, November 22 from Noon-3pm
SATURDAY, November 23 from 10am-Noon

The United Women in Faith seek to improve the lives of women, children, and youth –
locally, nationally, and globally through service and advocacy.
Your purchases help to support our work in missions and outreach.
Thank you for your support!

Find out more on the UWF webpage.


All-Church Work Morning – November 9th

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday,
November 9th from 8:00am – Noon
to ready the Sanctuary for the holidays by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus.

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time.
Tasks for all ages and abilities.
All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
Many hands make light work! Thank you for your support!


UWF 2024 Fundraiser – October

Click to fundraiser details
The United Women in Faith annual fundraiser begins soon!
This year, they will again sell the popular Butter Braid pastries.
Just thaw, rise, & bake and you have a delicious appetizer
or a treat for breakfast, brunch, or dessert.

Different flavors of Wooden Spoon cookie dough
are also available for purchase.
All goodies come frozen – cook them when you want them!

Look for a table in the Fellowship Hall after worship October 6th – 27th to place your orders.

You may also order online if you wish!
Click on individual products to see ingredients, nutrition facts, and add to your cart.
There is a $2 convenience fee when ordering this way.
Find the Online Store here.

Orders will be available for pick-up Fri, November 22nd from noon-3pm and
Sat, November 23rd from 10am-noon; Just in time for Thanksgiving!

The United Women in Faith seek to improve the lives of women, children, and youth –
locally, nationally, and globally through service and advocacy.
Your purchases help to support our work in missions and outreach.


San Jose State Choraliers Concert – Sharing Our Stories

Join the San Jose State University’ Choir in the Sanctuary on October 19th 2024 at 7:30pm to hear their stories!

Come and enjoy pieces by Bach, Handel, Smiley, Hagen, and many more amazing composers! This beautiful concert is the SJSU Choir’s first concert of the 2024/2025 school year.

Tickets can be purchased here.
Students: $10;   General: $25;   Preferred: $30


Safe Parking at CUMC: November 1 – December 15

There will be a brief informational meeting about the
Safe Parking Program following Worship Sunday, Sept 22nd
in the Wesley Lounge.

You are invited to come, speak with prior volunteers, and
find out more about how you can support this important ministry of our church.
The group will meet again on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, and invites others who may be interested in volunteering to host the Hospitality Room to join us that evening via Zoom at 7:30pm.
For info, write to safeparking [at] campbellunited [dot] org

This year our church will again participate in the Safe Parking program– an innovative program where people who do not have permanent housing and are living in their cars are invited to park safely each night for a month at a local church.
We will provide parking spots, access to a bathroom overnight, a hospitality room with dinner/snacks, and volunteers who greet the guests in the hospitality room each night.

Here are the ways you can help:

  • Sign up to bring an evening meal to share with our guests & join them in the Hospitality Room.
  • Sign up to bring a nightly surprise. The nightly surprise could be cookies, but could also be other items, like socks or lotions or gum or some other surprise you’d like to provide.
  • Sign up to bring a breakfast or dinner item on Thanksgiving day.
  • Donate financially to contribute to the snacks, hygiene products and gift bags that we will provide for our guests. Please make the check out to Campbell United Methodist Church (CUMC) and write Homeless Ministry or Church and Society on your check.
  • And welcome our guests with open hearts when you see them here on our campus.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall after Sunday services, through an online link (which will be available soon), or by speaking with one of the Safe Parking Volunteers or pastors.


El Camino Real District Celebration – ALL are Invited

Join the Celebration Saturday, September 14th
from 11am – 2pm
at Wesley UMC in San Jose.
With the theme, Thriving in Community, we’ll celebrate our new Bishop, Sandy Olewine in a wonderful worship service followed by lunch and workshops.

Lunch is gratis, provided by the El Camino Real District.
Worship will be led by Dirk Diamonte of Los Altos UMC, and Rev. Samuel Hong, District Superintendent, will preach.

Choose 2 of 4 workshops:

  1. How can Artificial Intelligence help your church?
  2. An App for your church!
  3. Fingerprinting “how to” workshop (it’s Law now)
  4. Getting your church involved in Mission Work

For more information & to register, visit


Spirituality in Nature Groups (SING)

As we hike through the forest, walk on the beach, or sit beside a stream, the world around us echoes with sacred resonance. Time in nature can offer some of our most moving and meaningful spiritual experiences.

Spirituality in Nature Groups (SINGs) allow us to incorporate these encounters into our regular faith practice. Forming a SING is a wonderful way to engage spiritual formation, build community, reawaken wonder and connection with local ecosystems, and renew commitment to creation justice.

Are you interested in being part of a SING?
Campbell UMC is interested in those who would either
a) like to participate if a group is formed, OR  b) be trained in leading such a group.
If a SING appeals to you, let Pastor Theon know, write to pastortheon

If you are interested in the leadership training, Creation Justice Ministries, in conjunction with the Center for Spirituality in Nature, is offering a 3-hour webinar on forming a SING for local congregations. The webinar is Saturday, September 14th , 10am to 1:00pm, PDT.
The SING workbook was originally written in consultation with a United Methodist congregation, and the training will equip participants with the resources and practices needed to guide each congregation in exploring faith through a deeper connection with creation. The cost of the webinar is $50, and scholarships are available. If you are interested you can find out more and register here.


Youth & Young Adults Ministry Meeting

There will be a general meeting for ALL Youth and Young Adults on September 1st, immediately following the 10am Worship service.

Lunch will be provided, and parents are encouraged to attend.
We kindly ask all parents to motivate their children to participate as their participation is vital for the program’s success and to establish a structure for the Youth and Young Adults Ministry.

The presence of our youth in this forum is not just important, it’s significant. It signifies the role of youth in the future leadership of our church. This platform is not only for  personal growth, but also a contribution to our community.

Thank you to all, especially parents, for your ongoing support. Your involvement is greatly appreciated and makes a significant difference in our community.


Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School began July 7th & will run through Aug 25th!
There will be two classrooms:
– Pre-K to 4th grade; and
– 5th grade through high school.
Many thanks to the “school year” teachers who have been teaching and will now take a well-deserved break; and many thanks to those who have stepped in to teach during the summer!


Pastor Meet & Greet Events 

Campbell UMC church members will be hosting Meet & Greet events with Pastor Theon over the next few weeks.

Stop by Fellowship Hall after Worship to sign up for a Meet and Greet and get to better know Pastor Theon in an informal & intimate setting. All times are 3:00 to 5:00pm.

  • July 28:  Sally Wenzel, in the Wesley Lounge, CUMC
  • Aug   4:  Karen Martin-Keller, in her San Jose home
  • Aug  11:  Susan Giles, in their San Jose home
  • Aug  18: Jane LaPierre, in her San Jose home (limit 10)

Sign up in the Fellowship Hall after Worship on Sundays.
Sign-ups are necessary due to limited space.


All-Church Work Morning – August 10th

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday,
August 10th from 8:00am – Noon
to help clean the Education Building by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus.

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time.
Tasks for all ages and abilities.
All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
Many hands make light work! Thank you for your support!


Meet Our New Pastor

We welcome Pastor Theon Johnson to Campbell UMC!
Pastor Theon’s first Sunday with us will be July 7th.
Please join in the Fellowship Hall for a Luncheon following Worship.
(See photos from the event.)

Campbell SPRC invites our Church Members to host 4 to 5 meet-and-greet events with Pastor Theon. If you are interested in hosting an event either in your home or at the church, please contact Carl or Holly (obtain contact info from the office). Thank you all for supporting Campbell UMC!


Wednesday Bible Study

The Wednesday Bible Study group is on hiatus & will begin again in Sept.
Wednesday Bible Study is continuing to watch together the Yale Course, “New Testament History and Literature
with Dale B. Martin.”
Come join us in exploring together this fascinating history of the New Testament.

We meet on Wednesdays at 10:00-11:30am in the Wesley Lounge.
If you are interested, contact Pastor Ouk-Yean at pastoroukyean@ or just show up for the class on Wednesday at 10am.
You may also join via zoom – write info @ for info.


Playground Closure

The playground will be closed beginning Saturday, June 29th, for approximately 10 days.
Approx. 140 feet of the sidewalk concrete will be removed and replaced due to cracks and damaged areas on the sidewalk. The original sidewalk was done without base rock or rebar, but the new sidewalk will be installed with both so it should last a lot longer without cracking and shifting.
The playground will not be available for use from June 28th until July 8th to give time for the new concrete to set.


Pastor Appreciation/Goodbye Luncheon – June 23rd, 2024

Sunday, June 23rd
will be Pastor Ouk-Yean’s
last Sunday
with us.
Come help us celebrate Ouk-Yean and commemorate
her seven years of ministry among us.
Lunch will be served in Fellowship Hall directly
after the Worship service.

ALL are Welcome and Invited!
Please Join Us!  (See the photos from the event.)


Confirmation Sunday – May 26th, 2024

You are cordially invited to join the celebration
of our Confirmands of 2024!

No Sunday School classes will be held; children will remain in chruch and return to their families after the Word for the Child.

There will be a reception with barbecue held in
the Fellowship Hall following Worship service.

We hope you will join us on this very special day!


SOUTH BAY CROP Walk 2024 – May 19th

Campbell United Methodist Church has organized a team for the 2024 CROP Hunger Walk. Working together, we can end world hunger. That’s why we’re participating in the CROP Hunger Walk to support CWS and help families who are struggling with hunger.

Please join us with your steps and/or your donations.
Together we will provide more meals for the growing number of people in our community who need them and create greater food security in communities around the world.
Will you consider joining the Campbell UMC team or donating to this worthy cause?  Click for details, to donate, & register/invite.
Learn more about CROP Hunger Walks here.

We’ll join with Almaden Hills UMC, Willow Glen UMC, Wesley United, and others for the walk.
Join us for a beautiful walk followed by root beer floats!
Registration and visiting starts at 12:30pm at Almaden Hills UMC.
Walk kick-off and start at 1:00pm. If you are interested in signing up to walk, to sponsor a walker, or donate, you may do so online (link above) or contact Charlie Slayman.  Come by the Crop Walk table during Fellowship time on Sundays to sign up or for more information.

CROP stands for “Christian Rural Overseas Program,” and it began in 1947 under the auspices of Church World Service.  The primary mission was for Midwestern farmers to share their grain with war-ravaged Europe, which continued on food rationing for several years after WWII ended.  As Europe stabilized, CROP continued in the form of Hunger Walks which raise awareness of hunger issues, and which solicit donations to ameliorate them.

CUMC has participated in CROP Hunger Walk since the South Bay Walk began in 1977.  Since 1993, the first year donations were tracked by region, our communities have raised over $2 million through 70+ local groups.  We walk to respond to resource shortages, to protect and provide for our vulnerable, to build sustainable community, and to show solidarity in a time of divisiveness.


Bright Days Silent Auction Fundraiser

The Bright Days Preschool Annual Auction Fundraiser
begins Sunday, April 14th!

The bidding tables will be in the Education building during the weeks of the auction. There are many wonderful items on which you can bid on Sundays, April 14, 21, and 28.

Mark your name, phone number, and bid amount on the bid sheet corresponding to the auction item. Highest bidder at auction close wins the item.
Winners do not have to be present.

As part of the auction fun, there will be a Family Fun Day on Saturday, April 20th,
from 10:00am – 1:00pm
 with games, activities, & crafts.

On Thursday, April 25th, parents can enjoy a Parents’ Night Out Live Bidding Event
with a Taco Bar, from 6:00 – 9:00pm. (offsite).

Proceeds support the Bright Day Preschool improvement projects and the Bright Days Financial Aid Fund to assist families with tuition cost during times of financial hardship.

The bidding closes Monday, April 29th at 9:00am.
Thank you for your support!


Blood Drive – April 6th

Click to Blood Drive info

The American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive on
Saturday, April 6th, from 8:00am to 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
In this season of resurrection and new life, help save a life by donating blood!

To schedule your appointment or for more info,
visit to see available times for appointments. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes on appointment day by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions.
If you have questions about eligibility, please call 1-866-236-3276.


Easter Photos

See the beautiful photos
from our glorious, joyful Easter celebrations
on March 31st.

We thank all who participated in making it
a very special Resurrection Day!
Hallelujah! He is Risen, Indeed!


Decorate the Easter Floral Butterfly Cross

On Easter Sunday, we will have a floral cross on display between the Sanctuary and Chapel, and you are invited to add a beautiful butterfly
to the cross.

On March 17th and 24th, butterfly outlines will be included with the worship bulletins (click here to print at home, use cardstock). Cut it out of the template, and decorate in any way you want –
have fun and make the most beautiful butterfly you can.

On Easter Sunday, bring the butterfly with you to church and use the provided floral wire to attach the butterfly to the cross prior to Worship. The cross will be on display for passersby to admire,
and to remind all of resurrection and transformation.


Palm SundayMarch 24th – 10:00am
in the Sanctuary
Joyful Sunday Worship service with palms;
Chancel & Children’s Choirs with special guests,
celebration, and loud hosannas!

Good Friday – March 29th – 12:00pm Noon in the Sanctuary
A Tenebrae-style service of music, scripture,
shadow, and darkness,
adding to the mood of this day.

Easter SundayMarch 31st
Click here for an Invitation to Share with others

10:00am – Worship service with Flowers, Brass, Choirs —
it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!

10:15am – Make sure your children are in Sunday School for the Easter Egg Hunt, which will take place ~10 minutes before classes end. Weather permitting, the Egg Hunt will be on the playground. If raining, the hunt will take place in the Education Building.


Easter Brunch in Fellowship Hall after Worship service,
hosted by our youth. There will be pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, orange juice, coffee, and tea. You won’t want to miss it!


** Click for Alternative Parking Areas for Campbell UMC **


The Season of Lent: February 14th – March 31st

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14th,
one of the most holy seasons of the church year.
It is a time when we draw closer to God by emulating Jesus Christ, when we focus on God’s love shown to us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, when we repent of our wrongdoings and contemplate our mortality, and when we open ourselves in humble gratitude for the gift of eternal life.

You are invited to make Lent an impactful season this year by
observing all its rich traditions and meanings.
Find the Daily Lenten Readings here.


Upcoming March Concerts

We will host three concerts the weekend of March 15th – 16th:

The Next Door Benefit Concert will be 7:30pm Friday, March 15th, and includes several local choral groups; hosted by Orchard City Community Chorus. The annual For Love concert is a fundraiser for Next Door Solutions to domestic violence.

Schola Cantorum is holding a St. Patrick’s Day concert, “Celtic Celebrations,” on
Saturday afternoon, March 16th, 3:00pm, which will feature our wonderful Schantz organ.
Find the concert info & tickets here.

San Jose State School of Music will have a concert Saturday evening at 7:30pm,
featuring Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna. Find info and tickets here.


Ash Wednesday – February 14th

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14th, one of the most holy seasons of the church year. It is a time when we draw closer to God by emulating Jesus Christ, when we focus on God’s love shown to us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, when we repent of our wrongdoings and contemplate our mortality, and when we open ourselves in humble gratitude for the gift of eternal life.
We begin the season with the imposition of ashes, and offer two times for that observance:

  1. A drop-in opportunity any time between 12 – 1:00pm in the Chapel. You can have a time of prayer and meditation in addition to receiving ashes.
  2. An evening service in the Chapel at 7:30pm which will include hymns, prayers, a message, and the imposition of ashes.

You are invited to make Lent an impactful season this year by
observing Ash Wednesday in all its rich traditions and meanings.
Find the Daily Lenten Readings here.


All-Church Work Morning – February 10th

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday,
Feb 10th from 8:00am – Noon
to help clean the Fellowship Hall & Kitchen by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus.
We’ll also take care of some other neglected areas around campus.

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time. Tasks for all ages and abilities.
All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
Many hands make light work! Thank you for your support!


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve – Sunday, December 24th

10:00amMorning Worship with choirs
7:30pm – Lessons & Carols, Choirs
Service followed by candle-lighting in the courtyard


NYE Sunday Morning – December 31st

10:00am – Worship with special music
Followed by
Christmas Cookies & Fellowship


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st in the Chapel

10:00pm – Chapel Opens – Choruses & Testimonies
11:00pm – Wesleyan Covenant Service Begins –
with the African Fellowship (see more info below)


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 7th, 2023

10:00am – Traditional Worship for Everyone
11:00am – Coffee & Fellowship


Watch Night Service – December 31st, 2023 – 10pm

The Watch Night celebration on December 31st will be a time of reflection upon 2023 and contemplation of the year 2024.
John Wesley developed and adopted this practice for Methodists and by 1862 it took on a new significance among Africans and African Americans around the world.
10 – 11pm: Music, sharing of testimonies &
stories of God’s goodness and mercies.
11pm – 12 midnight: Wesleyan Covenant Service.

Join the Watch Night Service in the Chapel, led by the African Fellowship.


If you’d like to help make the Sanctuary joyous & beautiful for our  Christmas worship services by donating a poinsettia in honor of
or in memory of someone, click here for the poinsettia donation form.

Please return the form to the office by Monday, Dec 18th.


SVGMC – Annual Holiday Concert: Dec 8-10th

Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus 41st season launches at Campbell UMC with their holiday concert, Together. In addition to traditional Yuletide fare and some unexpected merry jewels, they will debut a world premiere piece by African American composer Reginal S. Wright that highlights kinship and community.
Friday, December 8th / 8 PM
Saturday, December 9th / 8 PM
Sunday, December 10th / 3 PM

Tickets may be purchased at the door, or online HERE.


Support the Safe Parking Program: Nov 1 – Dec 15

This November, and now extended through December 15th, Campbell UMC is again participating in the Safe Parking Program– an innovative program where people who do not have permanent housing and are living in their cars are invited to park safely each night for a month at a local church.

We will provide parking spots, access to a bathroom overnight, a hospitality room with snacks, dinners, and volunteers who greet the guests in the hospitality room each night.

Find the signup sheet during Coffee Fellowship or sign up online! (link deprecated)


CUMC Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 3rd, 4pm

Click for shareable flyer

The Campbell UMC Christmas Concert returns with the sounds of the season on Sunday, December 3rd at 4:00pm.

Brass & String ensembles, Carillon Handbell Choir, along with the Chancel Choir, African Fellowship Choir, and children’s Joyful Notes Choir will perform a repertoire that includes stirring Christmas overtures and arrangements of traditional carols among secular and contemporary tunes.

The concert is free and open to the public.
A festive reception will follow the concert.
Click for the Concert Flyer, and find the shareable Facebook event here.
(If you missed the concert, you can view it here.)

ALL Welcome; we hope you will join us!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


The Giving Tree

This year we are again participating in the Giving Tree
sponsored by the Salvation Army.

Beginning Sunday, November 12th, there will be a Christmas tree in the foyer of Fellowship Hall, covered in gift tags. The tags are suggested gifts for a needy child, with a variety of ages and ideas.

You can help make Christmas a little brighter for a child in need,
by buying a gift from the Giving Tree between November 12th and December 3rd.
Take a tag from the tree, buy the suggested age-appropriate gift, and
return the gift unwrapped to the church office by Monday, December 4th at 10:00am.

The gifts will be put in a “toy store” at the Salvation Army main office,
and parents will come and pick out gifts for their children.

The Giving Tree will be in the foyer of Fellowship Hall through Sunday, December 3rd.
Your generosity can make the holidays truly special for a child who has little.


The Holidays are Coming – Orchard City Community Chorus Concert

Click for OCCC website

Orchard City Community Chorus brings their Christmas program to Campbell UMC on Saturday, December 2nd, at 7:30pm.
The concert will feature classic and traditional holiday songs, both secular and spiritual. To hear samples of their music visit their Video/Audio page.

Tickets may be purchased at the door, or online here.

In lieu of sending out tickets, there will be a list of all tickets sold online at the Will Call/Ticket sales desk when you enter the church.


Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service – Connected by Gratitude

The Campbell Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is sponsored by the Campbell Ministerial Association. Each year, this community worship service seeks to bring people together for a time of worship and fellowship in the week of the national holiday. ALL are Welcome!

This year, the service will be on Sunday, November 19th, 7:00pm at 925 Cera Drive, San Jose; hosted by Strawberry Park Ward,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It will be an evening of people of different faiths coming together to express gratitude individually and corporately and commit to serve others in need.  Participating churches include Campbell United Church of Christ, Campbell United Methodist Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Congregation Sinai, First Congregational Church of San Jose, St. Lucy’s Catholic Parish.  A combined choir will sing, and offerings will be taken for the homeless ministry within the city of Campbell. There will be a reception after the worship service.

Everyone is encouraged to bring an item for the Second Harvest Food Barrels to share with those in need.
It will be a wonderful way to start our Thanksgiving celebrations as we move into the Holiday season.


Majestic Masses! – Bay Choral Guild Concert

The Bay Choral Guild opens their season with Majestic Masses! celebrating two stellar works by Mozart and Schuman in the CUMC Sanctuary on Friday, November 17th, at 8:00pm.

There will be a pre-concert talk at 7:30pm by Sanford Dole, the Artistic Director of Bay Choral Guild.
Tickets may be purchased at the door, or online at

Franz Schubert’s youthful Mass No. 2 in G. Composed in less than a week in March 1815, it has become the best known of his three short Mass settings.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Mass in C minor, K. 427 is considered one of his greatest works. The incomplete version was composed while Wolfgang was in Vienna courting his then fiancée, Constanze, who was the soprano soloist at the work’s 1783 premiere in Salzburg. Bay Choral Guild presents the reconstruction and completion by Helmut Eder.


UWF 2023 Annual Fundraiser – Order Pick-Up

Thank you to ALL who made our annual fundraiser
such a success!

Orders will be available for pick-up Fri, November 17th;
Just in time for Thanksgiving!

Come to the Fireside Room to pick up your orders:
FRIDAY, November 17 from Noon-3pm
SATURDAY, November 18 from 10am-Noon

The United Women in Faith seek to improve the lives of women, children, and youth –
locally, nationally, and globally through service and advocacy.
Your purchases help to support our work in missions and outreach.
Thank you for your support!

Find out more on the UWF webpage.


Annual Autumn Festival – October 29th

On Sunday, October 29th, from 2 to 5pm in the Fellowship Hall, the whole family is invited to enjoy games, crafts, activities, and refreshments celebrating the autumn season.
Costumes are encouraged!  Parents who are able should join their children for the fun!

If you/your child needs a ride, please contact the church office: office@, or 408-378-3472.

Come join the fun!  Bring a friend!  All Welcome!


All-Church Salad Potluck – Sept 10th, 2023

We will celebrate the new sanctuary lighting and the return of our choirs with Salad Potluck after Worship service on Sunday, September 10th.

Please bring a bowl of your favorite salad to share with your church family. It can be any kind – with meat, without meat, pasta, vegetables, fruits. Hot and cold drinks, along with cups, plates, napkins, and utensils will be provided.

Please plan to drop off your food in the Fellowship Hall before going to worship. Members of Wednesday Bible Study (September Coffee Hour Host) will be there to guide you.


All-Church Work Morning – Sept 9th, 2023

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday, Sept 9th from
8am to noon
to help clean the Education Building by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus. These spaces get a lot of use all year long!
There will also be some other grounds maintenance work to be done.

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time.
There will be tasks for all ages and abilities.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.

Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Youth Sunday School for Summer 2023 – 18 June thru 3 September

During the summer, Sunday School will move to a one-room
school house
with all grades together & two teachers in the room.

If you are interested in volunteering to help with Sunday School classes,
please contact cumcfamilies

We’d love your help with this children’s ministry!

(No Nursery Care is currently offered.)

A big thank you to all the teachers and volunteers that helped out with
Sunday School during the academic year!


African Bazaar – Sunday, June 25, 2023, 11am-5pm

The Virtuous Women’s circle of the United Women in Faith (UWF) of Campbell UMC will hold an African Bazaar after a festive Thanksgiving Worship on Sunday, June 25th.
For our Thanksgiving service, previous pastor at Campbell UMC, Rev. Kathie McShane, with preach.

The bazaar will begin in the Fellowship Hall after worship, & continue to 5:00pm. There will be delicious food; and items for sale will include African crafts, clothing, and shoes.

All proceeds will be donated to the church budget.
Cash/checks accepted.


SVGMC Ruby-Versary Concert – Friday, June 16th, 2023

Click image for tickets

Join Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus in the Hammer Theater in downtown San Jose for a one-night-only celebration of all things 1983, the year SVGMC was founded.
The repertoire will feature songs that were popular in 1983, music from our first season, pieces by musicians who were born in 1983, and a special performance by our current roster of singers & alumni from the past 40 years.

The concert will be streamed live for all of our friends & family unable to join us in person for SVGMC’s milestone concert celebration. To purchase tickets or streaming access, visit here.


Orchard City Community Chorus Spring Concert

click for info & ticketsOn Friday, June 9th, at 7:30pm in the CUMC Sanctuary,
the Orchard City Community Chorus will give their
final concert of the 2022-2023 season.
The concert theme is,
“Be the Change You Want to See in the World!”

Purchase the $25 tickets online or at the door.

Admission is free for youth 12 and under..


CROP Walk 2023 – May 21st – You can still donate

Campbell United Methodist Church has organized a team for the 2023 CROP Hunger Walk. Working together, we can end world hunger. That’s why we’re participating in the CROP Hunger Walk to support CWS and help families who are struggling with hunger.

Please join us with your steps and/or your donations.
Together we will provide more meals for the growing number of people in our community who need them and create greater food security in communities around the world.
Will you consider joining the Campbell UMC team or donating to this worthy cause?  Click for details, to donate, & register/invite.
Learn more about 2023 South Bay CROP Hunger Walk here.

We’ll join with Almaden Hills UMC, Wesley United, and others for the walk.
Join us for a beautiful walk followed by root beer floats!
Registration and visiting starts at 12:30pm at Almaden Hills UMC.
Walk kick-off and start at 1:00pm. If you are interested in signing up to walk, to sponsor a walker, or donate, you may do so online (link above) or contact Charlie Slayman.  Come by the Crop Walk table during Fellowship time on Sundays to sign up or for more information.

CROP stands for “Christian Rural Overseas Program,” and it began in 1947 under the auspices of Church World Service.  The primary mission was for Midwestern farmers to share their grain with war-ravaged Europe, which continued on food rationing for several years after WWII ended.  As Europe stabilized, CROP continued in the form of Hunger Walks which raise awareness of hunger issues, and which solicit donations to ameliorate them.

CUMC has participated in CROP Hunger Walk since the South Bay Walk began in 1977.  Since 1993, the first year donations were tracked by region, our communities have raised over $2 million through 70+ local groups.  We walk to respond to resource shortages, to protect and provide for our vulnerable, to build sustainable community, and to show solidarity in a time of divisiveness.


Mixed Chorus Kakehashi Annual Spring Concert

click for infoCampbell UMC is pleased to host the Mixed Chorus Kakehashi
Spring Concert at 5:30pm on Sunday, May 21st, in the Sanctuary.

Mixed Chorus Kakehashi will present a variety of music including original & pop songs, as well as other choral numbers.

Join in for a pleasant evening with tunes for all ages.

Admission is FREE.


All-Church Work Morning – May 6

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday, May 6th from
8am to noon
to help spruce up the Fellowship Hall, Fireside Room, & Kitchen by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus. These spaces get a lot of use all year long!

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time.
There will be tasks for all ages and abilities.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.

Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Bright Days Spring Auction Fundraiser

In January a large tree fell on the playground, damaging the playhouse, storage shed, and exterior fencing. The 2023 Spring Auction Fundraising goal is $25,000 to help cover the cost of repairs. and improvements on the playground.
Your support is greatly appreciated!

  • Donations due by Thursday, April 13th
  • Auction bidding begins Sunday, April 23rd, Education Bldg.
  • Family Fun Day: Saturday, April 29th, playground
  • Final Bidding & Auction Close: Monday, May 7th


Annual UWF Tea – April 30, 2023 at 11:30am (after church).

On Sunday, April 30th, join the United Women in Faith for their annual tea, in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am.  Enjoy delicious teas and treats, beautiful table settings, and an inspiring speaker.

Please be our guest and enjoy a lovely afternoon of tea, treats and wonderful conversation with ladies from various UWF Circles.

Baskets filled with treasures will be available through your charitable donations.  The proceeds from the Silent Auction will benefit the YMCA Project Cornerstone.

Basket viewing will begin at 11:30am, and the Tea will be from 12 noon to 2pm.
We hope you will join us for this very special event!UMW_Luncheon_Tea_edit

Please RSVP:
You may ONLY sign up on Sundays in the courtyard during Fellowship Time after Worship no later than Sunday, April 23rd.
Your RSVP will help us to set a place for every guest.

Please let us know should you need child care.


AGO Organ Concert with Dr. Thomas Sheehan

Campbell UMC is pleased to host the AGO Spring Organ Concert, featuring Dr. Thomas Sheehan, organist at the National Cathedral, Washington, D.C., at 4:00pm on Sunday, April 23rd, in the CUMC Sanctuary.
On the 30th anniversary of the organ installation, it remains one of the best in the South Bay, and was specifically chosen by the American Guild of Organists (AGO).
Use this event to invite friends and family!

The concert will be followed by a festive reception
in the Fellowship Hall.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear one of the
premiere organists in the country!

Admission: General – $25; Seniors & AGO Members: $10; 17 & under: free


Palm SundayApril 2nd, 10:00am
in the Sanctuary
Joyful Sunday Worship service with palms; Chancel & Children’s Choirs with special guests, celebration, and loud hosannas!

Maundy Thursday – April 6th, 7:30pm in the Chapel
The final Taizé service of music, prayer, and contemplation; as we prepare for the coming days.

Good Friday – April 7th, 7:30pm in the Sanctuary
A Tenebrae-style service of music, scripture, shadow, and darkness, adding to the mood of this day.

Easter SundayApril 9th – Click here for Invitation to Share with others
10:00am – Worship service with Flowers, Brass, Choirs — it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!
10:45am – Easter Egg Hunt for children – the last 10 minutes of Sunday School time.
11:00am – Easter Brunch coffee hour & fellowship.

** Click for Alternative Parking Areas **


Taizé Lenten Services in the Chapel

Maundy Thursday – April 6th,  6:30pm.Lent is a time in which we are invited to set aside life’s demands, and dedicate ourselves to receiving the fullness of being a follower in Christ. We can blindly walk through this season abstaining from chocolate or some other pleasure only to miss His true promise. This year, let us do something different and more intentional by using the time God has given us to be with God in prayer.

Each Thursday during the forty days of Lent, we will come together in the chapel to deepen our life in Christ. Service begins at 6:30pm and typically lasts no longer than forty minutes. This candle-lit service includes prayer, simple music, times of silence and contemplation, and inspirational readings.
Song refrains are sung many times over, each a step towards a deeper connection with the Divine.
You may use this link to invite others with our Facebook event(s).
Let us journey together this Lent in a prayer of the heart:

Bless the Lord my soul and bless God’s holy name.
Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me into life.


Campbell Community Blood Drive

click to Red Cross Blood DonationOn Saturday, April 1st, from 9am – 3pm, Campbell UMC will host a Blood Drive for the Red Cross in the Fellowship Hall.

To schedule your appointment or for more information visit and in the Find a Blood Drive box,
enter sponsor zip code: 95008 and scroll to the CUMC April 1st drive.

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-866-236-3276.


For Love – Annual Benefit Concert for NextDoor Solutions

Click for tickets or to donate

~ Friday, 17 March, 7:30pm ~

Join the Orchard City Community Chorus along with Rainbow Women’s Chorus, South Bay Veterans Chorus, Resounding Achord, and the Crystal Children’s Choirs as they present in the CUMC Sanctuary, “For Love,” a benefit concert for Next Door Solutions. This is a fun and energetic event, and raises money for a wonderful cause.

Donate or purchase $25 tickets here or at the door.


The Light We Cast – San Jose State Choraliers & Concert Choir

Click for info & tickets

~ Saturday, 18 March, 7:30pm ~

Join the SJSU Choirs in their first concert of the year: The Light We Cast. You’ll hear music by Florence B. Price, Felix Mendelssohn, Eric Whitacre, Reena Esmail, Saunder Choi, Jessica Curry; and preview their setting of “Considering Mathew Sheppard.”

You’ll be inspired and uplifted – a concert not to be missed!
A reception will follow the concert.
Tickets $5-20.  Purchase in advance here or at the door.


NCUMC Valentine Dinner February 11th – fundraiser

Avoid restaurant overcrowding by taking your sweetheart to the Valentine’s Dinner hosted by New Creation UMC, on Saturday, February 11th, at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. The dinner is $30 per person, and is a fundraiser for youth mission trips this summer.

All Campbell UMC members are welcome to participate!
Reserve your space by sending an RSVP to hyoukjin2 @


Candy Sale by Youth Group – fundraiser

Is there someone special you want to get a Valentine gift for? If so, the youth volunteering with Sierra Service Project this summer can help you out. Our Youth Group will be selling Sees Valentine Candy during coffee hour January 22nd and 29th. Stop by their table and place your order (you need to pay when you order).
The candy will be ready to pickup on February 5th after worship.

There are ten youth and two adults participating in Sierra Service Project this summer. In June they will be heading to Sacramento County for a week of service: helping with home repairs for low income residents, installing drought-tolerant landscaping and helping with neighborhood beautification. Fundraising helps to offset the costs of the trip which includes rental cars, gas, and participation fees. Thank you for your support!


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve – Saturday, December 24th

7:30pm – Lessons & Carols, Choirs
Service followed by candle lighting in the courtyard


Christmas Sunday – December 25th

10:00am – Worship with special music
Followed by Christmas Cookies & Fellowship


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st in the Chapel

10:00pm – Chapel Opens – Choruses & Testimonies
11:00pm – Wesleyan Covenant Service Begins – with the African Fellowship


New Year’s Day Sunday Service – January 1st, 2023

10:00am – Traditional Worship & Communion
11:00am – Coffee & Fellowship


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 8th, 2023

10:00am – Traditional Worship for Everyone
11:00am – Coffee & Fellowship


Watch Night Service – December 31st, 2022 – 10pm

The Watch Night celebration on December 31st will be a time of reflection upon 2022 and contemplation of the year 2023.
John Wesley developed and adopted this practice for Methodists and by 1862 it took on a new significance among Africans and African Americans around the world.
10 – 11pm: Music, sharing of testimonies &
stories of God’s goodness and mercies.
11pm – 12 midnight: Wesleyan Covenant Service.

Join the Watch Night Service in the Chapel, led by Pastor Ouk-Yean & the African Fellowship.


Watch the Annual Christmas Concert from Sunday, December 4th, 2022

This year, the Annual Christmas Concert was live-streamed!

If you were unable to attend in-person, we streamed the concert on our usual channels: our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
You will find a link to the concert program in the description.
Direct links:  Concert on Facebook  –  Concert on YouTube

We hope you’ll enjoy the sights, sounds, and uplifting music of this joyous season.
Next year, we hope you will join us in person!
(the concert is always the first Sunday in December)

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Annual Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 4th, 4pm

The Annual Christmas Concert is here!
The Campbell UMC Christmas Concert returns with the sounds of the season on Sunday, December 4th at 4:00pm.

A string ensemble, the Menlo Brass ensemble, along with the Chancel Choir and children’s Joyful Notes Choir will perform a repertoire that includes stirring Christmas overtures and arrangements of traditional carols among secular and contemporary tunes.

The concert is free and open to the public.

Use our Facebook event or this flyer to invite family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy
the sights, sounds, and uplifting music of this joyous season.
ALL Welcome; we hope you will join us!
If you are unable to join us in person, you may view the concert streaming on our Facebook page
and YouTube channel. Find a link to the concert program in the description.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Church Charge Conference

You are invited to attend the annual “State of the Church” meeting
THIS Sunday, November 27th, immediately following worship in the Fireside Room.
The membership report and pastoral compensation packages will be presented.
All church members are encouraged to attend.

NOTE: The Monthly Church Council Meeting will be held
Wednesday, Nov 30th via zoom.


The Giving Tree

This year we are again participating in the Giving Tree
sponsored by the Salvation Army.
You can help make Christmas a little brighter for a child in need, by buying a gift from the Giving Tree between November 13th and December 4th. Take a tag from the tree, buy the suggested age-appropriate gift, and return the gift unwrapped to the church office by Monday, December 5th at 10:00am.

You can also shop online at Walmart using the Salvation Army’s Gift Registry or
you can purchase Walmart SCRIP from the church. Gift cards will be turned in along with the toys.

The Giving Tree will be in the foyer of Fellowship Hall through Sunday, December 4th.
Your generosity can make the holidays truly special for a child who has little.


Hail Cecilia! – Bay Choral Guild Concert

Hail Cecilia! is a concert celebrating the patron saint of music, and presented by the Bay Choral Guild in the CUMC Sanctuary on
Saturday, December 3rd, at 8:00pm.

A featured piece will be A Song for St. Cecilia, a setting of a poem by John Dryden, 1687, with music composed four years ago by Bay Choral Guild director Sanford Dole. A special note of interest is that the organist for the piece, Tim Getz, is a friend of CUMC’s former Music Director, Andrew Birling! Tickets may be purchased at the door, or online at


Safe Parking at CUMC in November – the gratitude month

This November, our church will again participate in the Safe Parking program– an innovative program where people who do not have permanent housing and are living in their cars are invited to park safely each night for a month at a local church.
We will provide parking spots, access to a bathroom overnight,
a hospitality room with snacks, and volunteers who greet the guests in the hospitality room each night.

Here are the ways you can help:

  • Sign up to bring cookies. We’ll be offering freshly baked homemade cookies to our guests
    every other day for the month of November.
  • Sign up to bring a breakfast or dinner item on Thanksgiving day.
  • Bring an evening meal to share with our guests and join them in the Hospitality Room.
  • Contribute new or gently used jackets for the Amigos de Guadalupe Jacket Drive that will benefit our guests.  Men’s and Women’s sizes large or extra-large, and children’s jackets are much appreciated.
  • Donate financially to contribute to the snacks, hygiene products and gift bags that we will provide for our guests. Please make the check out to Campbell United Methodist Church (CUMC) and
    write Homeless Ministry or Church and Society on your check.
  • Contribute a car to Amigos de Guadalupe.  If, by any chance, you know of or have a used car that might be contributed, consider this very generous gift for someone who is using their car as a home.
  • And welcome our guests with open hearts when you see them here on our campus.

Sign up in Fellowship Hall after Sunday services, through this online link, or by speaking with one of the Safe Parking Volunteers or pastors.


Butter Braids & Cookie Orders from UWF

Click to fundraiser detailsIt’s nearly time to pick up Butter Braids & Cookie Dough!
They will be delivered Friday, Nov 18th.  You can pick up your orders
that day in the church parking lot from noon-3pm

Orders will also be available for pick up Saturday Nov 19th from 10am-noon. If you will not pick up Friday Nov 18th, please let Melinda know (melinda.knepp @ as these are frozen items and we will need to make sure that we have freezer space for them.

Thank you for supporting United Women in Faith!


Autumn Festival – Sunday, October 30th

On Sunday, October 30th, from 5:00 – 7:00pm
join the fun at the annual Autumn Festival.

Come to the Fellowship Hall for games, crafts, food, and treats;
costumes optional but encouraged!
Sponsored by New Creation UMC.

ALL are welcome!


All-Church Work Morning

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship on Saturday, October 15th from 8am to noon to help prepare the Sanctuary & Chapel for the upcoming season by doing some of the deep cleaning that our wonderful custodian cannot do in the limited time she has on campus. These buildings get a lot of use during November and December – as well as all year!

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time.
There will be tasks for all ages and abilities.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.

Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Wonder Workers Celebration – Sunday, October 2nd

Click to celebration info

Celebrate the Wonder Workers!
Since 1994, a faithful group of volunteers has met at the church every Wednesday, to help with repairs, grounds-keeping, and for many years, newsletter mailings, and much more. In the early years, the Wednesday Wonder Workers (or WWW) were at church the first three Wednesdays of the month, and sorted food at Second Harvest on the last Sunday.

To honor their ongoing and selfless service, there will be a luncheon in their honor after worship, on Sunday, October 2nd. In the words of Sept 25th’s worship service, they have “Gone and Labored On” faithfully. We are so blessed to have them in our midst.


Youth Sunday School 

Regular Sunday School classes began again on Sept 11th, and will be divided up into 4 classes in 3 classrooms as follows:

  •  Preschool-1st grade: one teacher+one assistant
  • 2nd – 7th grade: one classroom with
    one teacher for 2nd-3rd and one teacher for 4th-7th grade
  • 8th grade – High School: one teacher

No Nursery Care is currently offered.

Find the Sunday School Registration Form here.
We are currently looking for 2 more volunteers to help teach any grade on a rotational basis.
Please contact  cumcfamilies if you are interested.


African Bazaar – Sunday, June 26, 2022, 11am-5pm

The Virtuous Women’s circle of the United Women in Faith (UWIF, formerly UMW) of Campbell UMC will hold an African Bazaar after worship on Sunday, June 26th.
The bazaar will include African crafts, clothing, shoes, and food for sale.

The bazaar will begin in the Fellowship Hall after worship, & continue to 5:00pm. All proceeds will be donated to the church budget. Cash/checks accepted.

See their video telling/showing all about it!


Honoring Our 2022 Graduates

graduate imageWe will honor our Graduates on Sunday, June 19th, and we’d like to recognize your efforts! Send us the following:

– Name & picture of graduate
– School from which they’re graduating
– Plans after graduation (if known)

Please send the above information for graduates to office @ before June 11th to be included in the bulletin & service.


Campbell Community Blood Drive

click to Red Cross Blood DonationOn Thursday, June 9th, from9am – 3pm, Campbell UMC will host a Blood Drive for the Red Cross in the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building – 3rd floor.

To schedule your appointment or for more information visit and in the Find a Blood Drive box,
enter sponsor zip code: 95008.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-866-236-3276.


Concert: O Sing Joyfully! – Friday, June 3rd, 8:00pm

On Friday, June 3rd, at 8:00pm, the Bay Choral Guild will hold a concert in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, highlighting the upbeat side of the vocal arts with a selection of works spanning the centuries. From Orlando Lassus, to Adolphus Hailstork, and all eras in between, your spirits will be lifted as you feel the power of music to uplift.

The program will close with a medley of songs from Roger & Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!”
There will be a pre-concert talk at 7:30pm by Artistic Director Sanford Dole. Tickets are available at the door or online. Online purchases have a discount for advance purchases: $30 General Admission; $25 Seniors; and $10 Students (with ID). If purchased at the door, General Admission is $35, and Senior Admission is $30.


Tenting of the Sanctuary – May 23-28, 2022

tent imageThe south driveway will be closed Monday morning for the crane that will place the tarps on the Sanctuary,
so all traffic must be in and out of the north driveway.

On Monday, May 23rd, the Sanctuary was tented so the structure can be treated for termites. It’s quite a sight. See some PHOTOS here!
Due to the toxicity of the chemical being used, there will be
NO ACCESS to the Sanctuary between May 23rd and May 28th.
PG&E will shut off electricity and gas, restoring it on May 28th after venting.
We anticipate all going well for the return to worship Sunday, May 29th.


CANCELLED: Blessing of the Animals/Pets – Saturday, May 21st, 10am-Noon

click to sign up for Blessing of the Animals/Pets

Due to lack of signups, we have regretfully decided to
CANCEL THE EVENT originally scheduled for
Saturday, May 21st.

We will reschedule a Blessing of Pets event
for another date in the future.


Concert: The British Invasion – Friday, May 20th, 7:30pm

click to purchase concert tickets
Orchard City Community Chorus presents:
The Music of The British Invasion,
Friday May 20, 2022 at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary.

Tickets are $20 online or at the door.
Youth under 12 are free.
Enjoy songs from the Beetles, Cat Stevens, Adele, Eric Clapton, Elton John, and more.
Join in for a fun night out!


Concert: Mixed Chorus Kakehashi – 9th Annual Concert

Come to the Sanctuary Sunday afternoon, May 15th at 5:30pm and enjoy music from J-pop, anime, classics, and an original arrangement of a traditional Japanese folksong. The concert is free and ALL are welcome! Masks are required.
Mixed Chorus Kakehashi is a Japanese community chorus group, who bring the beauty of various choral works to the SF bay area with an emphasis on Japanese songs and culture. The word “Kakehashi” means “bridge,” and symbolizes the hope that participants will form lasting relationships with Japan and its people, and serve as bridges between nations and cultures.
Find out more on their Facebook page.


Saratoga Symphony & Organ Concert – Saturday, April 30th

organ image

Concert: “Organ Spectacular” – a French and Belgian romantic music program.

Come to the Sanctuary Saturday, April 30th at 7:30pm to enjoy a classical music orchestra with organ soloist in a FREE concert with exciting rhythms and beautiful melodies! Angela Kraft Cross, organ soloist, will perform in two of the three music program pieces. Conductor Dr. Jason Klein will give background and information about each musical piece before it is performed.

Danse Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah (1877) by Saint-Saëns
Symphony #1 for Organ & Orchestra (1878) by Guilmant
Symphonie Concertante for Organ & Orchestra (1926) by Jongen
Organ Soloist: Guilmant and Jongen concert pieces: Angela Kraft Cross

Organ Soloist: Angela Kraft Cross:

FREE concert. Donations appreciated. NO ticket or reservation needed.
MASK REQUIRED to attend.


Palm SundayApril 10th, 10:00am
in the Sanctuary
Joyful Sunday Worship service with palms; Chancel Choir with special guests, celebration, and loud hosannas!

Good Friday – April 15th, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
A Tenebrae-style service of music, scripture, shadow, and darkness, adding to the mood of this day.

SaturdayApril 16th, 11:30am in Fellowship Hall
Easter Egg decorating!  Please sign up here so we have enough supplies.

Easter SundayApril 17th
8:30amPancake breakfast in Fellowship Hall, please sign up here.
10:00am – Worship service with Flowers, Brass, Choir — it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!
10:45am – Easter Egg Hunt for children – the last 15 minutes of Sunday School time.
11:15am – Butterfly Release after worship – to celebrate our renewal.

** Click for Alternative Parking Areas **


Easter Egg Decorating – April 16th

Easter Eggs imageALL are invited, the young and the young-at-heart, to help decorate Easter Eggs for the Pancake Breakfast. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 16 at 11:30am to dye and decorate hard-boiled eggs. Sign up here.

All you need to bring is a fun, creative spirit. Everything else will be provided. Of course, if you have some special decorations feel free to bring them. There will be pizza after we’ve finished and cleaned up.  If you would like to help supervise, please contact Melinda at 408-247-5548 or melinda.knepp @


Children’s Fun Day – Saturday 26 FEB from 1:00-3:30pm

Calling all children to Campbell UMC to have some fun!
Some kids have been out of school for a week and need some spiritual and fun activities. They will learn about the meanings of mealtime graces and the Lord’s Prayer. They will also bake some cookies in the kitchen for Sunday’s coffee hour as well as play games on campus – mostly outdoors.
We are observing all precautionary measures: masks, sanitizers and temperature control. We have dedicated staff and volunteers to take care of our children on the CUMC campus.


The Campbell UMC Virtual Living Gift Market of Heifer International

This holiday season, what gift will you purchase for those closest to you?  A tie, a mug, a toy?  After a while, your brother has enough ties,  your aunt has enough mugs and the kids’ toys get lost in the shuffle. These hope-giving gifts of livestock and training, bought in honor of your loved ones, are unique, tangible expressions of the love of Christ – the greatest gift of all.

The Heifer Int’l Living Gift Market is a chance for our congregation to reach people in need, both near and far. We can change the lives of people we will never meet, but who are our neighbors for whom Christ calls us to care. They dream of having enough food, a chance to support their families and the opportunity to send their children to school.
Heifer International works with faith communities like ours to help struggling families make their dreams a reality.  Imagine the blessings sowed if each family in our congregation stepped out in faith to feed another family through our Living Gift MarketAll gifts will be matched by a generous group of donors from December 1-31 up to $200,000. There is also a place to order “honor cards” for your gift recipient after the donation is made. NOTE: You do not need to login or create an account to donate/purchase gifts.

About the Heifer International Virtual Living Gift Market:
Heifer International’s Virtual Living Gift Market creates a space for our congregation to allow everyone in our community to purchase a memorable gift for loved ones. Giving the gift of an animal, water, or trees helps support project partners around the world. You are giving them hope and empowering them to live a resilient life to care for their family.
Heifer International is a nonprofit organization that began in 1944 with a mission to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. We currently work in 21 countries (including the US). Find out more here.


Watch Night Service – December 31st, 2021 – 10pm

The Watch Night service on December 31st, 2020 will be a time of reflection upon the year 2021 and to contemplate the year 2022.
John Wesley developed and adopted this practice for Methodists and by 1862 it took on a new significance among Africans and African Americans around the world.  This celebration will include:
10:00 – 11:00pm: Choruses and sharing of testimonies & live stories of God’s goodness and mercies
11:00pm – 12:00 midnight: Wesleyan Covenant Service.

Join the Watch Night Service led by Pastor Daniel Gbundema and the African Fellowship.  In the Sanctuary this year.


Holiday Services:

Winter Solstice Gathering – December 21st

5:00-6:00pm – Longest Night Service
Billy DeFrank Community Center, 938 The Alameda, San Jose CA  95126


Christmas Eve – December 24th

7:30pm – Lessons & Carols, Choirs
Service followed by candle lighting in the courtyard


Sunday After Christmas – December 26th

10:00am – Worship with Carol Sing
Followed by Christmas Cookies & Fellowship


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st

10:00pm – Sanctuary Opens- Choruses & Testimonies
11:00pm – Wesleyan Covenant Service Begins – Led by the African Fellowship


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 2nd, 2021

10:00am – Traditional African worship for Everyone
11:00apm – Coffee, Fellowship, & African Feast!


Lunchtime Advent Concerts Return! – Fridays, December 3rd, 10th, & 17th

Take a mid-day break and enjoy a respite with the music of the Advent season.
The first three Fridays in December, from 12:30 to 1:00pm, we will again present our Lunchtime Advent Concerts.
All concerts are free and open to the public, so Share the Concert Flyer or our Facebook events with family, friends and neighbors, inviting them to take a break to enjoy the music of this blessed time.
Dec 3rd: Shine Kwon, of Campbell UMC
Dec 10th: Diane Keller, of 1st UMC of Palo Alto
Dec 17th: Eric Holderman, of Los Altos UMC

New this year!
We’ll also live-stream the concerts – tune in to our
Facebook page OR YouTube channel to watch – just like online worship.
Hope to see you!


You Can Still Experience the Annual Christmas Concert 

The Campbell UMC Christmas Concert returned with the sounds of the season on Sunday, December 5th at 4:00pm.

The Menlo Brass Quintet, Chancel Choir, Carillon Choir members, and Children’s group performed with a repertoire that included stirring Christmas overtures and arrangements of traditional carols among secular and contemporary tunes.

If you were unable to attend the concert on Dec 5th, you can still experience this wonderful concert – just use this Order Form to obtain a professionally produced Digital Download.
Cost for the Hi-Definition Digital Download is $25.00.
DEADLINE to ORDER is December 31st.

All profits go toward the music program and audio systems for the church’s services and sending our message into the world. In return, enjoy the sights, sounds and uplifting music of this joyous season.

The concert for 2022 will again be the 1st Sunday in December – mark your calendar!

Wishing you and yours a safe and very Merry Christmas!


Winter Solstice Gathering – December 21st, 5pm

Celebrating the glory of light amidst darkness.

A community gathering marked with candles, poetry, and chants while moving through the longest night of the year.

Join in on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, from 5 to 6pm at the

Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center
938 The Alameda, San Jose CA  95126

Your Journey through the longest night will be guided by
Rev. Alyss Swanson of Campbell UMC and Rev. Naomi Schulz of Campbell United Church of Christ.


All-Church CleanUp Morning – Saturday, November 13

In preparation for the holidays, please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Sanctuary on Saturday, November 13 from 8am to Noon. The Sanctuary gets a lot of use between November and January!

All cleaning supplies provided & yummy treats will be joyfully served.
Come for as long as you’re able.
The Trustees organize these Work Mornings to get to the deep cleaning that our janitor is unable to do in her limited hours on our campus.
Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Book Club for 2020-2021 – now being held virtually via zoom!

The group normally meets in the Fireside Room on the 4th Monday at 4pm each month, September thru June, excepting December.  The 2020-21 Reading List is posted on our page.

Book choices include memoirs/biographies, histories, some fiction, and soul-enriching experiences. We’ll be reading some great new titles and recent releases as introduced to us by fellow book-worms.  Newcomers and Drop-Ins Welcome!  Check out the reading list for 2019-2020 and join us at one of our next meetings.  Find out more on our page!

We attempt to pick books that are available at local library systems (eBooks & audio-books are readily available now too).
Newcomers welcome!
The previous reading lists from 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, and the 2019-2020 session (including books suggested, but not selected) are also available for you to peruse. Find out more & join in


CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHERAutumn Festival Returns! – Sunday, October 24th, 3:30pm

Come celebrate the Fall season at the Autumn Festival!
Join us on Sunday, October 24th from 3:30 – 5:00pm in the CUMC courtyard for games, crafts, prizes, and FUN for all ages! We’ll even have a photo booth! Costumes are optional.
For the health and safety of all, we will not be serving food this year and masks are required.

We hope to see you there!


Watch Night Service – December 31st, 2020 – 10pm

The Watch Night service on December 31st, 2020 will be a time of reflection upon the year 2020 and to contemplate the year 2021.
John Wesley developed and adopted this practice for Methodists and by 1862 it took on a new significance among Africans and African Americans around the world.  This celebration will include:
10:00 – 11:00pm: Music, sharing of testimonies & live stories of God’s goodness and mercies
11:00pm – 12:00 midnight: A short service of commitment, music, choruses, hymns and sermon.
All on ZOOM!

Join the virtual Watch Night Service led by Pastor Daniel and the African Fellowship. See your weekly email (or contact the office) for zoom meeting directions…


The Campbell UMC Virtual Living Gift Market of Heifer International

This holiday season, what gift will you purchase for those closest to you?  A tie, a mug, a toy?  After a while, your brother has enough ties,  your aunt has enough mugs and the kids’ toys get lost in the shuffle. These hope-giving gifts of livestock and training, bought in honor of your loved ones, are unique, tangible expressions of the love of Christ – the greatest gift of all.

The Heifer Int’l Living Gift Market is a chance for our congregation to reach people in need, both near and far. We can change the lives of people we will never meet, but who are our neighbors for whom Christ calls us to care. They dream of having enough food, a chance to support their families and the opportunity to send their children to school.

Heifer International works with faith communities like ours to help struggling families make their dreams a reality.  Imagine the blessings sowed if each family in our congregation stepped out in faith to feed another family through our Living Gift MarketAll gifts will be matched by a generous group of donors from December 1-December 31 up to $200,000. There is also a place to order “honor cards” for your gift recipient after the donation is made.

NOTE: You do not need to login or create an account to donate/purchase gifts.

About the Heifer International Virtual Living Gift Market:
Heifer International’s Virtual Living Gift Market creates a space for our congregation to allow everyone in our community to purchase a memorable gift for loved ones. Giving the gift of an animal, water, or trees helps support project partners around the world. You are giving them hope and empowering them to live a resilient life to care for their family.
If you have questions about our church’s Living Gift Market, please contact Lindsay at (619) 548-3150 or

About Heifer International:
Heifer International is a nonprofit organization that began in 1944. Our mission is to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. We currently work in 21 countries (including the US) and have been in 125 countries. Since 1944, we have helped more than 35 million families get out of poverty. Heifer is working to close the gap between poverty and a living income – a dignified standard of living, by working with small scale farmers, and providing them the right tools, training and livestock to get them out of poverty and work towards a living income and become self-reliant.


Angel Tree Toy Drive for 2020

UPDATE!  To make it more convenient for you during these strange times, we have made a selection of toys available on this Amazon wishlist.  They were matched with cards that were not already on the bulletin board at the church.  When you purchase your selection, it will be auto-shipped to the church. Please do not select gift-wrapping, but do put your name in the special instructions box so we know who to thank.  Click here for the wishlist.
NOTE: Be sure to select “Campbell United Methodist Church’s Gift Registry Address” when you place the order (for privacy, address will not show).

The in-person way: cards are pinned to the bulletin board in the breezeway outside the Fellowship Hall

After you have selected the wish card(s) and made your purchase(s), please bring them to the church during regular office hours.  You don’t need to leave it with the Office Manager, just place it in the foyer outside the office and it will be moved inside.
NOTE: Toys must be received by December 14th.

If you can’t make it to the church to select a wish card, you can order scrip cards for the toy drive.  The Salvation Army has asked that EACH DONATION BE AT LEAST $30. As most of the cards are sold in $25 denominations, we ask that you purchase three $10 cards or one $50 card.

Vendors that have $10 cards are:                 Vendors that have $50 cards are:
Target                                                             Target
WalMart                                                          WalMart
Claire’s                                                            GAP
Barnes & Noble                                               TJMaxx

You can use this Scrip order form for the gift cards or send an email to  Please have your order for scrip gift cards in by December 10th. The cards will be sent to the church office, and set aside for the Salvation Army.

Thanks for helping to make Christmas special for these children!


Annual Charge Conference – December 5th, 2020

The annual Charge Conference for Campbell UMC will be held via zoom Saturday, December 5th at 1:50pm.  The District Superintendent, Rev. Samuel Hong will be presiding and all members are invited.   The Charge Conference will consider:

  • The Pastors’ Compensation Packages
  • The 2020 Membership Report
  • The 2021 Nominations List

There are a series of questions that the District Superintendent would like us to contemplate at the meeting.  As this meeting will not be in person, it is important that communication is clear and concise.

a) What in your world has changed since your last regular annual charge or church conference?
b) How have these changes affected your life and the life of your church?
c) What changes will your church have to make in order to respond to the changes in your community?
d) What will your leadership as a church and as individual disciples of Jesus need to look like going forth for you to continue your work of disciple-making for the transformation of the world?
e) What in your church’s history of faith commitment can be a help to you and to the world in the days and years to come?

Contact Bruce Hallinan or Pastor Ouk-Yean for the zoom meeting link.
The final Church Council meeting for the year will follow immediately after the Charge Conference.


Get SCRIP and Support Campbell UMC

No matter how (or what) you celebrate, SCRIP can help!

All throughout the year, Gift Certificates from SCRIP make wonderful gifts. Stop by the SCRIP table on Sunday morning to see what’s available.

Don’t forget birthdays, teachers and weddings as well as holidays.
If you need $5 or $10 gift cards for teachers, we have them!  We carry SCRIP for many of the stores with gift registries, and others can be ordered. (Macy’s, Target, and Bed, Bath & Beyond are on hand. Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, and Williams-Sonoma can all be ordered.)

When you purchase a SCRIP certificate, a percentage of your purchase price is donated back to the church, which we depend upon to meet our budget.  Your everyday shopping really helps out!

Need something sweet for someone sweet?  We have See’s Candy certificates.
Going out for dinner?  We have Maggiano’s/Chili’s, Mimi’s, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Red Lobster, and Rock Bottom Brewery.

Do you delight in romantic poetry?  We have Barnes & Noble.
Is a movie night the ticket?  We have AMC & Cinemark.
If music be the food of love, we have iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
If a jolt of java jump-starts your heart, we have Peets and Starbucks.
Every SCRIP purchase benefits the church as well as you!
Stop by the SCRIP table during Fellowship Time after Worship on Sundays.


CUMC Book Club Meets Monday, June 22nd

The book selection for our June 22nd meeting is One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon by Charles Fishman; the remarkable story of the trailblazers and the ordinary Americans on the front lines of the epic mission to reach the moon.

“President John F. Kennedy astonished the world on May 25, 1961, when he announced to Congress that the United States should land a man on the Moon by 1970.  No group was more surprised than the scientists and engineers at NASA, who suddenly had less than a decade to invent space travel.
When Kennedy announced that goal, no one knew how to navigate to the Moon.  No one knew how to build a rocket big enough to reach the Moon, or how to build a computer small enough (and powerful enough) to fly a spaceship there.  No one knew what the surface of the Moon was like, or what astronauts could eat as they flew there.  On the day of Kennedy’s historic speech, America had a total of fifteen minutes of spaceflight experience—with just five of those minutes outside the atmosphere. Russian dogs had more time in space than U.S. astronauts.  Over the next decade, more than 400,000 scientists, engineers, and factory workers would send 24 astronauts to the Moon.  Each hour of space flight would require one million hours of work back on Earth to get America to the Moon on July 20, 1969.
Fifty years later, One Giant Leap is the sweeping, definitive behind-the-scenes account of the furious race to complete one of mankind’s greatest achievements.  It’s a story filled with surprises—from the item the astronauts almost forgot to take with them (the American flag), to the extraordinary impact Apollo would have back on Earth, and on the way we live today…” (read more here)

The CUMC Book Club meets in the Fireside Room via zoom (March-June)
on 4th Mondays at 4pm,  September thru June.
     Newcomers and Drop-Ins Welcome!

Even if you’ve not read the book, join us (via zoom) at the meeting on
Monday, June 22nd at 4pm
for a lively discussion.
Check your Midweek Message email for instructions to join the meetup,
or write for online meeting details.

Find out more about the book club (including all of the selections for this season)
on the bookclub webpage.


Calling All Graduates!

It’s that time of year again.  Even with sheltering in place orders and schools physically closed, education still continues; albeit in a new and different way.  On Sunday, June 7, we will recognize our Class of 2020 high school and college graduates.  If you are graduating from high school or college this year, include the following:

  • Name
  • Picture of graduate (if you wish)
  • School or college from which you are graduating
  • Degree (if applicable)
  • Plans after graduation

Please send the above information to or the church office by May 29.


Church Council Meets Wednesday, May 6th

Recently the Church Finance Committee applied for a Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan and it has been approved.

The intent of Congress was to provide a quick loan for small companies/non-profits to keep employees on the payroll during the Shelter In Place. The loan would be forgiven (i.e. converted to a grant) if certain criteria are met.  The Finance Committee is confident we can meet the criteria. This is a good deal for the church as it will enable us to maintain our church and Bright Days (preschool) staffing levels.

To formalize the adoption of the PPP loan, the Church Council must meet and vote on a decision to proceed.  An ideal time would be right after this evening’s Church Family Meetup at 7pm.  Immediately after the meetup we will hear from Charlie Slayman, Chair of the Finance Committee, about the terms and conditions of the loan/grant.   

Check your Midweek Message email for details on how to join the Zoom meeting:


Virtual Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter isn’t Easter without an Easter Egg Hunt!  Even while we shelter in place, children can have fun during a church Easter Egg hunt.

On Easter Sunday, after the live-streamed worship service, there will be a video of our church grounds, where Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets and other goodies are hidden.  Watch the video and count the number of eggs, bunnies, and baskets you see.  And if you see fun other things (other than flowers and plants), count them as well.

How many can you spot?

Send your answer to  Everyone who responds will get a fun Easter e-card that turns into a jigsaw puzzle at the end.  Plus – the first Sunday we are back on campus for worship,
there will be a belated Easter goodie bag for all the children.


Bring Your Bible to Church – March 15th

One of the milestones of children’s faith development in the United Methodist Church is the presentation of a Bible to each 3rd-Grader. This gift from the church starts children on a life-long journey with the Word of God.  When children have their own Bible, they are more likely to read Scripture, to learn, to question, to wrestle with understanding, to develop a personal faith; and to be grounded in the key issues of the Bible: the nature of God and human understanding of God; the human condition with all its inconsistencies; the interaction of Divine and human through redemption and salvation; and cultural ethics on which three major religions are based.

Many life-long Methodists still have the Bible they received in 3rd Grade.
On Sunday, March 15th, we will present this year’s 3rd Graders with their Bibles, and we encourage every person in the congregation who still has their 3rd-Grade Bible to bring it to worship.  You and your Bible will be celebrated along with the children receiving their own Bibles for the first time.


CANCELLED: El Camino Real District UMW Spiritual Retreat

Due to the current unusually high health concerns, the Spiritual Retreat, scheduled for March 13-15, must be cancelled for this year. The retreat center has been required by their county Health Services Agency to not have any public gatherings for the next week or so. 

Your registration fees will be refunded.   

We hope that next year, we will be in a better situation, and that we can again offer you a spiritually uplifting and renewing retreat experience. 


The 2020 District UMW Spiritual Retreat will be held March 13-15, among the redwoods of the Mission Springs Retreat Center, Scotts Valley, CA

Theme: Choose Hope for God’s World

An Inspiring program by Rev. Charlotte Bear.
Rev. Charlotte is a spiritual leader, healthcare chaplain, former broadcast journalist, community advocate and activist, wife, mother and US Veteran; as well as a pastor in our District.  Rev. Bear guides people to reconnect with the sacredness of God’s earth, to have an impact through collective action, and to build community resilience in response to a dramatically changing planet.

Please register (online form or mail-in form)
by Wednesday, March 4, 2020.

Register early for best availability of lodging options.
Full and Partial Scholarships available

Find more details about the retreat here.

Find out more about the Campbell United Methodist Women and our meeting circles.


CANCELLED – Concert: Journey Home: The Journey of Harriet Tubman

We found out March 11 that SJSU Choirs are cancelling this event.

See more HERE

On Friday, March 13th, at 7:30pm in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, the San Jose State Choirs present an evening of music to alleviate the tired soul.

Ron Kean’s illustrious The Journey of Harriet Tubman is a stunning yet humbling tribute to the undying strength and resilience of an oppressed people that transcends across cultures, generations, and time.

This piece stands tall, reminding us all of a most divisive time in our nation’s history, how far we have come since then, and how much further we still have to go.

For tickets, go to


Concert: Mendelssohn’s Elijah

On Friday, March 6th, at 8:00pm in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, the Bay Choral Guild presents Felix Mendelssohn’s powerful oratorio Elijah, under the baton of Sanford Dole.

The oratorio is a masterpiece of the Romantic period and the account of Elijah’s prophetic vision and efforts to dissuade his people from the worship of Baal and return them to their faith is infused with human drama, the cataclysmic forces of nature, and rich symbolism.

The performance features the Jubilate Orchestra (playing period instruments) with superb soloists Bradely Ellingboe, bass, (Elijah); Jennifer Ashworth, soprano; Heidi Waterman, alto; and James Hogan, tenor.

Tickets are available at the door ($35 General Admission/$30 Senior), or
at ($30 General Admission/$25 Senior/$10 Student).

There will be a preview lecture one half hour before each performance.


Spring Forward March 8th!

Remember to set your clocks forward

– One Hour –

at 2:00am Sunday morning OR
(easier still) Saturday Night before you go to bed.

Don’t want to be late for church!

Daylight Saving Time will begin at 2:00am on Sunday, March 8, 2020 in most areas of the U.S.  In our time zone, we’ll be on “Daylight Time” (PDT vs PST, Pacific Standard Time).

If it seems to you like this day used to come later in the year, you’re right.  Prior to 2007, when the Energy Act of 2005 took effect, we used to “spring forward” during the first week of April and “fall back” during the final weekend of October.  Since 2007, Daylight Saving Time got longer, beginning in March and ending in November.

Remember, DST is a good time of year to remember to change the batteries
on your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors!

For more about DST and different ideas of when it would be easier
on us for it to begin/end, check out this Farmers’ Almanac article.


All-Church Work Morning

Saturday, February 29th, 8:00am – Noon

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 29th from 8am to noon. The hall has gotten a lot of use between November and January – and does all year too!

Come for as long as you are able.
No need to stay the whole time.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
The Trustees organize these Work Mornings to get to the deep cleaning that our janitor is unable to do in her limited hours on our campus.
Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Annual Benefit Concert for Next Door Solutions

On Friday, February 28th, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary, several local choirs will present the 10th Annual Benefit Concert for Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence.  Spearheaded by Orchard City Community Chorus, guest choirs include the famed San Francisco Boys’ Chorus, the Opera San Jose Military Veterans Chorus, as well as the Rainbow Women’s Chorus and the Serendipity Choir.

Tickets are $20 at the door or online, and all proceeds go to Next Door Solutions.  For more information on Next Door Solutions, and how it helps those in crisis, visit
If you have one, please bring an old cell-phone for donation.

      Come and enjoy a wonderful and uplifting evening!

Share this community event flyer with friends.
See and share the Facebook Event!


The Ash Wednesday service will be at 7:30pm on Wednesday, February 26th in the Sanctuary. This joint worship service with New Creation UMC marks the beginning of Lent & will include the imposition of ashes.

Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) of spiritual preparation for Easter, and all Christian believers are called to observe this holy season by intentional spiritual practices, such as repentance, prayer, fasting, and reading the Bible.


An Update, Reflection and Conversation on
“A Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation”

Over the last forty years, the United Methodist Church has been in a theological conflict over the issue of human sexuality.

Come Sunday, February 23rd, 3:00-4:00pm, to hear Randall Miller, a “progressive team member” of the “Protocol” Mediation Group present his reflections and respond to your questions on the recently proposed plan to end LGBTQ+ discrimination and violence.  2020 General Conference delegates will also be present to hear your thoughts and concerns.
Come and share your voice!
For more information, contact Rev. Alyss Swanson,

ALL WELCOME!  See and share our Facebook event.

Fellowship and Refreshments immediately after.

To view the Protocol documents, FAQs, and other information click here.


Valentine Dinner (and Fundraiser)

Are you tired of looking for, and reserving, a nice restaurant for your Valentine’s Day dinner, only to find them overbooked, overpriced, and crowded?

This year, try something different!  On Friday, February 14th, at 7:00pm in the Campbell UMC Fellowship Hall, the New Creation UMC Youth will hold a Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser. They will serve a nice and full dinner in a romantically-decorated space, just right for your special Valentine’s Day meal.  All are welcome, including children. (Childcare services will be provided).

Tickets are $25 per person, proceeds benefit summer programs for youth/children.
Contact: Thomas Chong at for more information or to sign up.


Bring Your Recyclables on Sunday, February 9th!

The youth traveling to to serve with Sierra Service Project this summer are doing another recycling drive to help fund their trip.
Bring your CRV-eligible items – aluminum cans, plastic soda and water bottles, and glass soda bottles.
(Please note: to earn money, all items must have a CRV designation.
Other items may be recycled but won’t earn money.)

There will be youth in the parking lot near the entrance to the breezeway by Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:30am.  They will collect your containers before you go into worship.  Here’s a chance to get rid of your Christmas and New Year recycling.  Maybe your friends and neighbors have some recycling left from Superbowl Sunday, too!  Thanks for your support!


Night to Shine

Night to Shine is a prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 16 and older. On one night, February 7, 2020, churches from around the world will host Night to Shine for thousands of guests.

Locally, the main event will be held at Home Church, and Campbell UMC is joining in to provide the space for the parents’ meal.  Many community groups and businesses are participating to make this night one which the youth will always remember. A variety of volunteers are needed, from decorating, to makeup assistance, hairdressing help, traffic help, etc.  To find out what is needed, and to sign up, go to


AED Training

The Trustees invite you to attend a refresher course on using the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) unit Sunday, February 2nd, at 11:30 in the Fireside Room.

The AED is in the Fellowship Hall, and can be utilized to revive someone whose heart has stopped.  Procedures for use will be discussed.


Give the Gift of Life

Start the month of February by giving the best kind of Love: giving blood to save lives.  The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at Campbell UMC on Saturday, February 1st , from 8:30am to 2:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall.

To schedule your appointment or for more information visit and enter zipcode: 95008 or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

Streamline the donation experience, saving up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.  If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, or have traveled in the past year, please call 1-866-236-3276. Identification is required to donate – please bring ID to the appointment.

The greatest gift you can give is the gift of life!

View and share our Facebook Event and click for a flyer to share.


Church Council Meets Sunday, January 26th

In order to accommodate as many church members as possible in the planning of the church, we are now holding Church Council meetings on Sundays after service.

You are invited to attend the first Church Council meeting of 2020 – to be held after service on Sunday, January 26th, at 11:30am in the Fireside Room.

The agenda includes the 2019 YTD results and voting on the 2020 Budget.

Thank you for your participation in our congregation, and please feel free to invite other church members.


WOMXN’S MARCH SAN JOSE 2020: Our Power Counts

Saturday, January 18, 11:00am-2pm
City Hall Rotunda, 200 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose

Our power counts.  The power in our voices, the power in our unity, and the power in our votes. 2020 is the 100-year anniversary of the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote.  While we wish to honor and celebrate this milestone, we also recognize that the amendment gave suffrage to only white women and that a lot more work had to be done by womxn of color to achieve that same right. Voting is a crucial element of activism and civic engagement and because of this, there will be multiple opportunities at the March for you to register to vote as well as to learn how you can help others to register to vote.   Find out more on the website.

The spelling of Womxn is to emphasize that this March is a space that recognizes the contributions and value of non-binary folks. For too long, they have been excluded from feminist movements, and we are committed to changing that. All voices must be heard and all identities must be recognized.

The theme of Our Power Counts is also in recognition of the importance of the 2020 census. In order to ensure that our city and county receive adequate funds to perform crucial social services and maintain fair political representation, we must all do our part to guarantee that an accurate count of our residents is recorded. Because of this, the Action Alley following the March will have a booth where you can sign up to be a census worker as well as learn what being counted in the census means for you, your family, your community, and your country.

Please join the Campbell United Methodist Women for the fourth annual Womxn’s March San Jose on January 18th, 2020.  We will meet at the Flagpole in front of City Hall and begin walking at 11am to the Arena Green for the rally and call to action.  2020 is the year that we demonstrate our power to mobilize and create change with our voices, our unity, and our votes.

If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Starr by writing to

See and share the Facebook event here.


Financial Peace University Workshop

Get the New Year off to a good start by attending a Financial Peace University class, sponsored by Dave Ramsey Solutions.

The class will meet on Sundays, beginning January 12th, from 2:00–3:30pm in the Fireside Room; the final class will be Sunday, March 8th.

The class will be taught by Radhika Bauerle. The cost is $99, which includes all materials and one year of online resource tools.  The class consists of nine video sessions teaching money management and debt reduction.
If you’re interested, sign up online here.


Adult Men’s Thursday Evening Study Group

The Evening Men’s Group has begun meeting again The book selected for this next session is On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old
by Parker J. Palmer.

Drawing on eight decades of life — and his career as a writer, teacher, and activist — Palmer explores the questions age raises and the promises it holds. “Old,” he writes, “is just another word for nothing left to lose, a time to dive deep into life, not withdraw to the shallows.”  But this book is not for elders only. It was written to encourage adults of all ages to explore the way their lives are unfolding. It’s not a how-to-do-it book on aging, but a set of meditations in prose and poetry that turn the prism on the meaning(s) of one’s life, refracting new light at every turn.
From beginning to end, the book is laced with humor as well as gravitas.

This is a wonderful book full of insights.  It should generate lots of great conversation.  The book is available on Amazon and through the Santa Clara public library system or San Jose Public Library.  Check it out via the “look inside” feature at Amazon.

Given that we’re moving into the holiday season we’ve decided to change our meeting nights to the first and third Thursdays at 7:00pm.  Meetings between now and the end of the year are: Dec 5, and Dec 19.

The group takes a deep dive into different books throughout the year.  Anytime is a great time to join in as we read and discuss and share our insights into the book.

All men are welcome to join this small group.  The men’s evening study group meets twice per month on Thursdays from 7-8pm in the Wesley Lounge.  You don’t need to commit to make all of the meetings, just attend as your schedule permits.

On November 7th, we’ll discuss the prelude and also chapter 1 if we have time.  This is a short book and we will likely finish this one in January.  If you have suggestions for other books to study, do let Andrew know.  For more information, contact Andrew at


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve – December 24th

4:00pm – Children’s Christmas Pageant
9:00pm – Lessons & Carols, Choirs sing
Both services followed by candle lighting in the courtyard


Sunday After Christmas – December 29th

10:00am – Worship with Carol Sing
Followed by Christmas Cookies & Fellowship


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st

10:00pm – Chapel Opens
11:00pm – Service Begins – Led by the African Fellowship


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 5th, 2019

10:00am – Traditional African worship for Everyone
11:00apm – Coffee, Fellowship, & African Feast!


Sunday School Holiday Schedule

CHILDREN’S Sunday School schedule:

  • December 29: No Sunday School for all grades.  Nursery will be open.
  • January 5:  No Sunday School – join us at Epiphany service!  Nursery will be open.

ADULT Sunday School holiday schedule:


Complete Concert Holiday Schedule

Friday, Dec 6th – Lunchtime Advent Concert 

Friday, Dec 6th – Orchard City Chorus concert

Sunday, Dec 8th – CUMC Christmas Concert

Tuesday, Dec 10th – Bright Days Literacy Event

Friday, Dec 13th – Lunchtime Advent Organ Concert

Saturday, Dec 14th – Reindeer Romp event (prev Merry Mayhem)

Fri-Sun, Dec 13-15 – Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus Concerts

Friday, Dec 20th – Lunchtime Advent Organ Concert

Sunday, Dec 22nd – Winter Solstice Gathering – 5pm (at Billy DeFrank Center)

Tuesday, Dec 24th – Christmas Eve Children’s Pageant – 4pm

                                   Lessons & Carols Service – 9pm

Tuesday, Dec 31st – Watch Night Service – 10pm

Sunday, Jan 5th – African Epiphany Service


Winter Solstice Gathering – December 22nd, 5pm

Celebrating the glory of light amidst darkness.

A community gathering marked with candles, poetry, and chants while moving through the longest night of the year.

Join in on Sunday, December 22, 2019, from 5 to 6pm at the

Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center
938 The Alameda, San Jose CA  95126

Your Journey through the longest night will be guided by
Rev. Alyss Swanson of Campbell UMC and Rev. Naomi Schulz of Campbell United Church of Christ.

See and share the event flyer here.


Christmas Eve Pageant – December 24th, 4pm


As in past years, the Children’s Christmas pageant will be presented during the 4:00pm service on Christmas Eve.  The pageant provides an opportunity for children to be part of the worship service and to experience the wonder and joy of the story of Christ’s birth.  Every child who would like to be a part of the pageant is welcome.

This year’s program will be a “Do It Yourself Pageant” where we will create the pageant while in worship.  Children will not need to memorize lines nor have any rehearsals.  There will be parts for animals, angels, shepherds, and wise people.  As you enter the sanctuary on Christmas Eve, pick up the props for the part your child may wish to participate in: masks for the animals, halos for angels, staffs for shepherds or crowns for wise people. Children will be asked to come forward as their part of the story unfurls.  At the conclusion, all the children will be on stage together.

Being in the Christmas pageant is a meaningful and memorable experience for children and a gift to the congregation.  Thanks for participating!


Giving the Gift of Love


Share the joy of Christmas with children in need through the Giving Tree.  Beginning November 24th, a Christmas tree with gift tags will be in the entryway to Fellowship Hall.

Take a tag from the tree, purchase the gift listed on it, and return the gift unwrapped to the church office by Monday, December 16th.

All the gifts will be picked up and distributed to local families who cannot afford gifts.  Last year, 205 gifts were donated – let’s see if we can beat that this year!


SHINE! – December 13, 14 at 8pm; Dec 15 at 3:30pm

What makes you shine?

The Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus invites you to their holiday production & first concert of the season, Shine!

  • Friday, Dec 13th at 8pm,
  • Saturday, Dec 14th at 8pm, or
  • Sunday, Dec 15th at 3:30pm.

Tickets may be purchased here or at the door.

This holiday season join the Silicon Valley Gay Men’s Chorus
family for an evening of hope, joy, and love.

Don’t miss their record number of singing SVGMC members as they shine!


Reindeer Romp – December 14th; 9:30-11:30am

Have yourself a crafty little Christmas at the Reindeer Romp, Saturday, December 14th, 2019, from 9:30-11:30am.
ALL Welcome!

9:30 – 11:00am:
• Pictures with Santa
• Crafts for All Ages
• Breakfast Treats
• Holiday Stories & Movies
11:00 – 11:30am:
• Christmas Sing-along

You are invited to bring a canned good to fill up the food barrels to help feed those in need.


Lunchtime Advent Concerts – Fridays, December 6th, 13th, & 20th

Take a mid-day break and enjoy a respite from the holiday hustle and bustle to experience music as a reminder of what the Advent season is: preparation and expectation of the Christ Child.

The first three Fridays in December, from 12:30 to 1:00pm, Campbell UMC will again offer our Annual Advent Concerts. All concerts are free and open to the public, so please share & invite friends, family and neighbors to take time from the “busy-ness” of their day and enjoy the music of this blessed time.

On December 6th our first concert, “A Wreath of Carols” will feature music by Brian Holmes: Jolynda Tresner, viola and soprano; James Creer, baritone; Alan Cooper, violin; Zhou Yih, Cello; Shine Kwon, piano; Brian Holmes, French horn; Elizabeth Young, oboe.

On December 13th, the Advent concert will be an organ recital by Haewon Kim, Organist of Good Samaritan Korean Church, Sunnyvale.

on December 20th, the Advent concert will feature Shine Kwon, Organist of Campbell UMC.

Share this flyer and all our Facebook events (concert links above) with friends and family.

Hope to see you there!


The Annual Christmas Concert – SUNDAY December 8th – 4:00pm

Nothing says Christmas like melodic voices, handbells, and fanfare!

The annual Campbell UMC Christmas Concert celebrates the sounds of the season in a musical extravaganza on Sunday, December 8th, 2019 at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Featured will be:
Singers: Chancel, African, and Joyful Notes vocal choirs;
Ringers: Carillon Handbell Choir and friends;
Players: Two Brass Ensembles bring their joyful music to the concert.

The repertoire spans the secular as well as arrangements of traditional carols and stirring Christmas overtures among contemporary tunes.

AND we’ll have a Christmas reception after with light snacks and beverages.

All invited – ALL Welcome!

Invite your friends and neighbors: share this Facebook Event OR this Concert Flyer !

See you there, and Happy Holidays!


Recycling Drive – Sunday, December 8

The Youth will be holding a recycling collection on Sunday, December 8th to fund raise for Sierra Service Project next summer.

Bring your plastic bottles and aluminum cans.  There will be youth by the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am to collect your donations.
Thanks in advance for your support!

For more information contact the youth leaders.


Rooted in our Foremothers, Women’s Vision of Shalom

Mary’s song of praise is her lyrical response to the good news of Jesus birth through her. Mary magnifies the Lord who has chosen her to be the bearer of the Messiah, and bursts into a vision of shalom where the powerful are brought low, and the lowly raised high, the hungry filled with good things, and the rich sent away empty. This envisioned world is one of peace, justice and wholeness.

Come join the Campbell United Methodist Women on Thursday, December 5, 2019, in the Fireside Room, as we discover how Christmas is a reminder that we, too, stand on the shoulders of our foremothers in mission while allowing future generations to stand on ours, and continue to engage in faith, hope and love in action.
ALL are Welcome!!

General Meeting at 9:30am

Refreshments at 10:30am

Program at 11:00am


Annual Charge Conference

Campbell UMC will be holding its annual Charge Conference Wednesday, December 4th, at 7:00pm in the Fireside Room.  Rev Justin Ryu of New Creation UMC will be presiding.  We’ll present the membership report, officers for the coming year, and approve the pastor’s compensation package for 2020.

The final Church Council meeting for 2019 will be held immediately after the Charge Conference.

All are welcome to attend – we hope you will join us.


Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, November 26th, 7:00pm

The Campbell Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is a new event, sponsored by the Campbell Ministerial Association, a newly formed clergy group. Hosted by our church, this community worship service will seek to bring the people of Campbell together for a time of worship and fellowship in the week of the national holiday.

It will be an evening of people of different faiths coming together to express gratitude individually and corporately and commit to serve others in need.  Participating churches and groups include Campbell United Church of Christ, Campbell United Methodist Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Campbell Ward, First Congregational Church of San Jose, St. Lucy’s Catholic Parish, The Home Church, and a few other faith organizations and individuals.  A combined choir will sing, and offerings will be taken for the homeless ministry within the city of Campbell. There will be a reception after the worship service.

Everyone is encouraged to bring an item for the Second Harvest Food Barrels to share with those in need.
It will be a wonderful way to start our Thanksgiving celebrations as we move into the Holiday season.


All-Church Work Morning

Saturday, November 16th, 8:00am – Noon

In preparation for the holidays, please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Sanctuary on Saturday, November 16 from 8am to noon. The Sanctuary gets a lot of use between November and January!

Come for as long as you are able.
No need to stay the whole time.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
The Trustees organize these Work Mornings to get to the deep cleaning that our janitor is unable to do in her limited hours on our campus.
Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


This Week – Sunday, November 10

Our Youth Group will be selling See’s Candy during the month of November to help pay for next year’s Sierra Service Project (SSP) trip. There will be a table set up in the Fellowship Hall after worship each Sunday through December 1st. The last day to purchase will be Dec 1st, and orders will be ready for pick up on the following Sunday, Dec 8th. Payment is needed when ordering and checks should be written out to Campbell UMC with SSP in the memo line.

SSP is a week-long trip where our youth, along with youth from other churches, serve in low-income communities. Projects include building decks and ramps, painting,  replacing roofs, and other building/updating projects. If you would like to learn more about SSP, you can visit their website.


Church Council Meets Sunday, November 3rd

In order to accommodate as many church members as possible in the planning of the church, we are now holding Church Council meetings on Sundays after service.

You are invited to attend the next Church Council meeting to be held after service on Sunday, November 3rd, at 11:30am in the Fireside Room.

The agenda includes the revision of our Reconciling Statement, so you are encouraged to attend this meeting and voice your support for those changes that extend our welcome and message of radical hospitality for those in the LGBTQ+ community, including their friends and family.
Other agenda items include, 2019 YTD financial results and 2020 Budget preparations, and the Sierra Leone trip in February.

Thank you for your participation in our congregation, and please feel free to invite other church members.


Reconciling Ministries Anniversary Celebration:
Sunday, October 27th, 2019; 10am

Sermon: “All Are Welcome, but…
Text: Acts 8:26-40

We’ll celebrate our 22nd Reconciling Anniversary with Israel (Izzy) Alvaran, Reconciling Processes & Western Regional
Organizer from the Reconciling Ministries Network, preaching.

Pastor Alyss and Izzy will give a short presentation on the state of the church leading into the
2020 UMC General Conference after the worship service at 11:30 in the Fireside Room.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Alyss at


Annual UMW Enchilada Sale

November 2nd is the day the United Methodist Women will make more than 1000 enchiladas for your enjoyment.
Order yours during coffee/fellowship time on October 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th or click here for an order form & mail your order and payment to the church office today!

If you would like to be part of the fun, fellowship and mission of the day we make these yummy delights, please contact Carla Twilleager at 408-370-0847 or email her at

October 27th is the last day to order, SO DON’T MISS OUT!


Annual Autumn Festival

On October 27th from 5-7pm, we will hold our annual Autumn Festival.

Come in costume (optional) and join in the Fellowship Hall as we partner with New Creation United Methodist Church for an evening of games, crafts, food, and even a photo booth!

This is an event that is fun for All Ages!

View and Share our Facebook Event here.

View and Share the event Flyer here.


Bible Study: Covenant

Covenant is a Bible study taking a deep look at the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying theme running through the Old Testament and the New Testament.  It underscores the unique relationship that God chooses to have with us as God’s people, a relationship grounded in the faithfulness of God’s love and on our ongoing commitment to stay in relationship with God.   This study which covers the whole Bible is made up of three eight-session modules that meet for 90 minutes each week.

Covenant Bible Study returns this fall with TWO classes:
A continuation of the spring class, which is now working through Module 3, Trusting, will continue to meet each Wednesday from 10:30am to noon in the Wesley Lounge, beginning September 4th.

The group will start up again with the next module next year, after the holidays.

The previously announced Tuesday evening class to begin with Module 1, Creating, has been postponed.

The Covenant Bible Study Participant Guides are available at or Cokesbury.  The Covenant Bible Study is divided into three modules (Creating, Living, Trusting). You can buy all three guides for the whole study or just the Module you want. The study involves daily scripture readings, video, and group experience.  For more information, email Pastor Ouk-Yean or call 408-378-3472, ext 12.


Membership Class

Would you like to know more about Campbell UMC, and/or are you interested in becoming a member?

You are invited to a class for potential new members on Saturday, October 12th, from 9:30am-11:30am in the Wesley Lounge.

Learn basic background about the United Methodist denomination and its place in the continuum of Christian tradition, as well as learning about this particular local congregation.

Attending the class does not obligate you to join – it can simply be a way of learning more. All are welcome.  Please email Pastor Ouk-Yean at:


Altar Flower Arranging

Current Flower Arrangers will meet for a planning session on Tuesday, October 8th, at 7:00pm in the Wesley Lounge.

All potential arrangers are welcome to join the discussion and learn more about our flower arranging practices.

Fresh Flowers on the altar add beauty and meaning to the worship service, remind worshippers of the depth and breadth of God’s handiwork in nature, and provide an opportunity for families to celebrate or remember events.  It takes a dedicated team to create arrangements each week, and the Flower Team is in need of more flower artists.

If you enjoy arranging flowers and would like to do an arrangement once a week, please contact Linda Kropff at 408-257-5292 or Some experience is preferred, but training guidelines are available. Without enough arrangers, we will use our artificial bouquets, (but we’d rather not).


Multi-Cultural Potluck Lunch- October 6th

A Celebration of Culture and Community! 2016Apr16_MultiCulturalDinnerPlate
With the goal of building and deepening ties within our multicultural congregation, we’ll come together to share a meal, share our stories, and share fellowship!

When:  Sunday, October 6th, 2019; 11:15am, directly after worship
What:   Potluck Lunch
Where: Fellowship Hall

Please bring a dish to share that represents your cultural heritage/nationality.
For a little more fun, you could bring something to display that says: Sweden!, Sierra Leone!, Mexico!, China!, Scotland!, Philippines!, and so on.
If you like, wear something (Dirndl, Muu muu, Dashiki) that represents your culture.

Please RSVP/sign up (either during Fellowship Time or mention on your bulletin’s attendance slip) to acknowledge your attendance at this All-Church gathering!  We look forward to seeing you there!

View and share the event Flyer and Facebook event.


Workshop – Words That Could Wound

Our resident Videographer & Audio Recorder, Mark Shepherd, has a colleague who is offering a unique workshop in which you may have interest –
the workshop will be held on Saturday, October 5th, 9:30am-4:30pm.

With all communication there is:
* The Intention
* The Words
* The Outcome
When outcomes don’t match intentions…
Could it be the words?

* Words that could create resistance
* Words that create rapport
* 13 words that bring smiles and nods

They can create trust, teach and heal.
“Once Upon a Time”… what Magic!
* Where? *How? *When? *Who?

Are you ready now to make some great changes in your life?  For further details,
See this flyer.


Sierra Service Project 2020 PLANNING – September 29th

For youth who will be freshman in the fall of 2020 through seniors graduating spring of 2020:

It’s time to start planning next summer’s SSP trip.  For those of you who are interested in participating, there will be a meeting September 29 at 11:30am in the youth room.  We’ll look at the participating sites and dates, answer any questions you might have about the program, let you know the cost and talk about fundraising.  Even if you’re not sure about going, come to the meeting and learn more about SSP and talk to youth and adults about what it’s like.

Priority registration opens October 1 so we’ll want to get our request in as soon as possible.

Here is the link to the Summer 2020 Information Packet:  Along with information about the program, page 6 has the sites and dates. Here are those the leaders think look good:

  •     Lake County (new site, close) -Week 4 or 5
  •     Smith River -Week 5
  •     San Diego (urban) -Week 3

If you can’t make the meeting, but are interested in going, let the Leaders know.
Hope to see you on the 29th!


Church Council Meets Sunday, Sept 29th

In order to accommodate as many church members as possible in the planning of the church, we are holding Church Council meetings on Sundays after service.

Find the agenda here & last meeting minutes here.
We hope you can join us after worship this Sunday, September 29th
at 11:30am in the Fireside Room.
Please feel free to invite other church members.


Recycling Drive – Sunday, September 15

The Youth will be holding a recycling collection on Sunday, September 15th to fund raise for Sierra Service Project next summer.

Bring your plastic bottles and aluminum cans.  There will be youth by the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am to collect your donations.
Thanks in advance for your support!

For more information contact the youth leaders.


Bodies in Motion Exercise Class

   Keep your best body possible! Exercise will help maintain and improve flexibility, range of motion, endurance, balance, and strength.

The class is taught by certified personal trainer Dolores Ramos, and is aimed at older adults, but anyone is welcome to participate.

The class is $48.00 for a 6-week session, from August 13th – September 19th, meeting twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:00am on the third floor of the AMY building.

For information, call Dolores Ramos at 408-2478-1832.


NEXT Sunday, August 25th, 2018; 10am – 5pm

You are invited to join our fellow Reconciling UMC Churches of Silicon Valley at the upcoming SV Pride Parade & Festival on Sunday, August 25th.

The parade is  ~.5 mile long, starting at E. Julian Street and moves along Market Street to Cesar Chavez Park, where the Festival will be held.  The parade begins at 10:00am, but to march with us, meet at the starting area (E. Julian x Market) at 9:30am.

District Superintendent Shinya Goto will lead worship following the parade (around 12pm) in Cesar Chavez park, near our UMC hospitality booth (Church Coming Out).

Everyone is encouraged to attend and show personal and congregational support for our LGBTQ+ siblings.  If you are unable to join in the parade, you also have an opportunity to support this important ministry by visiting or volunteering to help at the festival booth.

If you have questions or can help at the booth, please contact Pastor Alyss at


Sunday School Teachers Retreat

On Saturday, August 24th, from 9:00am to noon, there will be a Teachers’ Retreat/Meeting in the Fireside Room.

All teachers are encouraged to be there by 9:00am promptly.  Interested parties are also welcome to join the retreat. 
A light breakfast will be served before the retreat begins.


See the 107th Birthday Party!

See photos from our celebration of Evelyn Buck’s Birthday during Fellowship Time Sunday, August 4th.  Evelyn was also recently featured in press releases from Andy’s Orchard.

She has had an apricot named for her, the Evelyn Apricot, and she sold homemade apricot jam at the orchard’s Tour and Tasting Event on July 20th!


Water Balloon Wednesdays in July & August

Another Summer Fun event we’ll hold in July & August is Water Balloon Wednesdays!

They will be held on the following Wednesdays:
July 17th,  24th, & 31st    and
August 7th, 21st, & 28th
from 3:30 to 5:30pm
 on the church lawns.

All ages are welcome, both the young & young-at-heart, but parents must stay and supervise their children.
Light snacks will be provided.

Some help filling water balloons would be much appreciated.  Ideally two persons would fill between 3-3:30pm to have a plentiful supply. If you can assist, please contact the church office.


Forward Together: Reclaiming Our Church Through Radical Love

J.J. Warren, a young and aspiring gay United Methodist clergy, spoke at General Conference in February and inspired many by his passion and commitment for LGBTQ+ justice. His CA speaking tour will bring him to Los Altos UMC in August.
Join in and please RSVP here. You can find flyer cards to share in the narthex at church on Sunday.

Please share widely with others!

Date / Time: August 10, 2019, 4pm
Address: Los Altos UMC, 655 Magdalena Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94024


All-Church Picnic & BBQ

    SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th, 8am-8pmJohn D. Morgan Park, Picnic Area C

Save the date for a fun, all-church outing in Campbell. CUMC has reserved picnic area C, with 3 on-site BBQ pits.  John D. Morgan Park is located at 540 W. Rincon Avenue, off of Winchester Blvd.  Bring a picnic lunch and beverages for your family, and take turns grilling, if desired. Bring your Frisbees, Badminton sets, and other fun games, along with your hats and sunscreen!

City of Campbell Park Rules:
– No portable BBQ grills may be brought to the park.  Use on-site grills only.
– Children must be supervised by adults at all times.
– No smoking in any city park area.
– Badminton & Volleyball nets allowed, but please do not set up near walkways.
– Dogs on leashes allowed, except Children’s Areas.

 Campbell UMC Rules:
No alcohol allowed – this is a church event, so just as no alcohol is allowed on campus, no alcohol is allowed at an official church event, even if off-site.


Family Game Night with Ice Cream!

Friday, August 9th, from 7:00 – 9:30pm in Fellowship Hall.

Bring your favorite game to play, or choose from one of the many provided.  Enjoy ice cream while you play (ice cream provided), and bring your favorite topping to share.
Water and lemonade will also be provided.


BIKE & BUILD BBQ: Friday July 26!

Bike & Build will be returning to Campbell UMC for an overnight stay on Friday, July 26th.

Bike & Build is a national non-profit for affordable housing.  Young Adults volunteer to cycle across the country, raising money while they do so, while stopping to build affordable homes in several of the communities they visit.

“Our” team of 18 started from Jacksonville, Florida, on May 12th, cycling through the southern states, and stopping overnight at Campbell UMC before their final day of cycling when they will end up in Santa Cruz, CA.

Our team will give a presentation on affordable housing on their evening here.  Join them for a potluck BBQ meal on July 26th in the Fireside Room at 7pm and hear about their efforts, and the affordable housing situation in general, certainly a hot topic in Silicon Valley.  We’ve invited all our sister churches in the circuit.

– In addition to the potluck meal on Friday, we will also be providing breakfast on Saturday morning, July 27th.  If you are an early bird who would like to help cook or serve, or would like to provide supplies for breakfast or snacks, please contact Barbara Wade at  *NOTE: We will probably be on campus between 4:30am and 5:00am to prepare breakfast to be served at 6:00am.

For more information, see Bike & Build and view the team members who will be here.


USS Hornet Splashdown Event!

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Lunar Landing on Saturday, July 20th, aboard the USS Hornet (docked in Alameda), which was the ship assigned to recover the Apollo astronauts after they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean.  Landing a man on the moon was one of this country’s seminal events and drew the country together during a time of turmoil and unrest.  The 50th anniversary event celebrates the courage, effort, and vision of all involved.

Meet those involved in the recovery effort as well as astronaut Yvonne Cagle, a Novato native, and a member of the astronaut class of 1996, who will speak from 11:00am to noon.  Also watch the world première of the Smithsonian documentary, “The Day We Walked on the Moon.”  Featuring the personal remembrances of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and key figures at Mission Control, the documentary shows just how dangerous the mission was, and how close it came to failure on numerous occasions.

See rocks from the Moon, photographs and memorabilia, and the Museum’s standard exhibits.  Cost of the event is $20 for adults, $15 for seniors/students/military, and $10 for youth. Children 6 and under are free.

The event is begins at 10:00am, and we will carpool from the church at 8:45am.
If you would like to come along, please contact the church office at


Join in the Summer Fun!

Family Game Night

Friday, July 12th, 7:00 – 9:30pm, in Fellowship Hall. Board Games & Card Games for all ages, Movement Games for the little ones. Bring your favorite game (some are provided) and a snack to share.

♫ Ice Cream Social & Sing-A-Long! ♫

On Sunday, July 14th, at 2:00pm, gather in the Fellowship Hall for a Summer Ice Cream Social and Sing-A-Long. Sorbet will be provided for those with lactose intolerance. Enjoy homemade caramel sauce and hot fudge sauce, and other toppings, and sing some good old songs!

Stay Tuned – More Summer Fun events are in the works!


Summer Fun & Fellowship Survey

The last few Sundays, there has been an insert in the bulletin inviting you to select (and suggest) events in which you may be interested in participating with your church family over the summer.  That list is available here as well, so if you didn’t get a chance to see it or to make selections, you can do it online!

Please let us know if you would you be interested in getting together with CUMC members this summer for any of the listed activities – and/or suggest some of your own!  Online, you can also make a different list for each email address you enter!

Let’s have some fun together this summer!


United Methodist Summer Camps

Ongoing Registration!  A week at camp can be a life-changing experience for children CA-NV Annual Conf Campingand youth.

The Summer Camp Programs of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people, in a safe, fun, and caring environment.  Your child will discover an ever-greater love for God in their hearts – while growing in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratitude, as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime.

Monte Toyon Camps:
Toyon – July 7th – 13th: youth entering 3rd through 9th grades.
Toyon L.I.T. – July 7th – 13th: (Leaders ITraining) 15-17 year olds, who have completed their sophomore year in high school.

Lodestar Camps:
Lodestar – July 14th – 20th: youth entering 3rd through 9th grades.
Lodestar L.I.T. – July 14th – 20th: (Leaders ITraining) 15-17 year olds, who have completed their sophomore year in high school.

You can register ONLINE here.

For questions, contact Shari Sandoval at 916-374-1528 or
If you turn in your registration receipt to the church office, Campbell UMC will reimburse you for the deposit (up to $100).


LIGHTS FOR LIBERTY – Friday, July 12th, 7-9pm

Join in Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, which will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets, and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. Bring a candle, a sign, and your friends and join your United Methodist Church family in advocating for justice.

More information:
Our local location is at San Jose City Hall Plaza.
Share the Facebook event & invite friends/family –

There are other vigils all over the SF Bay Area (& the world!), find more here.

Even if you cannot attend a main or a local event, you could participate by lighting a candle in front of your home. Perhaps invite your neighbors to join in solidarity with our fellow human beings and against the cruel and inhumane treatment of migrants in concentration camps throughout our country.


Project for the Homeless

On June 30th after worship, anyone aged 10 and older is invited to help with a homeless project.
No sewing skills required!

Meet in the Fireside Room and hallway by the kitchen.  Help cut out scarves, pin blankets together, and cut plastic for ponchos.  Bring fabric scissors if you have them.  Questions? Call Jane LaPierre (check with office for number).

Travel-sized toiletries will also be collected that day.



*Please note the date has been changed to Sunday, June 30th.

Meet in the Fireside Room after church for a quick lunch (provided, no need to BYO) and then we will carpool to Vasona Reservoir and walk around the lake for two or more laps.  Donation forms for signing up your donors will be available during Coffee Hour – look for Joyce Hocker at the CROP table.

CROP stands for “Christian Rural Overseas Program,” and it began in 1947 under the auspices of Church World Service.  The primary mission was for Midwestern farmers to share their grain with war-ravaged Europe, which continued on food rationing for several years after WWII ended.  As Europe stabilized, CROP continued in the form of Hunger Walks which raise awareness of hunger issues, and which solicit donations to ameliorate them.

CUMC has participated in CROP Hunger Walk since the South Bay Walk began in 1977.  Since 1993, the first year donations were tracked by region, our community has raised over $1.2 million through 70+ local groups.  We walk to respond to resource shortages, to protect and provide for our vulnerable, to build sustainable community, and to show solidarity in a time of divisiveness.  We choose to walk so that others don’t have to.  Join us on June 30th and WALK!


San Francisco PRIDE MARCH – June 30, 2019: 11:00AM – 6:00PM

Come join Bishop Carcaño, SF District Superintendent Staci Current and your United Methodist siblings from the CA-NV Conference – March in solidarity to show that God does not discriminate!

Please register here to march in the parade contingent & receive further updates on timing and location.  You can also tell us your t-shirt size; register for the trolley (for those that cannot walk the entire route); seating is available for up to 25 participants. Let’s make this the largest contingent ever!  For questions contact: Angela Brown at


Register NOW for Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Vacation Bible School 2019 will be
June 24-28th from 9:00am – 12:00pm

This year’s theme is:
Roar!  Life is Wild, God is Good! 
This epic African adventure engages the whole herd.  At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

The week includes: New friends, Exciting experiments, Creative crafts, Fun treats, Surprising adventures, and Incredible music.

VBS at Campbell United is open to all kids (potty-trained) 3-years-old through completed 5th grade.
Completed 6th graders and up can volunteer on leadership teams. Volunteers Welcome!

View and Download the registration form. Register early to save your spot.
Last day for Campbell UMC to receive your registration is June 16th.

See and share our Facebook event – all welcome!

View and share the poster, and check out more about “Roar” here:


Bible Study: Covenant

Covenant is a Bible study taking a deep look at the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying theme running through the Old Testament and the New Testament.  It underscores the unique relationship that God chooses to have with us as God’s people, a relationship grounded in the faithfulness of God’s love and on our ongoing commitment to stay in relationship with God.   This study which covers the whole Bible is made up of three eight-session modules that meets for 90 minutes each week.

Facilitated by Pastor Ouk-Yean and Claudia Slayman, the Covenant Bible Study will continue in May & June with Module 2, “Living the Covenant.”  We will continue to meet on Wednesdays, from 10:30am to Noon in the Wesley Lounge, from May 8 to June 26.

The Covenant Bible Study Participant Guides are available at or Cokesbury.  The Covenant Bible Study is divided into three modules (Creating, Living, Trusting). You can buy all three guides for the whole study or just Module 2, Living the Covenant. The study involves daily scripture readings, video, and group experience.

The current Covenant Bible Study participants (Creating the Covenant) would love to have more people join them in their study.
For more information, email Pastor Ouk-Yean, or phone her at: 408-378-3472, ext 12.


Annual Handbell Concert

The ringers performed their Annual Handbell Concert on
Sunday, May 19th at 4:00pm.

Campbell UMC is blessed to have multiple handbell choirs who participated in this year’s concert:
The Carillon Choir and The Diamond Ringers, (youth from 3rd – 8th grade).

The handbell ringers perform many different styles of repertoire: Secular, Pop, Classical, Jazz standards, & other rhythms will be among the featured songs. Handbells are very versatile instruments – if you have not heard handbells play in concert before, you should check it out!

If you were unable to attend on Sunday, May 19th, you can still experience this wonderful concert – just use this Order Form to obtain a DVD or Download.  Cost for DVD or HD Digital Download is $25.00, and $35 for a high definition Blu-ray.

All profits go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording the church’s services and sending our ministry & message into the world.  In return, enjoy the uplifting sights & sounds of this joyous musical.

The concert for 2020 will again be the 3rd Sunday in May!



The parking lot will receive a much-needed sealing Monday, June 10th, and Tuesday, June 11th.

On Monday, the South driveway and south half of the parking lot will be closed.  Entry will be in and out of the north driveway (Wesley Manor side).
On Tuesday, the north driveway and north half of the parking lot will be sealed, which means all traffic must use the one-lane south driveway.  Please take care when using this driveway as it was not designed for two-way traffic!

Permission has been given to park in the Home Church lot in the four lanes closest to Latimer, which would be a smart choice, particularly on Tuesday.


Confirmation Potluck June 9

There will be a confirmation potluck on Sunday, June 9th, immediately after the church service. The congregation is invited to bring main dishes and side dishes to support the confirmands and make this a memorable day for them.

Please note that cakes will be provided, so no desserts will be needed.
Kindly send in details of your desired dishes by Monday, June 3rd, to the church office or you can contact Lynn Dellaporta (669-210-9795) or Admire Akapo (408-337-7167).


Music Appreciation Sunday

Sunday, June 2nd:
The choirs and handbells will sing and ring!

Join us for this joyous celebration in song!


HYMN SING – All Welcome to Come and Sing!

On Sunday, June 2nd, at 4:00pm, the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) is holding their regular meeting at Campbell UMC in the Sanctuary.

The meeting will take the form of a hymn sing in which various organists will choose a hymn, which the audience sings, and then the organist will play an arrangement or improvisation of the same hymn.  Our own Shine Kwon will be playing, as will Darryl Parker, our regular substitute organist.

Anyone is welcome to attend this free event and join in the fun of singing and hearing great organ playing.


“Hollywood Meets Broadway”

On Friday, May 31st at 7:30pm, the Orchard City Chorus will present their spring concert in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased online at
or at the door.


The Old Testament, Fast Forward – Annual Children’s Musical

The Joyful Notes Children’s Choir performed their Annual Musical on May 5th, 2019, at 10am and 2pm.

The Old Testament is really a library of books written by dozens of inspired authors.  The Old Testament Fast Forward is presented with the comic notion that this epic history can be recounted in ten minutes!

If you were unable to attend on Sunday, May 5th, you can still experience the old stories of love, forgiveness, courage, and promise in the musical, The Old Testament Fast Forward – just use this Order Form to obtain a DVD or Download.  Cost for DVD or HD Digital Download is $25.00, and $35 for a high definition Blu-ray.

All profits go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording the church’s services and sending our ministry & message into the world.  In return, enjoy the uplifting sights & sounds of this joyous musical.

Questions? Write to:


Musical May!

Sunday, May 5th: Annual Children’s Musical.

Friday, May 17th: Aaron Tan Organ Concert, 7:30pm in the Sanctuary, sponsored by the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and dedicated to the memory of Mary Ann Gee.  Aaron is the Winner of the Young Artist Award at the National Convention. If you love hearing our Schantz organ on Sundays, come hear more on May 17th!  The concert will be followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, May 19th: Annual Bell Concert, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary.  Hear handbells as you’ve never heard them before as the Bell Choirs of CUMC present their annual concert with music in a variety of genres.
The concert is free and open to the public.

Friday, May 31st: “Hollywood Meets Broadway.” Orchard City Chorus presents their spring concert at 7:30pm in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.  Tickets $20 at the door or may be purchased online.

Thank you for your support!

Graduate Recognition

Graduate Recognition Sunday will be Sunday, May 19th.

If you or a family member is graduating from high school, college, vocational school, or is receiving a post-graduate degree, please email with the name of the graduate, the school, the degree (if applicable) and future plans, if known.


Lunch Bunch Meets Sunday May 19th

The Single Senior Lunch Bunch will meet after worship THIS Sunday,
May 19th, at 11:30am
Effies Restaurant located at 331 Hacienda Avenue, Campbell.
The restaurant’s phone number is 408-378-3400.

Come for fun & fellowship.  Separate checks provided.
New members are always welcome!  See you there!


Aaron Tan Organ Concert – Friday, May 17th, 7:30pm

This free concert is sponsored by the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and dedicated to the memory of Mary Ann Gee (longtime organist and music coordinator at Campbell UMC).  Aaron has selected special music for this recital dedicated to Mary Ann which will have a freewill offering.

Aaron Tan is a Canadian engineer, organist, and pianist.  He has won numerous noteworthy contests and scholarships on both instruments including the First Prize and Audience Prize at the prestigious AGO National Young Artists (NYACOP) competition in 2018. Other competition prizes and awards include the Toronto RCCO Young Organists Competition, the Osborne Organ Competition of the Summer Institute of Church Music (Ontario), the RCCO’s National Organ Playing Competition, the Charlotte Hoyt Bagnall Scholarship for Church Musicians, the Lilian Forsyth Scholarship, the West Chester University Organ Competition, the Arthur Poister Scholarship Competition, the Sursa American Organ Competition, and the XVI Poland International Piano Festival Competition.

If you love hearing our Schantz organ on Sundays, come hear more on May 17th!
The concert will be followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall.

See and share the Facebook event with friends and family!


Bright Days Silent Auction Fundraiser

The 2019 Bright Days Auction Fundraiser begins Sunday, April 28th and closes on Tuesday, May 7th.  Proceeds support the Bright Days Preschool Playground Fund for playground improvement projects and the Bright Days Financial Aid Fund to assist families with tuition cost during times of financial hardship.

Over 400 items will be on display for bidding during Coffee Hour on Sunday, April 28th and Sunday, May 5th.

The display will be moved to the Education Building hallway for bidding on weekdays during the event.

Mark your name, phone number, and bid amount on the bid sheet corresponding to the auction item.
Highest bidder at auction close wins the item. Winners do not have to be present.

All are invited to a FREE Pasta Dinner on Tuesday, May 7th at 5:30pmin Fellowship Hall.  Auction closes at 6:15pm in the Education Building immediately after dinner.  Childcare is available.
Thank you for your support!


The Old Testament, Fast Forward – Annual Children’s Musical

The Joyful Notes Children’s Choir will perform their Annual Musical the first Sunday of May at 10am and 2pm.

The Old Testament is really a library of books written by dozens of inspired authors.  The story it tells begins with creation and moves through human sin and God’s great plan of redemption, a plan that included nearly 2,000 years preparing the Hebrew people for a coming savior. The Old Testament Fast Forward is presented with the comic notion that this epic history can be recounted in ten minutes!

Please join the Joyful Notes Children’s Choir on Sunday, May 5th, at both the 10:00am service and at 2:00pm that afternoon, as we experience the old stories of love, forgiveness, courage, and promise in the musical, The Old Testament Fast Forward by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote.

Campbell UMC invites the whole community – ALL are Welcome!
Click on this Link to invite friends and family with our Facebook event.

Questions? Write to:


The Children’s Musical is almost here!

Which means it’s now time to build the set — and we need your help! Musical set construction will take place the week of April 28 – May 5.
There are jobs for everyone — no matter what your skills or talents: construction, priming, painting, decoration, prop-making and set tear-down.

Drop by anytime – Here’s the schedule for the week:

  • Sun April 28: 2pm: clear chancel area of chairs, altar, pulpit, etc.
  • Sun April 28: afternoon & evening: build set framing & flats (heavier construction)
  • Mon April 29: afternoon & evening: construction continues (mix of heavy/light)
  • Tue April 30: afternoon & evening: construction continues + paint priming
  • Wed May 1: 6pm to 10pm (after rehearsal) — painting & light construction
  • Thur May 2: afternoon & evening: painting / decorating
  • Fri May 3: 6pm to 10pm (after dress rehearsal) — painting / decorating
  • Sun May 5: Musical performances at 10am (Worship) & 2pm (Community)
  • Sun May 5: 3pm to 7pm: demolition, clean-up, restore sanctuary

If you are interested in helping, there are two ways to sign-up:

  1. E-mail Daelene at or Jim at
  2. Call us at home (leave a message) to let us know when you’ll be there

Jim designs the set & manages construction — for reference in case you need to reach him during the week of April 28– May 5, he can be reached at the above email or by text.
Thanks a lot — we appreciate it, and so will all of the kids!
-Daelene & Jim Groff


All-UMW Bi-Annual Meeting – May 2nd, 9:30am

The United Methodist Women invite you to join them for their May program on Thursday, May 2, 2019, in the Fireside Room.
The two bi-annual General Meetings of Campbell UMW (open to everyone, not just UMW Circle members) are held the first Thursday of May and the first Thursday of December at 9:30am.

The Sacred Space of Rest and Self-Care

Rest and self-care are so important.  When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.  ~  Eleanor Brownn

Join the United Methodist Women as we discover ways to follow the example of God in the creation story and create a sacred space for rest to reconnect with God.

  • Business Meeting from 9:30 am – 10:30am
  • Coffee and Brunch from 10:30 am – 11:00am
  • Program begins at 11:00am


Save Your Recyclables

There will be another recycling drive on Sunday, April 28th.
Save your plastic bottles and aluminum cans (anything that says “CRV” on it).  The Campbell United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) will be in the parking lot at 9:30am that morning to start collecting.

This is the UMYF continuing fundraiser for their Sierra Service Project trip.
Thanks for your support!


(Links go to our Facebook event pages.)

Palm SundayApril 14th:

Joyful Sunday Service with palms;
Joyful Notes with the Chancel choir,
celebration and loud hosannas!

Maundy Thursday, April 18th – no service

Good Friday, April 19th:

7:30pm Joint Service with New Creation UMC in the Sanctuary.
A service of scripture, shadow, and darkness, adding to the mood of this day. Between scripture readings of the crucifixion, lights are gradually extinguished until the Sanctuary is in darkness, representing that the Light of Christ is gone from the world.
Invite your friends and neighbors to this lovely reflective service.

Easter SundayApril 21st

Sunrise Service led by Rev. Alyss Swanson
in the Courtyard
Greet this day of new life as it dawns.

– Pancake breakfast
in Fellowship Hall,
hosted by our youth.

– Flowers, brass, bells, choirs —
it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!
All are invited to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus with the Chancel Choir. Scores will be available.

11:15am Egg hunt for children following service. Preschool-1st grade will hunt in the fenced-in courtyard outside the education bldg. 2nd-5th grade will hunt for eggs on the playground.
Bags will be provided.


** Click to see a map of Alternative Parking Areas **


Decorate the Living Flower Cross

On Sunday, bring flowers and greens from your garden and yard to decorate our living cross for Easter.

It’s been a couple years since we’ve done this – what a beautiful way to celebrate the risen Christ!

The cross will be set up for Sunrise Service at 7:30am, and you can insert your blossoms before you worship then or at the 10am service.


Lunch Bunch Meets Sunday April 14th

The Single Senior Lunch Bunch will meet after worship THIS Sunday, April 14th, at 11:30am
Tomato Thyme located at 1560 Hamilton Avenue, corner of Hamilton & Meridian, San Jose.

The restaurant’s phone number is  408-723-7333.
Come for fun & fellowship.  Separate checks provided.
New members are always welcome!  See you there!


All-Church Work Day

April 13, 8:00am – Noon

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen and Fireside Room on Saturday, April 13 from 8am to noon.

Come for as long as you are able.
No need to stay the whole time.

All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.
The Trustees organize these Work Mornings to get to the deep cleaning that our janitor is unable to do in her limited hours on our campus.  Tasks include washing the windows, cleaning the floors of scuff marks, dusting ledges, and paint touchups.
Many hands make light work!  Thank you for your support!


Annual UMW Membership Tea – April 7, 2019 at 11:30am (after church).

You are cordially invited to attend the Campbell United Methodist Women (UMW) 12th Annual Membership Tea on Sunday, April 7th in the Fellowship Hall.  Please be our guest and enjoy a lovely afternoon of tea, treats and wonderful conversation with ladies from various UMW Circles.

Basket viewing will begin at 11:30, and the Tea will be from 12 noon to 2pm.

Baskets filled with treasures will be available through your charitable donations to the Silent Auction.  The proceeds from the Silent Auction will benefit the Family Giving Tree, an organization which, in 2016 alone—with the help of more than 500 Bay Area nonprofits and schools and the 1,500 individuals, groups and businesses that help lead drives—fulfilled over 76,000 holiday wishes and provided more than 39,000 supply-filled backpacks to those most in need.  Over the last 27 years Family Giving Tree has served more than 1,400,000 children and individuals throughout the greater Bay Area and actively endeavor to inspire the values of kindness, philanthropy and volunteerism in our community.  The Family Giving Tree is one of very few non-profits in the San Francisco Bay Area to receive Charity Navigator‘s 4-star rating.

We hope you will join us for this very special event!UMW_Luncheon_Tea_edit

Please RSVP:
You may sign up during Fellowship Time on Sundays OR
to Lou Woodburycatcott at 408-246-5087 or no later than Sunday, March 31st.

Your RSVP will help us to set a place for every guest.

Please also let us know if you will need child care.


Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of UMW – March 24th, 2019 at 10:00am.

After General Conference 2019, The United Methodist Church faces changes and unknowns.  What is known, however, is that United Methodist Women and its members will continue to stand together, committed to serving women, children and youth.  For us, commitment to the Purpose and prayer are the only litmus tests for determining who can belong.  The United Methodist Women celebrate our 150th anniversary this month.  We have persisted through change before.  We could not have been organized for mission for this long if we let our differences divide us.  You’ve been praying.  You are praying.  Keep praying.  And be sure to celebrate our 150th anniversary on March 23.

March 23, 2019, is a very special day for United Methodist Women members.  It is the day our organization will officially be 150 years old—a true day of celebration! It’s also a special Day of Giving during which members and supporters can give to the Legacy Fund Endowment Campaign to ensure our next 150 years in mission.

At Campbell UMC, we will have a special service on Sunday, March 24th, with a number of UMW members participating in worship.  Join us!


Transform Justice Event

All have been invited Tuesday March 19th at 6:45pm by Pact SJ, to a dialogue and learning event with the county police chiefs and sheriff.  The Campbell Police Chief has confirmed that they will be in attendance and it would be great to have some members of Campbell UMC there.

The event is open to anyone, so please share.

It will include learning about the new state law that allows access to records on police misconduct and officer-involved shootings as well as hearing from the chiefs about how they will implement the new law.  There will then be a time for dialogue in small groups on the importance of transparency for good community and police relations.


Reconciling Informational Meeting

This Sunday after worship, Rev. Alyss Swanson will host a meeting in the Fireside Room for those interested in working with our Reconciling Group.

Grab a coffee or tea, and join in to help determine best ways to publicize and reaffirm our commitment to full inclusion of ALL God’s people.


Joint Ash Wednesday Service – with New Creation UMC

March 6th at 7:30pm

This special worship service, which marks the beginning of Lent, will feature the Chancel Choir and include the imposition of ashes.  Once again, it will be a joint worship service with New Creation United Methodist Church and held in the Sanctuary.

Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) of spiritual preparation for Easter, and all Christian believers are called to observe this holy season by intentional spiritual practices, such as repentance, prayer, fasting, and reading the Bible.

This Lenten season, we will reflect on some of the questions Jesus asked, through the new worship series “More Questions than Answers.”


About the 2019 General Conference Session

In her recent letter to the community of the California-Nevada Annual Conference, Bishop Minerva Carcaño has laid out a plan for “a series of Post-General Conference Episcopal Visits to inform our clergy and congregations about the actions of the General Conference and the implications for our conference and denomination.

These visits will also be times of prayer and seeking God’s way forward for our ministry in the California-Nevada Conference.”  The first (and only local) one will be Sunday, March 3, 2:30-5:30pm at Los Altos UMC.  Everyone is welcome.


Annual Benefit Concert for Next Door Solutions

On Friday, March 1st, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary, please join the Orchard City Community Chorus & Friends (including Opera San Jose’s Military Veterans Chorus), at the 9th Annual Benefit Concert for Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence.  It is a beautiful concert filled with music and heartwarming stories from a graduate of Next Door Solutions.

Senator Jim Beall will be a guest speaker at the concert.

One in three women is a victim of domestic violence, and organizations like Next Door Solutions are vital to bring women from being victims, to being self-sufficient.

Last year the concert raise almost $6,000 (!) and they are aiming for $10,000 this year.  Tickets are $20 at the door and all proceeds go to Next Door Solutions.

      Come and enjoy a wonderful and uplifting evening!

Share this community event flyer with friends.
See and share the Facebook Event!


The Crab Feed is coming up! – February 23rd

Enjoy all-you-can-eat Crab, Pasta, Salad, and fresh-baked french bread, dessert and LIVE Music!
We’ll also have a Cake Auction & dessert table!


Join the Festivities on Saturday, February 23rd, 6:00pm!
Doors open 5:15, Serving begins at 6:00.
Share this community event flyer with friends.
See and share our Facebook Event!

Get Tickets online – click here to purchase!

We are excited to announce that Ren Geisick & Dolce Musica will again provide wonderful
entertaining live music for your listening pleasure while dining.
About Ren: Taking cues from greats like Eva Cassidy and Nina Simone,
Ren focuses on the connections between singer and listener to tease out
emotional responses, delivering a solid, entertaining performance.
Check out Ren’s music here!

The Annual Crab Feed sells out, so be sure to get your tickets early – click here to purchase!

2019 Prices:

  • Adults: General Admission: $49
    CUMC Church Members discounted price (purchase at office)
  • Youth 14-17 yrs: $15
  • Children 13 yrs and under: $0 (with paying adult)
Campbell United Methodist Church is a vibrant center of many Campbell community events and services. This event is a fundraiser for the care and maintenance of Campbell United Methodist Church’s facilities, so your support is appreciated by many! Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you at the Crab Feed!


The 2019 General Conference Session

On February 10th, Rev. Alyss Swanson walked us through the proposals that will come to the Special Session of the General Conference Feb 23-26, where they will receive and act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward based on the recommendations of the Council of Bishops.  The Commission was authorized to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and to explore options to strengthen church unity.
You can view Pastor Alyss’ informational presentation from last Sunday regarding the Special Session, as well as other documents helpful in understanding the plans and issues.

The California-Nevada Conference Communications Office has created a 2019 General Conference site, which they update frequently.  Access the site here.

On the UMC GC2019 site you’ll find a collection of news stories and commentaries that you may find helpful along with links to several critical resources, including:

You can also watch the General Conference. The event will be streamed by United Methodist Communications in its entirety – beginning with worship on Saturday, Feb. 23 at 7:00am (Pacific) and ending with adjournment at 4:30pm (PST) on Tuesday, Feb. 26.
Continue to pray for their guidance during this time.


Free Concert: Where Poppies Grow

On Friday, February 22nd, at 8:00pm, Campbell UMC will host a concert conducted by Carl Oser, of San Jose State University.  This concert will feature over thirty singers and instrumentalists from the SJSU School of Music and Dance, including the SJSU Vocal Jazz Ensemble.  They will perform selections by Hildegard von Bingen and Vittoria Aleotti, among others.

The centerpiece of the concert will be in collaboration with SJSU’s own saxophone quartet, the Zēlos Quartet. They will perform the North American premier of Maarten De Splenter’s Pax Pro Patria for choir, saxophone quartet, piano, baritone, and boy soprano.  This work was premiered in 2015 for the 100th anniversary of the writing of the WWI poem “In Flanders Fields” and reflects on the use of gas during the first World War.  It’s serious subject matter and is an exciting opportunity to re-examine an old story through a new lens.

If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP here.
You can also find (and share) the Facebook Event here.

The concert free, open to the public, and will be followed by a light reception in Fellowship Hall.

Reservations are strongly encouraged and appreciated!


Praying Our Way Forward

Take an hour to pray for our church, it’s delegates and episcopacy over the four days of the 2019 General Conference on human sexuality.

Help support God’s wish for our church by praying our way forward during the 2019 Special General Conference.  Let us vigilantly pray for our delegates; that they each may hear the Holy Spirit and allow its voice to be their voice during those four days of discernment and decision.

Hour blocks of time have been set aside for you to pray in your home.  If you can’t do an hour but can support some part of that please consider inviting a friend to augment your time.

Invite others to join your prayer vigil and set aside brief times to share and reflect on LGBTQ+ people in the church.  Jesus is alive, and he is building his church (Matt. 16:18).  Let us “follow him” in building a church founded on radical hospitality that is inclusive and loving to all his creation.

Prayer times are available from Saturday, February 23 through Tuesday, February 26, 2019, from 7:00am to 11:59pm.  Please sign up now!

Please also join us when Rev. Alyss Swanson leads a Prayer Vigil at in the Chapel  on
Tuesday, February 19th, from 7 – 8 pm.


Give the Gift of Life

On Saturday, February 2nd, from 8:30amto 2:30pm, Campbell UMC will host a Red Cross Blood Drive in the Fellowship Hall.

You can register online at: and enter “95008” in the zip code section.  Find Campbell UMC under February 2nd click on “SEE TIMES” button to register.

The greatest gift you can give someone in this New Year is the gift of life!

View and share our Facebook Event and click for a flyer to share.


Save Your Recyclables

There will be another recycling drive on Sunday, January 20th.
Save your plastic bottles and aluminum cans (anything that says “CRV” on it).  The Campbell United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) will be in the parking lot at 9:30am that morning to start collecting.

This is the UMYF continuing fundraiser for their Sierra Service Project trip.
Thanks for your support!


Campbell UMC Trip to Sierra Leone – January 2019

Campbell UMC has been invited by the Bishop of Sierra Leone, Rev. John K Yambasu, to visit in late JanuaryWe are now accepting reservations for the trip to Sierra Leone from January 24 to February 6, 2019, departing from San Francisco for Freetown.

The trip will have two purposes:
1) develop local relationships with the United Methodist people of Sierra Leone, and
2) to evaluate where the congregation of Campbell UMC can be most effective.

Campbell UMC is organizing airline tickets, in-country transport and accommodation.  Accommodation will be a combination of hotels and in-home stays with local Sierra Leoneans.  All attendees should be at least 18 years and in good enough health to climb stairs.  V

So far there are ~12 people interested in making the journey.  The total cost per traveler will be $3,250 including airline tickets, overland travel accommodation and visas.  Deposits of at least $500 can be made to reserve your position.

Reservations closed on Sunday, October 14, 2018.  Deposits cannot be refunded after this date.  The trip will be a great opportunity to meet with local United Methodist communities, with free time to take in some of the history and spectacular natural beauty of Sierra Leone.

As well as visiting the AMDCF and worshiping with local United Methodist communities, there will be free time to take in some of the spectacular natural beauty of Sierra Leone, from the rain forest mountains to the beaches.

Informational sessions will be held periodically in the Fireside Room starting at 11:30am.

To learn more about the trip to Sierra Leone, please see the information table in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays after service.


See How we celebrated Epiphany!

On January 6th, we celebrated the Epiphany with communion and joyful worship led by our African Fellowship and had a wonderful African Feast after.

See photos and video from African Epiphany Sunday.  Please share/add/upload your photos here too!


Celebrate Epiphany!

We will celebrate the Epiphany with communion and joyful worship led by our African Fellowship.

You are encouraged to wear African clothes and to arrive early (9:50am) to enjoy the drum music.  Drummers will include Samuel Akapo, Dickson Beckley, Evan Sarkisian, and Sonny Sawyer.

Bruce Hallinan, Chair of our Church Council will preach.

Stay for Fellowship and the African Food Feast after the service!


Christmas Eve Pageant – December 24th, 4pm


This Christmas Eve, children have the opportunity to be part of the Christmas pageant in worship and experience the wonder and joy of the story of Jesus’ birth in their program: “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

We would love to include any child, age 4 and older, who would like to participate. There are both speaking and non-speaking roles, and children must attend both rehearsals on December 15th & 222nd from 10am-12pm.
Note that pageant time is at 4pm on Christmas Eve this year.

For more information, or to sign up for a role, please contact the Director of Children & Families Ministries, Admire Akapo at 408-378-3472, ext. 14, or write


Experience the Annual Christmas Concert – again

If you were unable to attend this year’s concert (or once wasn’t enough), you can experience it again!  DVDs and high-definition digital downloads of this beautiful concert presented by choirs, ringers and brass are available for a fee of $25 (or $35 for high-definition Blu-ray).

Profits from sales go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording church services and other special events like this.
Order Forms for the DVD are available here and in the church office.

Make checks payable to “Mark Shepherd” (NOT to CUMC) and return with your payment to the address listed on the form.
Last day to order is January 31st.


2018 Longest Night Service

Friday, December 21, 2018 – 7pm
in the Chapel

The season of Advent is usually seen as a joyful time when families come together to celebrate the arrival of our savior.  Songs of great hope and promise such as “Joy to the World” fill our hearts and yet for some of us it can be difficult to find that joy.  Times such as this can also punctuate the grief over a loss or the emotional or physical pain that one silently carries.

On Friday, December 21st, the longest night of the year, Campbell UMC will hold a contemplative Taize-like worship service in support of those that struggle in such adversity.  All are invited whether you might be grieving yourself or wish to stand alongside in support. We gather in unity to shed tears if they come, hold hands if they are available, and to join our voices with one another in song and prayer.  Service will be held in the chapel from 7-8pm.


Lunchtime Advent Concerts – December 7th, 14th, & 21st

Take a mid-day break and enjoy a respite from the holiday hustle and bustle to experience music as a reminder of what the Advent season is: preparation and expectation of the Christ Child.

The first three Fridays in December, from 12:30 to 1:00pm, Campbell UMC will again offer our Annual Advent Concerts. All concerts are free and open to the public, so please share & invite friends, family and neighbors to take time from the “busy-ness” of their day and enjoy the music of this blessed time.

On December 7th our first concert will feature the organ, with Elisabeth Pintar, Organist of Immanuel Lutheran in Saratoga.

On December 14th, “A Wreath of Carols” will feature Brian Holmes, horn; James Creer, baritone; Jolynda Tresner, soprano & viola; Zhou Yi, cello; and Shine Kwon, piano.

on December 21st, the Advent concert will feature Shine Kwon, Organist of Campbell UMC.

Share all the Facebook events (links above) or this Flyer with friends and family.

Hope to see you there!


Giving the Gift of Love


For the past two years, CUMC members have donated *over 100 toys* to boys and girls in need!

Thank you again for your amazing generosity.  Know that you have helped tremendously to make Christmas more memorable for these children!  See photos of the donated gifts here!


Active Seniors host Christmas Party for All

Saturday, December 15, 2018

On Saturday, December 15th, join in the spirit of the season with the Active Seniors as we come together for their annual Christmas Party.  ALL Welcome!

Start at 5:30pm with appetizers, then move to the Fireside Room for a delicious meal – and sing some favorite Christmas carols.

If you can, please bring a gift of a neck scarf and/or gloves for an adult woman (unwrapped but tied with a ribbon).  These gifts will be delivered to the San Jose Homeless Shelter in time for Christmas.

This is always a fun and wonderful part of the Christmas season.  Mark your calendars! Look for the signup table during Fellowship Hour on Sunday.  You may also call Bob Renfer (408-248-8756) with any questions.


The Annual Christmas Concert – SUNDAY December 9th – 4:00pm

Nothing says Christmas like a brass fanfare, melodic voices, and… HandBells!

The annual Campbell UMC Christmas Concert celebrates the sounds of the season in a musical extravaganza on Sunday, December 9th, 2018 at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Featured will be:

Singers: Chancel Choir, African Choir, and Joyful Notes vocal choirs;

Ringers: Carillon Handbell Choir and friends; and

Players: This year, two Brass Ensembles bring their joyful music to the concert.

AND we’ll have a Christmas reception after with light snacks and beverages.

The repertoire spans the secular as well as arrangements of traditional carols and stirring Christmas overtures among contemporary tunes.

All invited – ALL Welcome!

Invite your friends and neighbors with this Facebook Event or this Flyer!

See you there, and Happy Holidays!


Holiday Services:

Longest Night Service – December 21st

7:00pm – in the Chapel
A contemplative, Taize-like service


Christmas Eve – December 24th

4:00pm – Children’s Christmas Pageant
9:00pm – Lessons & Carols
Both services followed by candle lighting in the courtyard


Sunday After Christmas – December 30th

10:00am – Worship with Carol Sing
Followed by Hot Cider, Christmas Cookies & Fellowship


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st

10:00pm – Chapel Opens
11:00pm – Service Begins – Led by the African Fellowship


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 6th, 2019

10:00am – Traditional African worship for Everyone
11:00apm – Coffee & Fellowship


Merry Mayhem is Coming!

December 2nd, 2:00 – 5:00pm

Break into the holiday spirit with Merry Mayhem, our Annual Advent Workshop – with Crafting, Tree-Trimming, Giving and Caroling.

Please bring an ornament symbolizing Christmas & peace for our church tree, and a non-perishable food item to fill up our donation bins.

Crafts for all ages: 2:00 – 4:15pm in Fellowship Hall

Caroling 4:30 – 5:00pm in the Fireside Room

Merry Mayhem is for ALL generations; the young and the young at heart!
Hope to see you there!


Mary Ann Gee Tribute Concert Commemorative DVD

On Sunday, November 4th, at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary, Campbell UMC presented a tribute concert honoring the life and musical legacy of Mary Ann Gee, who was our Music Coordinator, and until 3 years ago, our organist of 25 years.

In addition to the CUMC choirs, the program included:
organists from the American Guild of Organists (of which Mary Ann was a long-time member and past president of the local chapter), pianists, cello, french horn, guzheng (Chinese musical instrument), and congregational singing.  The concert was an amazing tribute, and Mary Ann would have been so proud!

If you weren’t able to attend this fantastic concert honoring Mary Ann, or you’d simply like to enjoy the sights and sounds of this performance at home, you can download and fill out this order form, (or pick one up from the back of the church, or in the office).
Orders need to be received no later than December 2nd.

DVDs are $25 each, Blu-Rays are $35 each. All proceeds go into a fund for a new camera system for the church to share our messages and stories with the world.


Annual Charge Conference

The annual meeting with the District Superintendent will be
Saturday, December 1st , at 4:00pm in the Fireside Room.

We present the membership report, officers for the coming year, and approve the pastor’s compensation package for 2018.

All are welcome to attend.


Worship at Work – November 25th, 2018

On November 25th, Campbell UMC will once again partner with Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) to package meals as a Worship at Work event.

Immediately after our abbreviated worship, the entire congregation will move to the Fellowship Hall, where tables and raw materials will be set up for the packaging of meals for those in need around the world.  In an hour or so we will pack literally thousands of meals in a whirlwind of movement and music!

As usual, we will complete the tasks by 11:30-12:00pm, and then share lunch!

This is another hands-on service project with tasks for people of ALL ages and abilities (no training required).


Adult Men’s Thursday Evening Study Group

A new book study for the Evening Men’s Group begins in October.  This is a great time to join in as we read and discuss and share our insights into the book.

“Jesus through Middle Eastern eyes: Cultural studies in the Gospels” by Kenneth Bailey. Beginning with Jesus’ birth, this study of the four gospels examines the birth and the life and ministry of Jesus with attention to the Lord’s Prayer, the Beatitudes, Jesus’ relationship to women, and especially Jesus’ parables. Bailey employs his expertise as a master of Middle Eastern culture into a deeper understanding of the person and significance of Jesus within his own cultural context, and removes the obscuring layers of modern Western interpretation to reveal Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting.

This is guaranteed to be an interesting exploration allowing us to gain perspective on how the people in Jesus’ time heard his words, parables and action through the lens of their time and culture.

Check it out via the “look inside” feature at Amazon.

All men are welcome to join this small group.  The men’s evening study group meets twice per month on Thursdays from 7-8pm in the Wesley Lounge.  (You don’t need to commit to make all of the meetings, just attend as your schedule permits).

Below is the October/November schedule; (Typically 2nd and 4th Thursdays, with some adjustments.)

Oct 4 (1st Thursday) – Bailey (Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes) – pages 1-47

Oct 25 (4th Thursday) – Bailey (Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes) – pages 48-62
Chapter 3 – Savior, Wise Men, Isaiah
Chapter 4 – Herod’s atrocities, Simeon and Anna

Nov 8 (2nd Thursday) – Bailey (Jesus/Middle Eastern Eyes) – pages 65-90
Chapters 5 & 6 – The Beatitudes parts 1 and 2

Nov 29 (5th Thursday) – Bailey (Jesus/Middle Eastern Eyes) – pages 91-112
Chapters 7 & 8 – The Lord’s Prayer parts 1 and 2

For more information, contact Dave at


All-Church Workday Morning

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Sanctuary on Saturday, Nov 17th from 8am to noon.

Come for as long as you are able. No need to stay the whole time. All cleaning supplies and yummy refreshments will be provided.

The Trustees organize these Work Mornings to get to the deep cleaning that our janitor is unable to do in the 5 hrs/day she works on campus. Tasks include organizing the Sacristy, vacuuming the eaves where the lighting is, vacuuming the crevices in the pews, and trimming bushes by the Sanctuary.


Active Seniors host Thanksgiving (“Friendsgiving”)

Saturday, November 17, 2017 6pm
in Fellowship Hall

The Active Seniors Thanksgiving Feast will be Saturday, November 17th, at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

ALL are invited and welcome, no matter your age!

Enjoy turkey accompanied by your selected side dishes.
Sign up by November 11th (available during Coffee/Fellowship time).


Veterans Luncheon

The United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) will host a lunch for all the veterans in our congregation on Veterans’ Day, November 11th.

This year is an especially meaningful holiday as it is the centennial of the original Armistice Day in 1918, ending “The war to end all wars.” That idealistic hope did not come to fruition and as there were further calls to arms, we are so grateful to all who have served our country!

Gather in the Fireside Room after worship so the youth can celebrate your service. Please bring your photos, memorabilia and stories to share with the youth of our congregation.


Bringing the Light of Christ

Calling All Kids! If you are in 3rd grade or above, and you’d like to become an acolyte, please attend our next training on Sunday, November 11th, after worship. We will meet in the back of the Sanctuary at 11:15am or as soon as the service is over.

Parents – please email Pastor Ouk-Yean for more information or if your child would like to become an acolyte but cannot attend training on November 11th.


Mary Ann Gee Tribute Concert

On Sunday, November 4th, at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary, Campbell UMC will present a tribute concert honoring life and musical legacy of Mary Ann Gee, who was (at various times) our Music Director, Music Coordinator, and until 3 years ago, our organist of 25 years.

In addition to the CUMC choirs, the program will include:
organists from the American Guild of Organists (of which Mary Ann was a long-time member and past president of the local chapter), pianists, cello, french horn, guzheng (Chinese musical instrument), and congregational singing.

The concert is free and open to the public.  Invite friends and family with our Facebook event.
A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.



Senior Safari Walkabout ends in October

happy_hollowSenior Safari Walkabouts on the fourth Thursday of the month at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo.
2018 event series final date: Oct 25
Thursday, 9-10am 

Arrive before 10am and stay as long as you like after doors open to the public!  Visitors age 50 and up are invited to take over San Jose’s iconic Happy Hollow Park & Zoo!  Get some fresh air and exercise as you enjoy:

  • Free admission, free parking
  • Early entry to the park
  • Animal meet-and-greets
  • A 10,000-step challenge
  • Fun activities and giveaways
  • Healthy breakfasts available for purchase

Happy Hollow is proud to help adults ages 50+ in our community improve their health, enjoy the natural beauty of the park and zoo, and have fun with friends — or make new ones!
For more information, call 1-408-794-6400.


All of Us!  –  SJS Season Debut Concert

This Friday, October 12th, at 7:30pm in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary, join the San Jose State University Choirs for their Fall 2018 debut concert of the season:  All of Us.

From songs of our own home, to melodies from far and away, this concert promises an intimate look at our unimaginably large world, and the music that brings us all together.  Tickets are available online now, and at the door.

A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.


Great America & Gilroy Gardens Discount Passes

The office has discount coupons for admission to Great America (valid through Oct 28th) and Gilroy Gardens (valid through Jan 6th, 2019 during public daytime hours).  Each coupon is good for six adult admissions (ages 3 and up 48” or taller). The Great America coupon deducts $31 per adult admission, and the Gilroy Garden coupon deducts 33% off the admission price, so that adult admissions with coupon are $36.00.  Not valid on concerts or pay-per-play attractions.


Mentor Our Youth

Confirmation is a special journey not only for the confirmands and their teachers but also for their parents and mentors.  They will grow deeper in their faith as they journey together, learning from one another.

To be on the same page, the teachers met with the parents last Sunday, and meetings with the mentors are scheduled for October 7th.  Some of you have received an invitation letter from Admire Akapo, our director of Children and Family Ministries, to serve as a mentor for a confirmand.  If you have not responded to her letter yet, please do so as soon as possible.

If you would like to become a mentor or find out what it entails, please let Admire know of your desire at  Mentoring a confirmand is a great opportunity for you to support the ministry of Christian Education of our church.


Church In Action Committee Meeting

The C.I.A. will meet Sunday September 23 after Worship at 11:30am in the Wesley Lounge to coordinate the mission work of our church during this school year.

All who are interested in participating in the coordination and logistics of our Mission Projects are welcome!


Buy SCRIP, Give to the Church!

Use SCRIP for purchasing school supplies and clothes, and contribute to the church when you shop!

More SCRIP uses: Winterize your home with Home Depot or Lowe’s; add new décor with Wayfair (special order); special order Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kreme Donuts and treat co-workers at your next staff meeting or study group; enjoy dinner and a show with the many restaurant certificates, and movie passes (and many more can be special-ordered); Disney and Carnival Cruise Line certificates can be ordered for a special vacation; start planning your Halloween costume with JoAnn Fabric & Crafts; take care of your car with gas cards (Arco, Chevron, Shell) or Jiffy Lube, Pep Boys; send a hostess or thank-you gift with Harry & David’s.

Many certificates are carried in stock, even more can be ordered during the once-a-month ordering process.  Every certificate purchased makes a donation to the church, so support your church – buy SCRIP!  And thanks for your support!


League of Women Voters Pros & Cons Session

On Sunday, September 30th, the League of Women Voters will present a Pros & Cons session about upcoming ballot measures.

The session will take place at 11:30am in the Fireside Room, so after worship, stop by Fellowship Hall for coffee and a snack, and come on over to the Fireside Room, to prepare yourself to be a responsible voter!


Chancel Choir Hiatus is Over!

Rehearsals continue on Thursdays, at 8:00pm on the second floor of the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building. New prospective members are welcome!

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact: Jim Groff, Chancel Choir Director:


Be part of the Global Climate Action Summit

Please contact Betty Dickey of the El Camino Real District UMW if you are interested in going, as she is working to put a group together to attend.
(click here to send Betty an email)

Ways to be part of the Global Climate Action Summit

  • Faith-Rooted Affiliate Events of Global Climate Action Summit, Sept 12-14:  Faith-Rooted Affiliated Workshops are designed and led by leaders and experts representing many faiths Wed, September 12 thru Friday, September 14 at Grace Cathedral.  Participants will engage with issues of faith, climate change, local and global action, and learn about environmental solutions from a multi-faith perspective.  Registration is now open!  Please click here to register for one or more sessions at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.


Annual San Francisco Walking Tour

On Friday, September 14, 2018 we will be taking a walking tour in the Japanese Tea Gardens in Golden Gate Park, carpooling from the church at 9:15am.
One of the San Francisco City Guides will be leading us on a 1-1/2 hr. walking tour, designed specifically for our group,  through this five acre, world famous garden.  We will learn about the icons of the garden and the family that lived there.

The cost for the garden tour is $6 for non-residents plus $12 for the San Francisco City Guides.  This will be our 16th consecutive annual walk and will be followed by lunch at a local restaurant.
Call Joyce Hocker if you have  questions, or send an email to for more info.


All-Church Outing to See the Oakland A’s

We ARE having an all-church outing to see the Oakland A’s on Saturday, September 8th, in a chartered bus.  Game time is 1:00pm and the A’s are playing the Texas Rangers.  Seats are in the Plaza Outfield section ($18 per ticket), behind 3rd base.  All attendees will receive a free batting practice jersey, and Campbell UMC will be recognized with a message on the scoreboard during the fourth inning.  Following the game, A’s players will give personal testimony to the importance of faith in their lives.

The bus will pull out of the CUMC parking lot promptly at 11:00am, so gather at 10:45am.  We anticipate returning to CUMC between 5:00 and 6:00pm.  If you have signed up and not yet paid, you can drop your check in the offering plate, bring or mail to the church office, or put it in the BOTTOM portion of the black mailbox outside the AMY (office) building.  Write “baseball” in the memo line of your check.


Joyful Notes Children’s Choir Rehearsals begin Sept 5th

If you like to sing and have fun, come and join the Joyful Notes Choir on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-5:00pm at the church.

The Joyful Notes Choir is open to all children, ages K-8 th grade.  Throughout the year we will prepare music to sing in worship, play games, have seasonal parties, and, in the beginning of May, we will present the children’s musical!

The first rehearsal is Wednesday, September 5th at 4:00pm on the second floor of the Admin/Music/Youth (AMY) Building.  Snack is served by the playground from 3:45-4:00 each week.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact: Daelene Groff, Director, Joyful Notes Choir, at


Church Coming Out Post-Pride Potluck: 

Friday, August 31st, 2018; 6 – 9pm

You’re invited to join our fellow Reconciling UMC Churches of Silicon Valley as we enjoy a social event following last weekend’s Silicon Valley Pride Parade & Festival.  Tickets were handed out to Pride participants, inviting everyone to come and learn all about the great things happening at Campbell UMC and our partner churches.  It will be an evening of great food, music & fellowship!

ALL are invited – bring your favorite dish to share in the spirit of the Methodist tradition. We hope that you are able to attend!


Upcoming Confirmation Class for 7th-9th Graders

Parents of children within the confirmation age group who have not yet received a letter for the upcoming Confirmation classes, which will commence in September, are kindly asked to contact our Children & Family Ministries Director, Admire Akapo or
Pastor Ouk-Yean Kim Jueng for a copy of the letter.


Watch the Films as we learn “The Gospel According to Pixar”

On four Sundays from August 12th to September 2nd, we will reflect on four of the 20 films Pixar has produced over the last 23 years and seek to find spiritual messages in them. Pixar movies offer not only stunningly beautiful visuals but also plenty of simple yet profound truths that touch the hearts of people of all ages and cultures.

August 12 – Toy Story
August 19 – Ratatouille
August 26 – Inside Out
September 2 – The Incredibles.

If you’d like to watch these wonderful movies with your church family during the series, we’ll be showing the associated films twice each week in the Fireside Room (kitty-corner from the Sanctuary):

On Saturday nights prior to date above at 7:00pm (the youth will gather for this screening)
On Sunday mornings after worship at 11:30am.

Drinks will be provided, and please bring a snack to share.

Feel free to invite/bring your family, friends, and neighbors to the showings.


Silicon Valley Pride Parade & Celebration: 
NEXT Sunday, August 26th, 2018; 10am – 5pm

You’re invited to join our fellow Reconciling UMC Churches of Silicon Valley at the upcoming Pride Parade & Festival on Sunday, August 26th.  The parade is  ~.5 mile long, starting at E. Julian Street and moves along Market St. to Cezar Chavez Park, where the Festival will be held.  The parade begins at 10:00am, but to march with us, meet at the starting area at 9:30am.  A worship service will be held directly following the parade, at a location near the end of parade route.  We’re hosting a hospitality booth at the Festival.  If you are unable to join us for the parade, you also have an opportunity to support this important ministry by visiting or volunteering to help at the festival booth.

Additionally, all congregation members are invited to write a message in response to the prompt “Why our church needs you”  to the Silicon Valley Pride attendees.  Look for these sheets & write a message after church this Sunday.

Friday, August 31st – Post-Pride Social Event
This year Campbell UMC will be hosting a social event following Pride.  Tickets will be handed out to pride participants, inviting them to join us and learn all about the great things happening at CUMC and our partner churches.  It will be an evening of great food, music & fellowship!  We hope that you are able to attend!


All-Church Clean Up Morning

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Education Building on Saturday, August 18th from 8am to noon.

Tasks available for all ages.  You are welcome anytime during the morning – your help is much appreciated!

And of course, yummy refreshments will be served!


Sunday School Teachers’ Meeting Sunday

There will be a meeting of all Sunday School teachers on  Sunday, August 19th, at 11:30am in the Wesley Lounge.
All teachers are encouraged to be present.  Those who are interested in joining the Sunday School teaching team are also invited to be part of this meeting.


Solar Panel Construction & Parking

UPDATE as of 8 August 2018:

The fence is down, we’ve planted the three new trees, and we anticipate the approval permit soon.  The solar system will be fired up once we receive the permit.


Should you [ever] wish to park elsewhere,
Click this link for a map showing Alternative Parking on Sundays.
Click this link for a map showing Where to Park on Weekdays.

Thank you again for your patience during the construction these past two months!  Praise God for our ability to complete this solar project (which will save us much in electricity costs), and thanks and praise for the shade of the structure!


Save Your Recyclables

There will be another recycling drive on Sunday, July 29th.
Save your plastic bottles and aluminum cans (anything that says “CRV” on it).  The Campbell UMC Youth (UMYF) will be in the parking lot at 9:30am that morning to start collecting.

This is the UMYF continuing fundraiser for SSP.
Yes, we have a group that has just returned, but it’s not too early to start preparing for next summer’s group!
Thanks for your support.


Summer Picnic – July 26th

The Active Seniors (formerly 50+) group will host a summer picnic on Thursday, July 26th, at 5:30pm, in the patio area adjacent to the  Fellowship Hall. This is one of the monthly activities for the group, and

Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided.

Please bring a side dish of vegetables, salad or dessert to share; and a $5.00 contribution to cover the cost of meats and beverages.  Come and share in this summer evening of fun and fellowship.

Sign up during Coffee Time after worship on Sundays with Carol & Larry Griffith, they will be at the Sunday coffee hour to take signups.


Thursday Night Summer Worship ~ June 7th thru July 26th

This summer, come to a worship time led by Jordan Aspiras tailored to young adults (college age) and older youth (high school).  The theme is “Empowered to Love Through Christ”, and through June & July, discussions will revolve around God’s love and call to us as God’s creation, to love others – even when it is insanely hard.

The evening of worship will include a quick meal (pizza), welcome, songs, prayer and prayer requests, Bible reading, and a message.  Schedule and topics include:

       June 7th – Introduction to Summer Worship
       June 14th – God Loves Us, a Lot
       June 21st – No Meeting
       June 28th – God Tells Us to Love One Another; Even When it’s HARD
       July 5th – Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Actively Love
       July 12th – No Meeting
       July 19th – What to Do When Hate Arises & Loving Your Enemies 101
       July 26th – “When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers” – African Proverb

Meet in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm with worship starting at 7pm.  Come as you can and please feel free to bring friends.  If you have any questions, an email to


“Open the Door” – Art from Within

~ An Exhibition of the Art & Spirit Ministry ~
Through July 29, 2018

Exhibition Days and Times:
Thursday, July 5th, 6-9pm
Wednesdays, July 11th, 18th, & 25th, 6-9pm

Hosted by Los Gatos United Methodist Church
111 Church Street, Los Gatos, CA  95030

Presented by Santa Clara County’s Sheriff Department

“Open the Door” is an exhibit of community-created art by inmates at the Santa Clara County Correctional Facilities.  This exhibit affirms how art enables incarcerated men and women to tap into their humanity, their spirit, and their gifts.  Recognizing the dignity of their humanity and the commonalities we share is essential for the incarcerated.  Each piece has been created in community by a diverse group of inmates.  The art and writing show there is more to them than criminal charges.
Their work exhibits introspection, spirituality, promise, and hope.

See and share the flyer.


Campbell UMC Trip to Sierra Leone – Planning Meeting

A meeting to discuss the preparations for the planned visit of Campbell UMC members to Sierra Leone is scheduled for 11:30am this Sunday, July 22nd, in the Fireside Room.

If you are interested in visiting Sierra Leone from January 24th to February 6th, 2019, please come to the meeting!  We will be presenting the travel itinerary including airline tickets, accommodations, and visas.  Any questions/concerns will be answered.

Come to this meeting to register your interest and be included on travel updates.
Deposits for reservations will commence on July 29th, and close in October.

This trip has two purposes: 1) to develop local relationships with the United Methodist people of Sierra Leone, and 2) to evaluate where the congregation of CUMC can be most effective.
As well as visiting the AMDCF and worshiping with local United Methodist communities, there will be free time to take in some of the spectacular natural beauty of Sierra Leone from the rainforest mountains to the beaches.


The Youth at Sierra Service Project

The United Methodist Youth Fellowship group were in Washington state serving their annual Sierra Service Project in July 2018.

They stayed at the Wellpinit Reservation near Spokane, WA, and performed carpentry, painting and some home repair work.

Did you see their photos during the week on the
Campbell UMC Facebook Page?

You can also see the youth page‘s link for photos from their trip.

The UMYF led worship on July 30th & told us all about it!


United Methodist Summer Camps

Ongoing Registration!  A week at camp can be a life-changing experience for children CA-NV Annual Conf Campingand youth.

The Summer Camp Programs of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people, in a safe, fun, and caring environment.  Your child will discover an ever-greater love for God in their hearts – while growing in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratitude, as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime.

Monte Toyon Camps:
Toyon – July 8th – 14th: youth going into 3rd through going into 9th grade.
Toyon L.I.T. – July 8th – 14th: (Leaders ITraining) 15-17 year olds, who have completed their sophomore year.

Lodestar Camps:
Lodestar – July 15th – 21st: youth going into 3rd through going into 9th grade.
Lodestar L.I.T. – July 15th – 21st: (Leaders ITraining) 15-17 year olds, who have completed their sophomore year.

Please register ONLINE at

For questions, contact Shari Sandoval at (916) 374-1528 or


Send the Youth Some Cards from Home!

There will be12 youth and 2 adults from Campbell UMC going to the Sierra Service Project (SSP) in Spokane this year.  They would love to have some words of encouragement from those of us at home.

If you would like to write a note to be included in the box that our United Methodist Women are creating, you can give Lou WoodburyCatcott your notes at church on Sunday.  Deadline for cards to be received for “the box” is June 29th (they need no address, just names).

If you would like to send notes yourself, keep in mind the group will be at SSP from July 1st – July 7th, so be sure to allow for postal transit time.
Address them to:
The person’s name; Sierra Service Project; General Delivery; Spokane, WA 99040
Those going to SSP:
Adults:  Grace Gellardo-Oliver, Jen Petroff
Youth:  Abraham Akapo, Felicia Keller, Kiana Martin, Nathan Oliver, Paige Perry, Kira Petroff, Aiden Petroff, Sarah Pilling, Delmar Shepherd, Lauren Taylor, Molly Twilleager, Zoe Willhoite.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Vacation Bible School 2018 will be
June 25-29th from 9:00am – 12:00pm

This year’s theme is Shipwrecked, where kids will learn that Jesus rescues!

The week includes: New friends, Exciting experiments, Creative crafts, Tropical treats, Surprising adventures, and Incredible music.

VBS at Campbell United is open to all kids (potty-trained) 3-year-olds through completed 5th grade. Completed 6th graders and up can volunteer on leadership teams. Volunteers Welcome!

View and Download the registration form. Register early to save your spot.
Last day for Campbell UMC to receive your registration is June 18th.

Check out more about “Shipwrecked” here:


Order Your Handbell Concert DVD

Did you miss the marvelous Handbell Concert held Sunday May 20th?  The Carillon Choir, New A’Peal Ringers, Diamond Ringers and Discovery Ringers all gave rousing performances to an appreciative audience – who also got to ring a bell or two (and created a song!)  But you don’t have to miss out!

You can enjoy the concert by getting your own professional quality DVD of the Handbell Concert.  To order, please fill out this form and bring/send to the Church Office along with your check payable to Mark Shepherd.

All profits will go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording Campbell UMC’s services and sending our ministry and message into the world.  In return, enjoy the sights, sounds and uplifting music of this wonderful concert.  Order deadline is June 17th.


Help Send Youth to SSP!

We will have a Public Good Will Donation Drive in the church parking lot on Saturday, June 16th.

Bring your gently-used clothing, toys, books, decor items and e-waste to the Goodwill Donation Truck at the back of the parking lot between 9:00am and 3:00pm.  The more we can fill the truck, the more money Goodwill donates to the youth’s travel expenses for their summer Sierra Service Project.

Pass the word – let friends and family know they can donate as well.
Large appliances, mattresses, furniture, and pet items are not accepted.
NOTE: Items may NOT be brought to the church ahead of time for storage.


Single Senior Lunch Bunch

The Single Senior Lunch Bunch will meet after worship Sunday, June 10th, at 11:30am, (note change of regular date) at

Tomato Thyme, 1560 Hamilton Avenue (corner of Hamilton and Meridian), San Jose. The phone number is 408-723-7333.

Come for fun and fellowship.  New members are always welcome!
Separate checks are provided.  See you there!


Annual Handbell Concert

Please join us for our Annual Handbell Concert on Sunday, May 20th at 3:30pm.

Campbell UMC is blessed to have four handbell choirs who will participate in this year’s concert:
– The Carillon Choir,
– The New A’Peal Ringers,
– The Discovery Ringers, and
– The Diamond Ringers, (youth from 3rd – 8th grade).

The handbell ringers perform many different styles of repertoire: Secular, Pop, Classical, Jazz standards, & other rhythms will be among the featured songs. Handbells are very versatile instruments – if you have not heard handbells play in concert before, you should come!

Use our Facebook Event to invite friends and neighbors. ALL Welcome!


Survivor Babylon DVD

The Children’s Musical on May 6th was fabulous!
If you’d like to see it (or see it again!), you can order a DVD.

Order forms are available in the church office or from Daelene Groff.

Cost for a DVD is $25.00 or high definition Blu-ray for $35.00.

All proceeds go to the church’s Video Camera Fund.


Special Music on Mothers’ Day – Sunday, May 13th

On Sunday, May 13th, we welcome back the St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble to our worship hour.  They are returning after a few year’s absence and will sing five pieces during our 10am service – wonderful, a capella singing in the Russian tradition.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear them and be blessed!

It will be a pleasure to have them in worship again.


We’re Having another Community Crab Feed! – May 12th

Enjoy all-you-can-eat Crab, Pasta, Salad, and Boudin’s fresh-baked french bread!
We’ll also have a Cake Auction & dessert table!

We are excited to announce that Ren Geisick & Dolce Musica will provide wonderful
entertaining live music for your listening pleasure while dining.
About Ren: Taking cues from greats like Eva Cassidy and Nina Simone,
Ren focuses on the connections between singer and listener to tease out
emotional responses, delivering a solid, entertaining performance.
Check out Ren’s music here!


Join the Festivities on Saturday, May 12th, 5:30-8pm!
Doors open 5:30, Serving begins at 6:00, Cake Auction at 7pm with desserts served.
Share this community event with friends.
The Annual Crab Feed always sells out, so be sure to get your tickets early!

2018 Prices:

  • Adults: $45
  • Discounted Table for Eight: $315
  • Youth 12-17 yrs: $15
  • Children under 12 yrs: $10

Get your tickets here.

Campbell United Methodist Church is a vibrant center of many Campbell community events and services. This event is a fundraiser for the care and maintenance of Campbell United Methodist Church’s facilities, so your support is appreciated by many! Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you at the Crab Feed!

RSVP & Share the Facebook Event!


Music Galore at Campbell UMC!

Mark your calendars now for the many upcoming opportunities:
May 6th – The Annual Children’s Musical (see below). This year “Survivor Babylon” is the featured selection, performed in worship at 10:00am, and again in the afternoon at 2:00pm as a gift to the community.
May 13th – The St. Petersburg Men’s Quartet returns and sings during the 10:00am worship service.
May 20th – The Annual Handbell Concert at 3:30pm (see below), followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall. All four CUMC bell groups will perform.


San Jose State Choral Concert

This Friday, May 11th, the San Jose State University Choir presents the premiere of “Journey Home.”  They bring you an evening of music to soothe a weary soul. The pairing of Maurice Duruflé’s “Requiem” and Ron Kean’s “The Journey of Harriet Tubman” is a testament to the inextinguishable strength and resilience of the human spirit across cultures, generations, and time.

Join the journey at 7:30pm in the sanctuary. (Click link at left for tickets.)


The Children’s Musical is almost here!

Which means it’s soon time to build the set — and we need your help! Musical set construction will take place the week of April 29 – May 6.
There are jobs for everyone — no matter what your skills or talents: construction, priming, painting, decoration, prop-making and set tear-down.

Here’s the schedule for the week:

  • Sun April 29: 2pm: clear chancel area of chairs, altar, pulpit, etc.
  • Sun April 29: afternoon & evening: build set framing & flats (heavier construction)
  • Mon April 30: afternoon & evening: construction continues (mix of heavy/light)
  • Tue May 1: afternoon & evening: construction continues + paint priming
  • Wed May 2: 6pm to 10pm (after rehearsal) — painting & light construction
  • Thu May 3: afternoon & evening: painting / decorating
  • Fri May 4: 6pm to 10pm (after dress rehearsal) — painting / decorating
  • Sun May 6: Musical performances at 10am (Worship) & 2pm (Community)
  • Sun May 6: 3pm to 7pm: demolition, clean-up, restore sanctuary

If you are interested in helping, there are three ways to sign-up:

  1. Sign-up on our musical google doc at
  2. E-mail Daelene (email removed) or Jim (email removed)
  3. Call us at home (leave a message) to let us know when you’ll be there

Jim designs the set & manages construction — for reference in case you need to reach him during the week of April 29– May 6, he is at: (removed)
Thanks a lot — we appreciate it, and so will all of the kids!
-Daelene & Jim Groff


Survivor Babylon – Annual Children’s Musical

The Joyful Notes Children’s Choir will perform their Annual Musical the first Sunday of May at 10am and 2pm.
Told with creativity and humor, this musical tells the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and their encounter with Babylon’s famous King Nebuchadnezzar (and his even more famous fiery furnace!) The musical seeks to show children the importance of obeying God instead of men and like the Hebrew children; they can take positive, faith-filled action to conquer their fears and their foes!
Come see the fun and inspiring Children’s Musical Presentation of “Survivor Babylon” as they “outwit, outplay and outlast” in this delightful musical, by Dave Noel and Jay Rouse. See it Sunday, May 6th at the 10:00am morning worship service OR at the Second Performance at 2:00pm.

Campbell UMC invites the whole community – ALL are Welcome!
Click on this Link to invite friends and family with our Facebook events.

Questions? Write to:


41st Annual South Bay CROP Hunger Walk, Sunday, April 22nd  

Since 1993, our community has raised over $1.2 million through 70+ local groups.  We walk to respond to resource shortages, to protect and provide for our vulnerable, to build sustainable community, and to show solidarity in a time of divisiveness.  We choose to walk so that others don’t have to.
This year the local charities supported are Sacred Heart Community Service and Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara County.
We will start at Herbert Hoover Middle School again this year – registration is at 1:00pm, the walk starts at 1:30pm.  If you are interested in signing up to walk or to sponsor a walker, please contact Charlie Slayman.  Come by the Crop Walk table during Fellowship time on Sunday April 8th and 15th for more information.


Annual UMW Membership Tea – April 22, 2018 at 11:30am (after church).

The Campbell United Methodist Women (UMW) invite you to be their guest at the Annual Membership Tea on Sunday, April 22nd in Fellowship Hall.  Please be our guest and enjoy a lovely afternoon of tea, treats and wonderful conversation with ladies from various UMW Circles.

Basket viewing will begin at 11:30, and the Tea will be from 12 noon to 2pm.  A variety of baskets with enticing treasures will be available through your charitable donation.  Proceeds will benefit CHEF – Children’s Health Education Fund.UMW_Luncheon_Tea_edit

Please RSVP:
You may sign up during Fellowship Time on Sundays OR
to Lou Woodburycatcott at 408-246-5087 or no later than Sunday, April 15th.

Please let us know if you will need child care.

Your RSVP will help us to set a place for every guest.


All-Church Spaghetti Dinner

A Celebration of Community!

Get together with church friends and make new ones too! ALL are invited to this All-Church Spaghetti Dinner in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 14th, at 6pm. This is an opportunity to have conversation and get to know one another better while enjoying delicious spaghetti (vegetarian option also available), French bread, vegetables, ad desserts.

Tickets are $10 per person for anyone 11 and older. Children 10 and under eat free!
This is not a fundraiser, but a time for breaking bread with our church family. Tickets are only to cover the cost of the food.

Tickets are required for entrance, and will NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR.
Tickets will be on sale during Fellowship Hour March 25th, April 1st, and April 8th. Look for Mary Ann Gee at the ticket table.


Needed:  Director of Children & Family Ministries

We are on the hunt for a new Director of Children’s and Family Ministries – the job description is available here.  This is an opportunity for someone to join the Campbell UMC church staff and truly make a difference in the lives of others – both in our congregation, and in our surrounding community.

Our current director, Kallie, has decided to spend more time with her children and pursue her interest in writing.  She has agreed to stay with us through the Lenten/Easter Season.  We’ve appreciated Kallie’s love for the children and families of our congregation.

If you or someone you know would be interested in this part-time position, please send a letter and resume to us at 


Bright Days Silent Auction Fundraiser

Between April 8th and April 17th, over 200 items will be available for bidding! Items will be on display in Fellowship Hall on Sunday the 8th and 15th, and in the Education Building during the week. Proceeds benefit the Bright Days Financial Aid Fund, to assist families with tuition costs during times of financial hardship; and for playground improvement projects.

Mark your name, phone number, and bid amount on the bid sheet corresponding to the auction item.
Highest bidder at auction close wins the item. Winners do not have to be present.


Palm SundayMarch 25th, 10:00am Joyful Sunday Service with palms and loud hosannas!

Maundy Thursday, March 29thno service

Good Friday, March 30th:

12:00-3:00pm The Chapel will be open for meditation and prayer.

7:30pm Tenebrae Service in the Sanctuary.
A service of scripture, shadow, and darkness; music will include cello, adding to the mood of this day. Between scripture readings of the crucifixion, lights are gradually extinguished until the Sanctuary is in darkness, representing that the Light of Christ is gone from the world. There will be prayer stations (of the cross) set up and after service, all are invited for a time of prayer. There will be Fellowship with refreshments afterwards.
Invite your friends and neighbors to this lovely reflective service.

Easter SundayApril 1st

Joint Sunrise Service with New Creation UMC
in the Courtyard
(informal, with guitarist).
Greet this day of new life as it dawns.

8:00-9:15am Pancake breakfast
in Fellowship Hall,
hosted by our youth.

10:00am – Flowers, brass, bells, choirs —
it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!
All are invited to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus with the Chancel Choir. Scores will be available.

11:15am Egg hunt for children following service. Preschool-1st grade will hunt in the fenced-in courtyard outside the education bldg. 2nd-5th grade will hunt for eggs on the playground.
Bags will be provided.


** Click to see a map of Alternative Parking Areas **


Jesus in the Gospel of John

~ Worship Series for Lent: 18 February – 30 March 2018 ~

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are the four gospels in the Bible, and John is very different in many ways from the other three (who are called Synoptic Gospels). The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are referred to as the Synoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories, often in a similar sequence and in similar or sometimes identical wording. They stand in contrast to John, whose content is comparatively distinct. The Jesus whom we encounter in the unique gospel of John is not the same Jesus that Matthew, Mark, and Luke portray.

You are invited to join in worship and explore together several key themes in the gospel of John, as well as read the entire book (only 21 chapters) throughout the season of Lent. It will be a very meaningful Lenten journey.


Keep Saving Your Recyclables! 

There are some opportunities coming up to help support the UMYF youth attending Sierra Service Project (SSP) in Spokane this summer. These fundraising efforts will help with covering the costs of rental vans, gas, and adult leaders.

On March 25th, the youth will be collecting your recyclable cans and bottles. So start saving your aluminum cans and plastic bottles now!


Organ Concert on March 23rd – John Walker

Internationally known organist, John Walker, will perform a concert in the sanctuary Friday, March 23, 2018, at 7:30pm at Campbell UMC.

John Walker is currently professor of organ performance at Baltimore’s renowned Peabody Institute, and former Dean of the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) as well as National President of AGO.

John Walker is known as a masterful artist and teacher. He has performed concerts in Europe, Asia as well as in the United States.

His repertoire will cover music from the Baroque era to present times; composers like Bach and Vierne, Ginastera and Utterback and Chelsea Chen will be featured.

This concert is brought to us by the San Jose Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO).
Admission is $20, tickets available at the door.


See’s for SSP

Do you have an Easter basket or two that you need to fill this year?  Or do you just love those See’s filled Eggs?

Our youth participating in Sierra Service Project (SSP) this summer can help you out!

They will be selling a selection of See’s Easter Candies to raise funds for their travel to SSP this summer.

Just look for them in the Fellowship Hall after worship.  And thanks for your support!


Men’s Evening Study Group

The New Year is a great time to set aside some time for intentional spiritual development. This group began a new book for a 5-session study starting Thursday, February 8th.

The book, “If the Church were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus,by Philip Gulley (a Quaker minister) is a readily accessible, thought-provoking presentation of how focusing on the positive aspects of Jesus’ values can help one to discover their own spiritual path.
Both book and e-book are available and can be previewed at

The adult men’s evening study group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 7pm – 8pm in the
Wesley Lounge.  Drop-ins welcome!  For more information, contact Dave at


Single Senior Lunch Bunch

The Single Senior Lunch Bunch will meet after worship  this Sunday, March 18th, at 11:30am, at Tomato Thyme, 1560 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose (corner of Hamilton and Meridian).  The phone number is 408-723-7333.

Come for fun and fellowship.  New members are always welcome!  Separate checks are provided.  See you there!


The Way Forward – Conversations
This Friday, March 16, at 7:00pm, Los Altos UMC is hosting one of three Northern California reconciling events, with guest speaker Dave Nuckols.  Dave is a member of the Commission on a Way Forward, the treasurer of the Connectional Table, and a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) Board.  He is also the lay leader of the Minnesota Conference and a parent of a queer daughter.

If you are interested is what is happening with the Reconciling Movement, and would like to create welcome for all God’s children within the United Methodist denomination, please come!

Find the event flyer here.
RSVP Online at:
For more information: Rev. Izzy Alvaran (510) 717-4894;


Concert – J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion

This Friday, March 16th, 8:00pm, the Bay Choral Guild will present Bach’s St. John’s Passion in the Sanctuary here at Campbell UMC.

A perfect musical piece for the Lenten and Easter season, the St. John Passion is an intensely vivid and dramatic portrayal of the passion of Christ, and is considered a vocal and orchestral masterpiece.  Sanford Dole will give a pre-concert lecture at 7:30pm.

Tickets are $35 at the door, $25 for seniors.


Engaging Spirituality – New Session began January 18

Engaging Spirituality is a small group at Campbell UMC that meets for 8-10 weeks around a particular book or curriculum, rests for a time, and begins again.

Each time the group re-convenes, it is open to new participants.
A new session of Engaging Spirituality began on January 18th .
This session will meet for 9 weeks on Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm,
in the Youth Room (3rd floor of the AMY Building).

How do we hear when God is talking to us?  How have we learned to listen to the voice of God?  John A. Sanford is a Jungian analyst and Episcopal priest.  One of his many books is Dreams, God’s Forgotten Language.  He suggests that God speaks to us through dreams and visions much like people in the Bible were visited by God and God’s angels and visions.

Join us for a small group exploration of this very readable book.  This is a not a drop-in group; participation requires some commitment for the full 9-week session.  The book is available at Amazon for $10.79; used books are less.  It does not seem to be available in an electronic version, nor local libraries.  Look for the newest edition (1989 or 1990).  Contact Sandy Snider at if you are interested in attending or have any questions.


Doors Open – the Musical

The performance of “Doors Open” the LGBT-themed musical will take place at Wesley UMC, 566 N. 5th St., San Jose, CA on Friday  and Saturday evenings, February 23rd and 24th at 7:30pm.

“Doors Open”, is an LGBTQ-themed musical comedy by Mark Teagle which returns to Wesley UMC in the sanctuary (Donations encouraged).  Share this performance with your friends and neighbors, those wanting to hear the story of a soon-to-be Reconciling Congregation as it wrestles with the issue of LGBTQ people in their church.
If you’ve already seen an earlier version, this production has moved forward from being a workshop performance to one that has additional music, additional characters, and sets, so come again and be entertained!

Since its workshop production last year, the play has been revised and updated including one new song. Cast members have been added along with other changes. Even if you were one of the more than 300 people who attended the first performance, you’ll want to see it again.

“This is an important story to tell,” says writer-director Mark Teagle. “It’s also important for us to tell it. We want to share the message that there are churches who open their doors to people who are LGBTQ.”


Tour Julia Morgan’s “Little Castle”

Join the Fifty-Plus group as they tour the Berkeley City Club which was designed by Julia Morgan.  The tour takes place Tuesday, February 27th.  Julia Morgan was the first female architect to be licensed in the state of California, and designed numerous buildings including Hearst Castle.  She was also a civil engineer whose knowledge of concrete-reinforced buildings was ahead of her time, and helped her buildings withstand earthquake stresses.

The “Little Castle” is designed in Romanesque and Gothic style architecture and was originally the Berkeley Women’s Club.  Morgan’s engineering skills were matched by her attention to detail in furnishings, light fixtures, and other elements.  The cost for the tour is $10, and each person will pay for lunch, available in the Berkeley City Club.  Meet in the church parking lot to carpool at 10am. Sign up after worship on February 25th.  For more information, contact Carol Griffith at 408-252-2106.


Ash Wednesday Service

On February 14th at 7pm, don’t miss a great opportunity to start this special season of Lent in a meaningful way –

The 2018 calendar has given us some interesting date juxtapositions – this year, Ash Wednesday is also Valentine’s Day, and Easter Sunday is also April Fool’s Day.

But to begin Lent on the day that celebrates love is not so odd –what greater love is there, than the love of God for us, or the love of Jesus who faced the cross for our sakes?

This season of Lent, let love be your focus so that your heart, your soul, and your life can be transformed. Begin with Ash Wednesday Service and the of imposition of ashes, a powerful nonverbal and experiential way of participating in the call to repentance and reconciliation.

Join us in the Sanctuary Wednesday, February 14th at 7pm
for a special joint service with New Creation UMC.


Membership Class

Anyone wishing to join Campbell UMC as a member is invited to a class for potential new members on Saturday, February 17th, from 9am-Noon in the Fireside Room.

Learn basic background about the United Methodist denomination and its place in the continuum of Christian tradition, as well as learning about this particular local congregation.

Attending the class does not obligate you to join – it can simply be a way of learning more. All are welcome. New members will be received on February 25th.
Please RSVP to Pastor Ouk-Yean at: or call 408-378-3472.


Night to Shine Volunteers Needed

Help build community with other local churches and businesses, by helping the Silicon Valley “Night to Shine” event on Friday, February 9th.
Night to Shine is a worldwide event during which 540 churches give special-needs young adults a Prom Night experience. They get help with formal clothing, hair, makeup, corsages, and boutonnieres, are escorted down a red carpet, and then dance the night away.
The 2018 Silicon Valley event will be held at the Home Church, and local congregations are encouraged to participate.  Multiple talents are needed, including being a Buddy Escort, Dance Buddy, Cheering Section, Greeter, Hair/Makeup, Setup & Takedown.  Medical professionals are also welcome to be on hand for any medical needs.

To volunteer, or for more information, call 408-370-1500.


All-Church Clean Up Morning

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, and Fireside Room on Saturday, February 10th from 8am to noon.

Tasks available for all ages.  You are welcome anytime during the morning – your help is appreciated!

And of course, yummy refreshments will be served!


Experience the Annual Christmas Concert Again!

If you were unable to attend or once wasn’t enough, you can experience it again!
DVDs of this beautiful concert presented by choirs, ringers and brass are available for a fee of $25 (or $35 for high-definition Blu-Ray).
Profits from sales go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording church services and other special events like this.
Order Forms for the DVD are available here and in the church office. Make checks payable to “Mark Shepherd” (NOT to CUMC) and return forms to Mary Ann Gee (contact info on form).
Last day to order is January 31st.


Sunday School Holiday Break

Sunday School will
not meet on December 24th, 31st, or January 7th.

Families are encouraged to worship together on these days.

Classes will resume on January 14th, 2018.

Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Testify to Love: Your Prayers Matter!

The “Praying Our Way Forward” initiative was launched New Year’s Day 2017 with 75 weeks of focused prayer for The United Methodist Church. The effort began January 1, in the North Carolina Conference, and will wrap up in the West Angola Episcopal area in June 2018.  The aim of “Praying Our Way Forward” is to:

  • ask and listen for God’s leadership at this critical time in the life of our church
  • join the initiative by praying daily and fasting weekly for our church, mission and future.

“Praying Our Way Forward” was created by the Council of Bishops as a part of their larger commitment to “lead the church in every part of the world in times of worship, study, discernment, confession and prayer for God’s guidance.” To achieve this mission, they invited The Upper Room to help engage every annual conference around the world. United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men and United Methodist Communications have recently joined the partnership.  Each annual conference will take one week to have intentional prayer for the mission of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and for the work of the Commission on a Way Forward, which began meeting in January, 2017.

DECEMBER 31, 2017 – JANUARY 6, 2018.

We get to pray the old year out, and new year in – what a significant week that can be!

Visit the Conference website ( for :

A printed schedule of daily prayer is available in the Sanctuary Narthex, for those without easy computer access.  To find out more about the initiative, click here.


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve Services – December 24th

10:00am – Sunday Morning Service
11:00am – Coffee & Fellowship
5:00pm – Children’s Christmas Pageant
9:00pm – Lessons & Carols
Both evening services followed by candle-lighting in the courtyard

Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 7th, 2018

10:00am – Traditional worship for Everyone led by African Fellowship
11:00am – Coffee & Fellowship


Advent Gifts to AMDCF

Our special Advent offerings this season will again be committed to support the work of the Abdul Miracle Disabled Children’s Foundation (AMDCF), which provides school fees and support to disabled children in Sierra Leone.

$150 pays for a whole year’s tuition; $50 for one trimester; $25 for much-needed administrative support.

Find the donation form here.



Children’s Christmas Eve Pageant – December 24th, 5pm

This Christmas Eve, we celebrate the birth of the new-born king with the help of the children and the annual Children’s Pageant in a family-friendly service.  Children have the opportunity to be part of the Christmas pageant in worship, and experience the wonder and joy of the story of Jesus’ birth.

Both this service and the 9pm service will end with candlelight in the courtyard, (weather permitting), and the singing of “Silent Night.”

We would love to include any child, age 4 and older, who would like to participate. There are both speaking and non-speaking roles, and children must attend both rehearsals on December 17th and 23rd. The pageant will be at 5pm Christmas Eve.

For more information, or to sign up for a role, please contact Kallie Stroh at 408-378-3472, ext. 14,
or write


The Longest Night ~ Service of Solace

The Longest Night of the year is right before the Winter Solstice. 

Advent is a wonderful season, filled with many happy activities and spirits. But it also can make us feel lonely in the midst of so much festivity. Those who are grieving loss, struggling with ill health, suffering from broken relationships, or experiencing isolation, can find the days leading to Christmas to be rather sad and depressing.

If this sounds familiar, if you need time and space to acknowledge your sadness and fear, if you are seeking God’s comfort and peace, strength and healing, you are invited to the Longest Night Service on December 21, at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room. It will be a time of reading and reflecting on scriptures, offering prayers and singing songs, lighting candles and celebrating Holy Communion.
Simple refreshments will be served after the service.

Join us for this time of worship and fellowship on the longest night of the year. God comes to us wherever we are, bringing light to our darkness, hope to our despair, peace to our distress, joy to our sadness, and love to replace our fear.
Let’s welcome the divine presence in our special Advent gathering.


Awake & Aware: Gratitude as a Form of Mindfulness

Three-Week Mini Series for Advent
Three Tuesdays, December 5, 12, 19, 2017 6:30-8:30pm
in the Wesley Lounge

Advent Scripture talks about being prepared and awake for Christ’s arrival in the world and in our hearts. Our wider culture talks about being prepared for family, friends and gift giving. Yet both calls to action can feel overwhelming, even confusing. Is there a balance between the spiritual and the social? Or is it all woven as one piece? And where is our peace to be found?

In this 3-week miniseries, we will lean on the practices of gratitude and radical hospitality while listening to the invitations from Scripture and society. Through hands-on projects, private reflection and small group discussion, we will reflect on new definitions of being awake, aware and present this Christmas season. The goal is to hold space each week to slow down and listen to the still, small voice of God so that we can cultivate a peace that we carry with us everyday.

Retreat Facilitator: Jennifer Willhoite
Jennifer is a member of Campbell United Methodist Church and is currently studying at Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA to become a licensed spiritual director. She was a student at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley and learned meditation and Christian contemplative prayer at Ignatius House, a Jesuit retreat center in Atlanta. She enjoys artwork of all kinds and using creativity as a way to address spiritual questions. And she’s a baseball fan.

View and share the Facebook events. View the event flyer.


The Giving Tree
This year we are again participating in the Giving Tree sponsored by Salvation Army.

The tree is in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall, filled with tags, each representing a wish for a gift for a child in need.  Simply take a tag, shop for the gift, and bring it to the office by Monday, December 18th.  Don’t wrap the gift, but do attach the tag to the gift.

Your generosity can make the holidays truly special for a child who has little.


Lunchtime Advent Concerts – December 1st, 8th, & 15th

Take a mid-day break and enjoy a respite from the holiday hustle and bustle to experience music as a reminder of what the Advent season is: preparation and expectation of the Christ Child.

The first three Fridays in December, from 12:30 to 1:00pm, Campbell UMC will again offer our Annual Advent Concerts. All concerts are free and open to the public, so please share & invite friends, family and neighbors to take time from the “busy-ness” of their day and enjoy the music of this blessed time.

Our first concert on December 1st will feature Brian Holmes, french horn, and Jolynda Tresner, soprano.

On December 8th, Shine Kwon, Campbell UMC organist, will be the featured soloist.

On December 15th, Carolyn Pryor, AGO organist will be the featured artist.

Share all the Facebook events or small insert flyer with friends and family.

Hope to see you there!


Parents’ Night Out

Support our Youth traveling to Spokane next summer as part of Sierra Service Project (SSP) and enjoy a date night!

On December 16th, we’ll hold Parent’s Night Out from 5pm-9pm. This is an opportunity to drop your kids off so they can have fun doing crafts, playing some games and watching a movie with friends.

$25 for one child, $35 for two, $45 for three or more of the same family

Deadline for signing up is Thursday, December 14th.

Check this flyer (also posted around campus) for more details and signup form. All proceeds will go towards next summer’s SSP trip.


50-Plus Christmas Party – Saturday, December 9th; 5-8pm.

You are most cordially invited to join in the good food and fellowship of the Fifty-Plus Christmas Party.
We’ll begin with some hot cider as we gather…

Then enjoy a wonderful early Christmas dinner in the Fireside Room – all decorated for the occasion, warmed by a friendly fire, with Christmas tree all aglow.
And we’ll sing some favorite Christmas carols.

For dinner, the meat will be provided, so please sign up to bring:
    – appetizers to serve 8-10 persons
    – vegetables or side dishes

Everyone in the church who are 50 and older are invited to enjoy this special celebration!
Sign up November 26 or December 3rd during Fellowship Time.
*Please bring new gloves, scarves, hats for distribution to needy children in our community.*


Merry Mayhem is Coming!

December 3rd, 2:00 – 5:00pm

Break into the holiday spirit with Crafting, Gifting and Caroling.
ALL are invited!

Crafting for all ages: 2:00 – 4:15pm in Fellowship Hall
Caroling 4:15 – 5:00pm in the Fireside Room

There will also be an opportunity to take a holiday photo of the whole family.

You are invited to bring a canned good to fill up the food barrels to help feed those in need.

Merry Mayhem is for ALL generations; the young and the young at heart!
Share our Facebook Event or Event Flyer.
Hope to see you there!


Blood Drive at Campbell UMC

In this season of giving, give the best gift of all – the Gift of Life. Donate blood on Tuesday, November 28th, between 10am and 3pm in the Fellowship Hall.

To sign up, go to and enter 95008 on the home page under “Find a Blood Drive.” Chose the event on November 28th and select the time for your appointment.


All-Church Workday Morning

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Sanctuary on Saturday, November 11th from 8am to noon. Tasks include cleaning pew areas, inserting pew flyers, etc. You are welcome anytime during the morning – your help is appreciated!

And of course, yummy refreshments will be served!


Fifty-Plus Thanksgiving Feast

Saturday, November 11, 2017 6pm
in Fellowship Hall

The Fifty-Plus Thanksgiving Feast will be Saturday, November 11th, at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Enjoy BBQ’d turkey accompanied by your selected side dishes. Sign up by November 5th (available during Coffee/Fellowship time). Contact person is Connie Wellington, 408-379-4984.


 Calling All Veterans!

In honor of Veteran’s Day, the Campbell UMC Youth group invites all veterans in our congregation to join us for finger foods and conversation after church on Sunday, November 12th. We will meet in the youth room (3rd floor of the AMY building) from 11:30am to 1:00pm.

Veterans are invited to wear your uniform, bring pictures, bring any medals you might have, and share your stories. The youth would love to hear them.


Annual Autumn Festival

On October 29th from 5-7pm, we will be holding our annual Autumn Festival. Come in costume (optional) and join in the Fellowship Hall as we partner with New Creation for an evening of games, crafts, food, a photo booth, and “trunk-or-treating!” (Trunk-or Treating is where trick-or-treating is done safely from parked car to parked car in a parking lot.)

This year we will be expanding the Autumn Festival by adding Trunk-or-Treat! Decorating will take place on the afternoon of October 29th, and children will trunk-or-treat at a designated time during the Autumn Festival (so you can still enjoy the festival, too!). If you or your family would like to participate by decorating your car and passing out goodies, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday after worship or email Kallie Stroh at Spaces limited, sign up soon!

Never done Trunk-or-Treat before? Here’s a couple ideas:


Annual Enchilada Sale!


This is an annual treat that is looked forward to by many.

November 4th is the day the Campbell United Methodist Women will make more than 1000 enchiladas for your enjoyment.

Order yours during coffee/fellowship time on October 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th,
fill out this handy order form, and mail your order and payment today!
October 29th is the last day to order so don’t miss out!
Make Checks payable to Campbell UMW

Mail or bring order, including payment, to the church office: 1675 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008

Enchilada types/flavors available (2 enchiladas per box, $5 per box):

– Chicken enchiladas with Green Sauce
– Beef enchiladas with Red Sauce
– Cheese enchiladas with Red Sauce
– Bean & Cheese enchiladas with Red Sauce

Enchiladas MUST BE picked up
on Saturday, November 4, 2017 between 1:00 and 3:00pm.

If you cannot be there, please arrange for someone to pick them up as we are unable to store them.

Enchiladas not picked up on November 4th will be considered a donation, thank you!

If you would like to be a part of the fun, fellowship, and mission the day we make these yummy delights, please contact Carla Twilleager at


Defying Gravity

If you would like to clean out your closet as a spiritual discipline and break free from the culture of “more,” your efforts can contribute to a good cause at the same time. If you have good-quality professional clothing, bring it to the Fellowship Hall the next two Sundays (thru Oct 29). Darlene Dyer will be collecting it to sell at the Nearly New Shop, a second-hand shop run by volunteers. The income generated by the shop provides college scholarships for local young women. Clothing should be in good condition, preferably on hangers. No jeans, tee shirts or shorts, please.

You can be creative with your efforts at defying gravity.
You are encouraged to share your experiences on our church Facebook page or Instagram account with the hashtag, #CampbellUMCDefyingGravity.


Campbell UMC History Display

At the coffee/fellowship time on October 29, CUMC history highlights will be displayed on tables in the Fellowship Hall. Photographs will be featured, including photo albums, historic church directories, building projects, “era” binders, and the Memory Project binder. Come and see where we have been on our Methodist journey.


Participate in a Post-Doctoral Research Survey 

Josh Brahinsky, of the Anthropology Department at Stanford, is part of a global study that examines how people experience God in the context of their own culture.

Josh is looking to interview United Methodists in Silicon Valley in the next three weeks because the denomination’s members represent a wide range of political opinions and socio-economic variance. Also, United Methodists are in the “middle” of religious experience – they don’t approach God solely through intellect, nor solely through emotion.

If you are between the ages of 20 and 50, and can spare two hours for some questions about your view of God, and would like to participate, please contact Josh at 609-558- 7471 (call or text), or email him at  Following the study, participants will be able to read/share the results.


September SF Walking Tour

The 50+ Group will be traveling to San Francisco for their 16th Annual Walking Tour  with the San Francisco City Guides, Friday September 22, 2017.  The tour will include the magical garden and the windmills that helped shape Golden Gate Park.   We will discover Lucien Labaudt’s murals of 1930s city life in Willis Polk’s Landmark Beach Chalet where we will have lunch following the tour.  Carpool from the church at 9:15am.

ALL are welcome to join the tour!

Signs ups will start this Sunday, August 20th or call Joyce Hocker at 408-268-4646.


UMYF Kick-Off

United Methodist Youth Fellowship will be kicking off the the new youth group year on Sunday, September 10, from 5:30-7:30pm.   We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall for for dinner, followed by some fun and games and a parent meeting.  Burgers (veggie too) will be provided, please bring a dish to share.
UMYF is open to 6th-12th graders.
This event is for youth and their parents.


New Members Class

Anyone wishing to join Campbell UMC as a member is invited to a class for potential new members on
Saturday, September 9th, from 9am – noon in the Fireside Room.

Learn basic background about the United Methodist denomination and its place in the continuum of Christian tradition, as well as learning about this particular local congregation.

Attending the class does not obligate you to join – it can simply be a way of learning more.
All are welcome.
Please RSVP to Pastor Ouk-Yean if you plan to attend: or 408-378-3472.


UMC at SV Pride

Join in on Sunday, August 27th, when we will be participating with our sister South Bay Reconciling Congregations in Silicon Valley Pride being held in San JoseThe Parade begins at 10AM, we’ll all meet at St. John Street near the corner of Market Street by 9:30am and march together.
Following the parade, we will have a short worship service, then the “Day Festival” will be from 12-6pm at Cesar Chavez Park, where the South Bay Reconciling UMCs will have a booth for our collective group: “Church Coming Out”.
The following churches will be joining in the parade & at the booth:
Campbell UMC, Almaden Hills UMC, Alum  Rock UMC, Los Altos UMC, Los Gatos UMC, Good Samaritan UMC, Sunnyhills UMC, St Paul UMC, San Jose First UMC, Willow Glen UMC, Morgan Hill UMC.
Please Join us – ALL Welcome!
Get more into and connect using our Facebook EventShare!


Art Outside the Box

The beginning of July Grace Willhoite (Campbell UMC youth/member) painted the electrical box on Hamilton Avenue, (between Joe Escobar Diamonds & Home Depot entrance), as part of the City of Campbell’s “Art Outside the Box” program.  She had to apply with the City, and give two samples of her art.  There is a lot of competition, so it’s an honor for her to be selected. Find out more here.

Anyone driving along Hamilton this week should take a look.
(I snapped a couple more pics on Sunday after church, she’s finished the box,
and it’s beautiful!)



Sunday Afternoon Bible Study

Afternoon Bible Study is suspended.
This is a great time to join Adult Sunday School, which is watching and discussing The Jesus Fatwah, a study series that considers the vulnerability of widows and the difficult situation of foreigners in biblical times, exploring the themes of loyalty, bitterness, courage, poverty and seduction. See above (Adult Sunday School) for more information about the series.
Please join in! Drop-ins always welcome!


 Jail Ministry Training

On Saturday, August 26th, from 9-11am, the Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy (CIC) program invites you to attend a special training event here at Campbell UMC for new and returning volunteers to learn about challenges that men and women face during incarceration, as well as security rules and regulations of Santa Clara County jails.  Religious volunteers receive four hours of continuing training per year to maintain their security clearance.
Please tell a friend.
There is always a need for more help to serve our brothers and sisters in jail.
This is the ministry with whom our Art & Spirit Ministry group works.
To RSVP or for more information,  email Collette Lynner at, or call Correctional Institution Chaplaincy (CIC) Ministries at 408-586- 5643.


Eclipse Viewing Party

This Monday, August 21st, watch the eclipse at church with friends and neighbors, from 9 – 11am (the maximum eclipse will be at 10:16am with 76% of the sun covered). The viewing area will be between the Sanctuary and Chapel.

See our Facebook event here.

Brian Holmes will give a Pre-Eclipse talk with visuals at 9:15 in the Fireside Room, and will have his telescope set up, projecting the progression of the eclipse.

Refreshments will be served, including special Eclipse Canapés, and there will be craft activities for children of all ages.

Fifty pairs of ISO/CE rated solar glasses will be available to hand out to participants. There is no charge, but if you’d like to make a suggested donation of $5 for the glasses, all proceeds will support future community outreach events. You may also supply your own solar glasses, but everyone present needs to have proper glasses for viewing.  If you have a telescope with a solar filter, you are encouraged to bring it and set it up as well.

CEREAL BOXES NEEDED: One of the crafts we will be making a pinhole viewer from a cereal box as seen in the two videos below. The viewer is a safe way to watch the eclipse. Bring your empty cereal boxes to the church by Monday, August 21st.

NASA: How to make a pinhole projector to view eclipse

Creating a pinhole viewer



The CHEF Foundation (run by Juvenal and Erlin Castro, Campbell UMC members)  received word from Manila that their foundation has been awarded the 7th JOLLIBEE FAMILY VALUES AWARD.  The award ceremony was on Oct 10-12, 2017.

This award comes with an all-expenses paid trip to the Philippines to receive the award, including hotel accommodations and a $6000 monetary award for future shipping expenses.  CHEF Foundation began in 2009 as an act of kindness from Juvenal Castro when he saw that children in small towns in his native Paniqui, Tarlac are without adequate books and supplies. He began asking for donations of books, text books and sacred books and our church members have helped him in his endeavor. Local libraries and schools have also assisted him.

CHEF FOUNDATION is a registered  non-profit organization and all monies donated are tax deductible.  More information can be found at
We salute you, Juvenal and Erlin! Congratulations!


Bookmobile at Rosemary Elementary School

Fridays, 9:30-11:30am; June 16 – August 11, 2017

Children have been visiting our library boxes for reading material, but our CUMC Rosemary School angels decided they needed something closer to school for the summer!

Please help spread the word that the Santa Clara County Library Bookmobile will go to Rosemary Elementary School every Friday this summer June 16th thru August 11th, and stay from 9:30-11:30am.

Thank you Brook, Marya, and all the rest who support the children in our community!

Click here to see and share the Friday Rosemary Bookmobile Flyer.


All-Church Workday MORNING – August 12th

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help clean the Education Building and surrounding grounds on Saturday, August 12 from 8am to noon.  Tasks include cleaning outside grounds, sanitizing nursery toys, and some window washing.

Of course, Yummy Refreshments will be served!


The next Fifth Sunday of 2017 is July 30th

We had planned to create solar energy packs for those lacking electricity in other countries.  Unfortunately, the company we were working with had a major illness in their leadership team, and could not do it at this time.  We’ll try to do this at our next Fifth Sunday/Worship at Work event.

On July 30th, we will we will have the normal one-hour worship service, and we’ll have our Fifth Sunday work project in the Fireside Room during Fellowship Time.

We will be stitching blankets and cutting out rain ponchos for our homeless neighbors in Campbell.
Meet to work in the Fireside Room following worship.
If you can bring your sewing machine or help by taking out quilt pins, please contact Jane LaPierre at 408-558-4831.

We will complete by 12-12:30pm, and then share lunch!

Please join us for this hands-on service project with tasks for people of every age and ability.


All-Church Summer Picnic – July 25th

The 50+ group will host a picnic on Tuesday, July 25th, at 6:00pm, in the patio area adjacent to the kitchen and Fellowship Hall. This is one of the monthly activities for the group, and

Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided.

Please bring a side dish or desert to share; such as, beans, salad, potato salad, pie, etc.

Come and share in this summer evening of fun and conversation.
Sign up during Fellowship Hour on Sunday, OR
contact Larry Griffith at, or 408-252-2106.


Musical Theater 

Next weekend, Campbell Unified School District Middle and High-Schoolers are presenting Hairspray, the Musical, and our own Skyler Grodean has a starring role as the Father.

The 1950s are out, and change is in the air! Hairspray, winner of eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical, is a family-friendly musical, piled bouffant-high with laughter,
romance and deliriously tuneful songs.

It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size teen, Tracy Turnblad, has only one desire – to dance on the popular “Corny Collins Show.” When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star.  She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob, Link Larkin, and integrate a TV network… all without denting her ‘do!  Join them for this fun filled musical!

Four performances at the Historic Hoover Theater from July 13th through July 15th.

Performances at: The Historic Hoover Theater

Thursday, July 13th at 7pm
Friday, July 14th at 7pm
Saturday, July 15th at 2pm and 7pm

The Hoover Theater (across from the Rosicrucian Museum)
1635 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA  95126

Get your tickets online here.  (Adults $15; Students $10 – AND you can pick your own seats!)

See the flyer here.


2017 UMC Summer Camps:
Registration will be closing…

A week at camp can be a life-changing experience for children and youth. The Summer Camp Programs of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people in a sage, fun, and caring environment.

Your child will discover an ever-greater love for God in their hearts — while growing in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratefulness as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime.
Monte Toyon Camps:  July 9th -14th
Lodestar Camps:  July 16th- 21st & July 17th- 22nd
Find out more here.

Questions?  Contact Melinda at


Campbell UMC’s 129th Anniversary! 

On Sunday, July 9th, the History Helpers will offer a display of historical materials during Fellowship Hour in celebration of Campbell UMC’s anniversary on July 12th. Look through old photos and memorabilia – it will be great fun to see how our church has grown over the years!


Engaging Spirituality – New Session began May 11

Engaging Spirituality is a small group at Campbell UMC that meets for 8-10 weeks around a particular book or curriculum, rests for a time, and begins again.

Each time the group re-convenes, it is open to new participants.
A new session of Engaging Spirituality began on May 11th .
This session will meet for 9 weeks (thru July 6), on Thursdays, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Youth Room (3rd floor of the AMY Building).

We will be studying and experiencing together Breathing Under Water, a book by Franciscan priest Richard Rohr. Rohr utilizes the three touchstones of the 12-Step program – Honesty, Openness and Willingness – to help us recognize and rid ourselves of patterns of thinking that hold us back from engaging fully with the life we’ve been given. Just as overcoming addiction requires courage and commitment, he says, so too can the journey of faith.

Leaders are Melissa Allison and Pastor Kathi.  After June 15, Sandy Snider will be co-leader with Melissa.
This is a not a drop-in group; participation requires some commitment for the full 9-week session.
If you would like to participate, or to hear more about Engaging Spirituality, contact Pastor Kathi at or Sandy Snider at


Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Did you register for Vacation Bible School?
June 26-30th from 9:00am – 12:00pm

This year’s theme is Maker Fun Factory, where kids will learn that they were
Created by God and Built for a Purpose!

The week includes: New friends, Amazing experiments, Creative games, Lip-smacking snacks, Surprising adventures, and Incredible music.

VBS at Campbell United is open to (potty-trained) 3-year-olds through completed 5th grade.
Completed 6th graders and up can volunteer on leadership teams.

View and Download the registration form. Register early to save your spot.
Last day for Campbell UMC to receive your registration is June 18th.

Check it out here:


Bring Your Recyclables on Sunday, July 2nd!

The youth traveling to Spokane, WA to serve with Sierra Service Project from
July 9th-15th, will do one more recycling drive before heading off.
Bring your CRV-eligible items – aluminum cans, plastic soda and water bottles, and glass soda bottles.
(Please note: to earn money, all items must have a CRV designation.
Other items may be recycled but won’t earn money.)

There will be youth next to the Fellowship Hall and parking lot beginning at 9:30am.
Thanks for your support!


June 25, 2017 – Join UMC Churches at SF Pride 

Go to Glide and Pride with friends from our sister Reconciling Churches.
Folks have a couple choices in terms of transportation:
1) They can arrange their own carpools to arrive at Glide for their 9am service, or arrive at the parade staging area at 10:30am, or
2) Leave with the Wesley carpool from Wesley UMC at 7:30am, where we will drive to the Millbrae BART station, take BART into the city, and walk to Glide.
(Last year we drove to SF and it was very difficult to get out of the city after the parade.)

ALL Welcome!
Get more info and connect using our Facebook Event.  Share!


2017 Cal-Nev Annual Conference
June 21 – 25, 2017

The annual conference is the basic body in The United Methodist Church. The Annual Conference session considers legislation, recognizes retiring clergy, honors clergy that have passed during the previous year, and fixes the appointments of pastors to the various charges (churches). Clergy members of the conference meet with at least an equal number of lay members in their annual conference session for worship, fellowship, and to conduct the business of the conference. The area bishop presides over these meetings.

This was the 169th session of the California-Nevada Annual Conference and the fourth year the annual conference met in Burlingame.

Click here to find out about UMC legislation that was passed and other events that happened at the session.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Save the Dates of June 26-30th from 9:00am – 12:00pm
for Vacation Bible School.

This year’s theme is Maker Fun Factory, where kids will learn that they were Created by God and Built for a Purpose!

The week includes: New friends, Amazing experiments, Creative games, Lip-smacking snacks, Surprising adventures, and Incredible music.

VBS at Campbell United is open to (potty-trained) 3-year-olds through completed 5th grade.
Completed 6th graders and up can volunteer on leadership teams.

View and Download the registration form.  Register early to save your spot.
Last day for Campbell UMC to receive your registration is June 18th.

Check what it’s all about here:


Farewell and Thank you!

Sunday June 18th is the last day that Pastor Kathi is preaching here at Campbell, and we will honor and celebrate her ministry at Campbell UMC with a farewell luncheon at 11:30am following the worship service.

Remember to bring your dishes to share, and if you are helping set up, come to Fellowship Hall on Saturday, June 17th at 9am.

Let’s send Kathi off with our love, thanks & blessings!


June 17, 2017 – Doors Open

 The musical, “Doors Open“, written by Wesley UMC Music Director Mark Teagle, will be performed this Saturday evening, June 17th, at 7:30pm at First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ ( on Hamilton and Leigh in San Jose, at 7:30pm.

Doors Open explores the lives of a small group of people, both LGBTQ and straight, who struggle with what it means to be involved in their church while loving the LGBTQ people in their lives.


Get Grounded!

We hope you’ll join us on Saturday, June 17, to share a cup of coffee with old friends, make new friends and get to know our neighbors at a pilot pop-up coffee shop from 8am-11am in the courtyard between the Sanctuary and Chapel.

Our church is great at welcoming people and we’d like to get to know our community better. With our busy, stressful lives, a simple cup of coffee and a muffin can give us a way to slow down and get to know the world around us.

We are calling this pop-up “Get Grounded” because it sums up what we hope this shop will be…a pause in a person’s day, a moment to nurture goodness and neighborly connection. Something that, although small, might be enough to bring us back to the present moment. Something that lets us “get grounded.”

This is the final pop-up of our pilot program. We hope to make it a regular occurrence.


June 17, 2017 – Doors Open

The musical, “Doors Open“, written by Wesley UMC Music Director Mark Teagle, will be performed this Saturday evening, June 17th, at 7:30pm at First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ ( on Hamilton and Leigh in San Jose, at 7:30pm.

Doors Open explores the lives of a small group of people, both LGBTQ and straight, who struggle with what it means to be involved in their church while loving the LGBTQ people in their lives.


See Xanh, the Film

Alum Rock UMC Pride is hosting a film screening on
Saturday, June 10th at 10am.
They are inviting all of our local Reconciling churches,
and especially youth groups.
ARUMC joined the kickstarter for this film and its been pretty exciting. They would appreciate it if you would share and let it be known that
Everyone is invited!
Clothing is a form of liberation for gender queer Xanh. Their mother is a Vietnamese seamstress who polices Xanh’s gender presentation through the creation of feminine clothes. As their mom continuously criticizes their wardrobe, Xanh experiences a series of nightmares that pushes them to search for peace within.

Feel free to post and share this flyer widely!

Alum Rock United Methodist Church
30 Kirk Ave, San Jose CA
FREE LUNCH will be provided!


June 11, 2017 – March for Equality,h_225,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a93a23_60de486282da40198d55dff46f2d13fe~mv2.jpg


Equality March San José hosted by Project MORE Foundation will begin at San Jose City Hall at 11:00 AM and lead to the Unity and Pride Rally at Plaza De Cesar Chavez Park beginning at 1:00 PM.


Multi-Cultural Potluck Dinner

A Celebration of Culture and Community! 2016Apr16_MultiCulturalDinnerPlate

With the goal of building and deepening ties within our multicultural congregation, ALL are invited to our Second Annual Multi-Cultural potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, May 13th, from 5:30-8pm, . Facilitated activities will promote rich conversation and opportunities to connect with other members of the Campbell UMC family. There will be fun activities for children too!

View and share the event Flyer and Facebook event.

Please bring:
– Food to share that represents your cultural heritage

Stories & mementos of your childhood experiences and how they shaped you
– And feel free to wear something that represents your cultural heritage as well!
or mention it on your Sunday attendance card


“Rescue in the Night” – Annual Children’s Musical

The Joyful Notes Children’s Choir and Campbell UMC youth will perform this musical in which the actors/musicians tell the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Told with light-hearted humor along with dramatic impact, the story is faithful to the biblical account. The musical is filled with memorable melodies and a highly entertaining script.

While preparing this wonderful musical, singers have been learning lyrics that echo Daniel’s story. Songs like “A Man of Mystery”, “The Wisdom Contest”, “The Plotting Song”, help us understand the confidence we can have in trusting God to help us out in tough situations!

Come see the fun and inspiring Children’s Musical Presentation of

“Rescue in the Night” Sunday, May 7th, at 10am worship service or at the Second performance at 2pm.

Campbell UMC invites the whole community – ALL are Welcome!

Questions? Write to:


Bright Days Silent Auction

The Annual Bright Days Silent Auction Fundraiser begins Sunday, April 23rd and closes Tuesday May 2nd at 5:30pm.
Proceeds support the Bright Days Playground Fund, for playground improvement projects; and the Bright Days Financial Aid Fund, which assists families with tuition costs during times of financial hardship.

Over 200 items will be in display in the Education Building. Each item has a bid sheet for noting your bid. Be sure to include your name and phone number with your bid. The highest bidder for each item at the time of auction close will win the item. Winners do not have to be present.

Come by the Education Building to peruse the selections and put in your bids!

On the day of the Auction Close, all are invited to a free Pasta Dinner on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall. There will also be a live auction for a few significant items to close the event.

Thank you for your support!


Maundy ThursdayApril 13, 6:30pm
in Fellowship Hall
In the ancient tradition of the Church, we will trace all the events of Holy Week
on this evening, beginning with a light supper and communion in Fellowship Hall,
closing in the Sanctuary. This will be a beautiful pilgrimage in itself, led by
our children– the Joyful Notes.

Good FridayApril 14, Noon to 3:00pm in the Sanctuary
The sanctuary will be open for silent prayer during the hours Jesus was dying.
A brief reflection and music on each half-hour.
You are welcome to attend New Creation UMC’s Good Friday service at 7 pm,
in the Sanctuary.

Easter SundayApril 16
7:00am – Sunrise Service in the Courtyard. Greet this day of new life as it dawns. (Meet in Chapel)
8:00amPancake breakfast in Fellowship Hall, hosted by our youth.
10:00am – Flowers, brass, choirs — it will be a joyful and beautiful celebration!
11:00amEaster Egg Hunt for children

** Click for Alternative Parking Areas **


Palm Sunday – April 9, 2017

Our Palm Sunday worship is the culmination of our Let Justice Roll! Lenten season.
An extraordinary musical presentation will be the centerpiece of this special service.
Performed by Campbell UMC Chancel Choir and Joyful Notes Children’s Choir
Narrated by Daniel Hinojosa.

Let Justice Roll!  is a musical adaptation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” composed by Mark A. Miller, Minister of Music at Christ Church in Summit; composer, and faculty member at Drew and Yale Universities.


Road to Spokane 2017 / Super Bowl Tailgate Party ~

Next Sunday, February 5th, is Super Bowl Sunday. To get you ready for the big game, UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) is hosting their Annual Tailgate Party. There will be something delicious on the barbecue, and drinks. Since this is a tailgate party, we just ask that you bring something to share: chips, salad, side dish, dessert, etc. We also have some games planned to get everyone involved.

This year we are fundraising for Sierra Service Project. This summer there are ten youth traveling to Spokane, Washington, from July 9th-15th, where they will be working on a Native American reservation. This is a great experience not only for the youth, but also the community that they serve. They can use your help getting there, though, so bring that spare change lying around the house, the car, between the couch cushions, and look for the youth with work buckets.

There will also be other opportunities to support SSP during the tailgate party.

The fun will begin right after church in the Fellowship Hall.

We hope you will invite your friends and join us!


Strategy Summit – Saturday, January 28th – 8:30am-2:00pm

The Church’s Mission is clear, and it is given to us by our tradition:  To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 

But what does that mean—for us, here, now?  Do all of the activities and programs of the church align with and support that mission?  What does a disciple look like, in Campbell, California, in 2017?  How do you “make” disciples?  What part of the world are we trying to transform, and what kind of “transformation” are we talking about?

Between now and April, we’re convening a conversation will help us form an accurate snapshot of our current congregation and an understanding of the community we live in.   We’ll talk about what God’s big, bold dream for this community might be, and what God needs from us as we partner in that dream.  And then we’ll talk about what Campbell UMC will need to do to live out that partnership in the next 3-5 years.

What are the concrete next steps in our life together as a community of followers of Jesus Christ?  Who will do them?  How will we pay for them?  How will we know if we get them done?  How will we make sure that everything we do is aligned with our purpose?

If you would like to be part of this conversation, you are welcome to participate in the first of four sessions of a Strategy Summit¸ on Saturday, January 28, at Los Gatos UMC, 111 Church Street, Los Gatos.  We’ll begin with coffee and gathering at 8:30am,  done after lunch, at 2:00 pm.
Please RSVP to Pastor Kathi


Annual Christmas Concert DVDs Available!

As proclaimed by the attendees, Campbell UMC’s Annual Christmas concert was just great!  If once wasn’t enough or you were unable to attend, you can experience it again!  DVDs of this wonderful concert presented by choirs, ringers and brass are available for a fee of $25 (or $35 for high-def Blu-Ray).
Profits from sales go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording church services and special events like this.
Order forms for the DVD are available here and in the church office. Make checks payable to “Mark Shepherd” (NOT to CUMC).

Last day to order is January 29th.


Gospel Choir Sings again January 29th

Do you like singing gospel music?
January 29th is the next 5th Sunday, and the Gospel Choir will again sing under the leadership of James Creer.  Just come to the Sanctuary at 9:00am and you will quickly learn the song which will be presented during the 10:00am worship service. Those that have participated previously really enjoyed the experience. ALL are invited to come and sing!
AND – If you are a drummer or bass player and would like to accompany the Gospel Choir when they sing on 5th Sundays, please contact James Creer at


Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve Worship – December 24th

5:00pm – Children’s Christmas Pageant
9:00pm – Lessons & Carols
Both services followed by candle lighting in the courtyard


Christmas Day Worship – December 25th

10:00am – Carol Sing
Followed by Hot Cider, Christmas Cookies & (of course) Cake!


New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service – December 31st

10:00pm – Chapel Opens
11:00pm – Service Begins – Led by the African Fellowship


New Year’s Day Worship – January 1st, 2017!

10:00am – Service
11:00apm – Coffee & Fellowship


Epiphany Worship – Sunday January 8th, 2017

10:00am – Traditional African worship for Everyone
11:00apm – Coffee & Fellowship


Christmas Eve Pageant 2016_childrenspageant– December 24th, 5pm.

This Christmas Eve, children have the opportunity to be part of the Christmas pageant in worship, and experience the wonder and joy of the story of Jesus’ birth.

We would love to include any child, age 4 and older, who would like to participate. There are both speaking and non-speaking roles, and children must attend both rehearsals on December 17th and 22nd. The pageant will be at 5pm Christmas Eve.

For more information, or to sign up for a role, please contact Kallie Stroh at 408-378-3472, ext. 14,
or write


Annual Alternative Gift Faire Event

Give Gifts that Give Hope

On Sunday, November 20th, Campbell UMC hosted an Alternative Gift Faire in the Fellowship Hall following worship – an opportunity to do good while Christmas and holiday gift shopping.

Were you unable to make the Gift Faire on November 20th? No Problem!
You may easily shop by mail – download and print this form. Fill out the center section, and mail the form to the church office.
We will mail the gift cards for your recipients to you!

You can find out more about the foundations we are sponsoring by viewing this document.
Gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted. Prices are for information only.

Sponsored by Church in Action (CIA).

The Annual Christmas Concert – SUNDAY December 18th – 3:30pm

Nothing says Christmas like a brass fanfare, melodic voices, and… HandBells! 20161218_christmasconcert

The annual Campbell UMC Christmas Concert celebrates the sounds of the season in a musical extravaganza on Sunday, December 18th, 2016 at 3:30pm in the Sanctuary. Featured will be:

Singers: Chancel Choir, African Choir, and Joyful Notes vocal choirs;

Ringers: Carillon Choir, New A’Peal, Diamond Ringers, & Discovery Ringers Handbell choirs; and

Brass: The LGP Brass Ensemble will also bring their joyful music to the concert.

AND we’ll have a Christmas reception after with light snacks and beverages.

The repertoire spans the secular as well as arrangements of traditional carols and stirring Christmas overtures among contemporary tunes.

All invited – ALL Welcome! Click the image to download the pdf flyer.

Invite your friends and neighbors with this Facebook Event!

See you there, and Happy Holidays!


Longest Night Service of Solace

The Longest Night of the year is right before the Winter Solstice.

Advent and Christmas are not seasons only for the joyous – there is space and a place for everyone in this sacred season. For those who need a place where they can be welcomed into the season exactly as they are–without having to put on a holiday face, for anyone who would appreciate a little calm, reflective time of peace and worship in the midst of the hectic pace of the season, and for those who are suffering in their hearts during this season,

ALL are invited to Los Altos UMC on Monday, December 19, at 7:30pm for The Longest Night, a special service conducted by Cate Noellert. God comes to us wherever we are – even in our grief, even in our pain – and there is a place for you in this season, too. Click here for more information…


The Giving Tree


Time to get those Giving Tree gifts off for Santa to distribute!

Remember to bring your UN-wrapped gift(s), with the tags attached to the Office no later than THIS SUNDAY, December 18th.

Thanks to The Wonder Workers for setting up this lovely white tree in the entrance to Fellowship Hall. And thank you for helping to make Christmas more memorable for these children!


Advent Organ Concerts ~ 201612_advent-concert-organ_1

Enjoy a respite from the holiday hustle and bustle and experience music as a reminder of what the Advent season is: preparation and expectation of the Christ Child.

On two Fridays in December, from 12:30 to 1:00pm, Campbell UMC will offer organ concerts that are free and open to the public.

On December 2nd , Carolyn Pryor, Carol Ann Parker, and Mary Ann Gee will be the featured artists.

On December 9th , Shine Kwon, Campbell UMC organist, will be the featured soloist.

Invite friends & family to take time from the “busy-ness” of their day and enjoy the music of this blessed time.


Hop Aboard the Polar Express

20161206_polarexpressMark your calendars and reserve Tuesday, December 6th, from 6-7pm for an enactment of perennial children’s favorite The Polar Express! Sponsored by Bright Days Preschool as one of their Literary Events, it’s a fun evening for the whole family, and is free and open to the public.

Come to the Fellowship Hall for an hour of fun beginning at 6pm. The evening will include crafts, games, snacks and carols, as well as the performance, and the evening will end at 7pm.

Families, Friends, Alumni, Church & School Communities are all welcome to attend! Bring your holiday cheer and welcome aboard!


Christmas Jubilations

The Bay Choral Guild will debut their holiday concert on 20161202_christmasjubilationsbaychoralguildFriday, December 2nd , at 8:00pm in the Campbell UMC Sanctuary.

Works include Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Dale Ramsey, O Magnum Mysterium by Craig Kinsbury, Gaudete by Swedish composer Anders Öhrwall, and Missa Brevis for the Refugees of War, by local Saratoga composer Henry Mollicone, a musical prayer for the millions of refugees from the conflicts in the Middle East.

There will be a preview talk about the compositions and program beginning at 7:30pm.

Buy tickets online at, or at the door the night of the concert.
Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for seniors, and $5 for students with ID.

Other Performance Dates and Locations:

Saturday, Dec. 3, 8:00pm
First United Methodist Church
625 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto

Sunday, Dec 4, 4:30pm
St Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church
500 De Haro Street, San Francisco

There will be a preview talk about the compositions and the program 30 minutes before the start of each concert.


Merry Mayhem is Coming!

December 4th, 2:00 – 4:30pm

Break into the holiday spirit with Crafting, Giving and Caroling.

Please bring a non-perishable food item to fill up our donation bin.

Crafts for all ages: 2:00 – 4:00pm Fellowship Hall

Caroling 4:00 – 4:30pm Fireside Room

Merry Mayhem is for ALL generations; the young and the young at heart!
Hope to see you there!



Young adults (age 20-35-ish) are gathering at Pastor Kathi’s home on  Tuesday, November 29, at 7:00pm, for a Friendsgiving Dinner

If you are a young adult, you are invited.

If you know a young adult who may be interested in engaging with other folks from Campbell UMC, please pass along this invitation!



Giving Tuesday, November 29th:   Give Light ~ Give Love ~ Give Life20161127_givingtues

On November 29th , join United Methodists around the world in support of mission and ministry through gifts to “Advance Specials” — gifts made to advance the love and cause of Christ in the world. Support a project in an area you care about such as hunger, poverty, education, social justice, or in support of missionary work.

Go to to make your donation on November 29th.

Giving Tuesday was begun in 2012 by the United Nations Foundation and the 92nd Street Y, as a response to the commercialization and consumerism in the post-Thanksgiving season (Black Friday and Cyber Monday).



The Annual Church Conference of Campbell UMC will be
Wednesday, November 30, at 7:00pm, in the Fireside Room.

All members of the congregation are encouraged to come and vote on important matters before the church, including the proposal to install solar energy equipment at the church.

The Charge Conference will be followed by the Church Council meeting,
which combines the November and December meetings.


Solar Energy for Campbell UMC? You decide. solarcross

A task force commissioned by the Church Council has been working for several months to consider the possibility of installing solar panels at the church, to provide electricity in the years to come. The task force has now recommended a proposal.

The final decision will be made by a vote of the entire congregation at the Church Conference on Wednesday, November 30, at 7:00pm.

All members and friends of Campbell UMC are welcome to come and vote on this important proposal.

If you were unable to attend one of the information sessions, call the office for material.

Solar Task Force Members:
Chair: Bob Renfer, Charlie Slayman, Andy Taylor, Pamela Eades,
Ray Dyer, Gene Hill, Mary Smith, George W. Cleveland



You are invited to come and share lunch on Thanksgiving Day (Nov 24). 20161124_thanksgivinglunch

Come at 11:30am if you’d like to help prepare the meal,
or 1:00pm to eat.

Everyone welcome!

Please RSVP – on your worship attendance card or by writing


Reception for Bishop Carcaño

You Are Cordially Invited To a Reception for

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño
Resident Bishop of the California-Nevada Annual Conference, was was installed at a service on Sept. 24th, in Manteca, CA.

Come to the reception and meet our new bishop!

Saturday, November 19th at 2pm

Los Altos UMC
655 Magdalena Avenue
Los Altos, CA

For Bishop Carcaño’s bio, click here.


All-Church Work Day – Saturday, November 19th, 8am – Noon

Church Work Day

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help spruce up the Sanctuary & Chapel – in time for holiday season. Saturday, November 19th, from 8am to noon.  Just to entice you further, Yummy Refreshments will be served!


New Members Class

There will be a New Members Class on Saturday,  November 5, 10am-12:30pm in the Fireside Room.

If you’d like to hear more about this church, or the United Methodist Church, and to know what it means to be a member here, you are welcome—with no obligation to commit to membership.

Please RSVP at or 408-378-3472.



Autumn Festival!

Sunday, October 30th, 5-7pm 

On Sunday, October 30th, from 5 to 7pm in the Fellowship Hall, the whole family is invited to enjoy games, crafts, and refreshments, celebrating the autumn season.  Activities include a Cupcake Walk, a Photo Booth, and a Costume Parade.

Come join the fun!  Bring a friend!  All Welcome!


BBQueer!  Reconciling Community of South Bay UMCs

Sunday, October 16th, 2pmbbqueer

#ChurchComingOut is a community of United Methodist Churches in Silicon Valley that support, love, and welcome LGBTQ+ people and LGBTQ+ families. Check us out on Facebook!
RSVP to to get directions to the BBQ at our member’s home in Los Gatos.

Join Us!  ALL Welcome!


Smart Money Smart Kids

One Session: Thursdays, October 6th through November 10th, 2016;  7-8pm

Featuring America’s money experts Rachel Cruze and Dave smartmoneysmartkidsRamsey, Smart Money Smart Kids  teaches parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world.  In six entertaining and practical lessons, you’ll learn how to teach your kids key financial principles—like working, spending, saving, giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and living in contentment.  Smart Money Smart Kids doesn’t just focus on winning with money—it teaches the character qualities that will help your kids win at life.  There is a fee of $59 for class materials.

To register, please visit:

If you will need childcare, please contact Kallie Stroh by email or phone 408-378-3472 x14 after you register.


Engaging Spirituality 20160922_sacredrhythms_sq

A new spiritual growth opportunity begins this month:
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation. Nine weeks, beginning September 22nd. Thursdays 6 -8pm. Leaders are Sandy Snider and Pastor Kathi .
Sign up on a worship attendance card or write


Saturday & Sunday, August 27th & 28th – Silicon Valley Pride

SV Pride 2016 officialPoster

Once again, Campbell United Methodist Church will be joining other Reconciling United Methodist Churches at the Silicon Valley Pride Festival and Parade in San Jose.

We, along with our sister South Bay Reconciling UMCs –  Almaden Hills UMC, Alum Rock UMC, Good Samaritan UMC, Los Gatos UMC, and Sunnyhills UMC – will have a joint booth Saturday evening from 6-11pm and Sunday from 12-6pm.

The parade begins at 10am.
Please join us marching together in unity!
Meet up at the corner of St John and Market Streets in downtown San Jose by 9:30am on Sunday, August 28th.  All invited, ALL Welcome!


All-Church Work Day – Saturday, August 21st, 8am – Noon

Church Work Day

Please join the Trustees for service and fellowship to help spruce up the Education Building for the upcoming start of Sunday School. Saturday, August 20 from 8am to noon. Just to entice you further, Yummy Refreshments will be served!


AMDCF Summer Fundraiser – Sunday, August 21st


This Sunday August 21st from 1-8pm, join the Abdul Miracle Disabled Children’s Foundation for their Second Annual event to benefit disabled children in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Our own Sahr Moiwa began the foundation in honor of his son Abdul. Food and drinks will be sold at reasonable prices. Enjoy great food, music, and end-of- summer sunshine, while supporting a good cause.

AMDCF is a non-profit charity striving to make changes in the lives of disabled children. The foundation works to promote good health, welfare, motivation, and education and lets disabled children know their disabilities do not have to limit their lives. AMDCF has with compassionate volunteers dedicated to deliver sustainable, high impact, community-based services.

This event will also serve as a celebration of the end of the summer and kick-off the beginning of the new school year. Bring the whole family (especially the kids!) and tell your friends!

DJ Sensie in the Mix; Food/Drink ; bounce-house, and more!

The AMDCF Summer Picnic will be held at:

John D Morgan Park, 540 West Rincon Avene, Campbell, CA 95008.

Click for the Facebook Event. See & share the flyer.

ALL Invited, ALL Welcome!


Wednesdays at 7pm – Free Community Basketball Clinic for Kids

Every Wednesday at 7pm this summer, Campbell UMC & New Creation are offering a free neighborhood basketball clinic.

Open to ALL children!

Share with Friends and Neighbors.
All Children are Welcome to join in!


 Fambul Tok: A Film About the Power of Forgiveness

Please join us for this extraordinary documentary film from Sierra Leone, Fambul Tok.

FambulTok_TranslatedVictims and perpetrators of Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war come together for the first time in an unprecedented program of tradition-based truth-telling and forgiveness ceremonies.  Through reviving their ancient practice of fambul tok (family talk), Sierra Leoneans are building sustainable peace at the grass-roots level – succeeding where the international community’s post-conflict efforts failed.  Filled with lessons for the West, this film explores the depths of a culture that believes that true justice lies in redemption and healing for individuals – and that forgiveness is the surest path to restoring dignity and building strong communities.

Two showings at Campbell United Methodist Church:

   Sunday, August 7th  at  11:30am   and     Saturday, August 13th  at  7:00pm

followed by discussion, fellowship, and lunch on  Sunday, August 14th from 11:30am – 1:00pm

Click the dates above to see & share the Facebook Events.

Click to see and share the flyer.

ALL Invited, ALL Welcome!


Bike & Build Breakfast

BikeBuild_South_Carolina_to_Santa_Cruz_MEDOn Monday, August 8th, Campbell UMC will host 35 college-age bicyclists who are bicycling across the country building homes for affordable housing programs such as Habitat for Humanity.  The program is called Bike & Build and there are eight cross-country teams plus two regional teams bicycling this summer.  Through service-oriented cycling trips, Bike & Build benefits affordable housing and empowers young adults for a lifetime of service and civic engagement.

The team stopping at Campbell UMC is part of the South Carolina–Santa Cruz team and we are their last overnight stop before trekking over the hill to Santa Cruz.

On Tuesday, August 9th, between 6 -7am, we have been asked to provide breakfast for the team.

If you can donate breakfast supplies (bagels, bread, cereal, milk, yogurt, juice, eggs, fruit, sausage or bacon), or can loan your toaster, or want to help prepare or serve the breakfast,
please contact the church office at 408-378-3472, or email



LayetteKitThe UMW will be collecting layette items the second Sunday of the summer months (June-August).

Needed for August are:

  • baby sleepers (size 3-6 months and 6-9 months),
  • wash cloths,
  • disposable diapers for newborns.

Please look for the table in the courtyard to drop off these items with Jane LaPierre during Fellowship Time after Sunday services.


Bishop Melvin Talbert Award

We are SO proud of Pastor Daniel and (our previous) Pastor Kathi of BishopTalbertAward_CUMCKathiDanielJustin_June2016Campbell United Methodist Church
and Pastor Justin of New Creation United Methodist Church!

On Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, at our local conference, they were awarded and shared the year’s Bishop Melvin Talbert Award.

The California-Nevada Conference of the United Methodist Church Commission on Religion and Race makes this award annually to someone within the conference who best exemplifies a proactive stance in addressing, and working toward dismantling racism in the church and society.

Being that they worked together with all the congregations here at Campbell United Methodist Church, this is one time that the award was conferred to more than one person.

We have been so very blessed!


2016 Summer Camps: Registration is Still Open!

A week at camp can be a life-changing experience for children and youth. The Summer Camp Programs of the California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people in a safe, fun, and caring environment.

Your child will discover an ever-greater love for God in their hearts — while growing in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratefulness as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime.

Any questions, contact Melinda at

Monte Toyon Camps (Aptos):

Toyon Kids – July 10th -15th: going into 3rd through going into 6th grade

Toyon L.I.T. – July 10th -15th: 14-15 year olds

Camp Quest – July 10th -15th: going into 7th through going into 9th grade

Impact L.I.T. – July 10th -15th: 16- 19 years old

Lodestar Camps (Wilseyville):

Super Kids Camp – July 17th- 22nd: going into 3rd through going into 6th grade

Super Camp – July 17th- 22nd: going into 7th through going into 9th grade

Lodestar L.I.T. – July 17th- 22nd: 14-15 year olds

Find out all the details here.
Please register ONLINE at
Download the registration form from the website and mail your payment to:
Shari Sandoval at CA-NV Annual Conference, P.O. Box 980250, West Sacramento, CA 95798.

Make checks payable to CA-NV Annual Conference
(add the name of the camp that your child(ren) will be attending on the memo line).

For questions, contact Shari Sandoval at (916) 374-1528 or


Campbell UMC is hosting: The Parent Project ParentProjectGuide_300x383

Since 2008, nearly 1,800 parents in Santa Clara County have participated in this 12-week course. Unlike any other program, this unique series is specifically designed to address high-risk behaviors & strong-willed youth. A nationally-recognized program, the series is made possible here by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.

How is this program different? It was created by parents. The Parent Project curriculum was developed by a psychologist, an educator and a police officer along with over 100,000 parents across the nation to best meet the needs of today’s parents.

Parents learn and practice specific prevention and intervention strategies that will help them:

  • Stop arguing with their child
  • Improve school attendance and performance
  • Prevent alcohol and drug use
Monday evenings, session began May 9th & run through July 25, 2016 – from 6-9pm.

Rev. Kathi McShane will be a co-facilitator of this class.
Do you know someone who might benefit from this class? Invite them to contact Pastor Kathi at or 408-378-3472, ext 12.



Annual Handbell Concert

Were you unable to come to the Handbell Concert Sunday, May 22?

Campbell UMC is blessed to have four handbell choirs who all participated in this year’s concert:
– The Carillon Choir,
– The New A’Peal Ringers,
– The Discovery Ringers, and
– The Diamond Ringers, (consisting of youth from 3rd to 8th grade).

The handbell ringers performed many different styles of repertoire: Secular, Classical, Jazz standards, & even some Afro-Cuban rhythms were among the featured songs. Handbells are very versatile instruments – if you have not heard handbells before, you should check it out!
BUT – you do not have to miss this wonderful concert!

You may order your own copy of the Handbell Concert by using this form.  All proceeds will go toward the purchase of a camera system for recording Campbell UMC’s services and events to share online.


“Esther-Ordinary Faith” – Annual Children’s Musical

This year, Campbell United Methodist Church youth20160501_ChildrensMusical_EstherOrdinaryFaith_800x1194 (and adults) have been studying the lives of faithful men and women in the Bible. One of the people they were encouraged to learn from was Esther.

In this musical, a fictional scribe, Zerox, details Esther becoming queen through God’s intervention in Haman’s plot and Mordecai’s appointment as the king’s adviser. As Zerox tells the story, he experiences the testimony of Esther and develops his own faith in God and God’s grace. All this is done through gritty songs and witty dialogue between these characters and the residents of Susa, the “Susans.” There will be an Esther-Day parade, a palace set, lots of fun dancing, even a high stakes dice roll!

While preparing this wonderful musical, singers have been learning lyrics that echo the story of Esther. Songs like “God Is in Control”, “The Eleventh Hour”, “While You Sleep”, and “In That Moment”, help us understand the confidence we can have in trusting God with our problems by displaying our own Esther-Ordinary Faith!

Come see the fun and inspiring Children’s Musical Presentation of
“Esther-Ordinary Faith”
Sunday, May 1st, at 10am worship service or at the
Second performance at 2pm. (A cookies & punch reception will follow the 2pm performance.)

Campbell UMC invites the whole community – ALL are Welcome!

Share the Facebook Event or the Flyer.

Questions? Write to:


On Sunday, May 1st
, bring to church the bottles and cans you’ve been saving for collection by the Youth. The money received for redeeming the recyclables will help to fund the Youth trip for the Sierra Service Project (SSP) 2016. (If your friends and neighbors have collected for you too, that is much appreciated!)

This is the final collection date. The Youth Fellowship (UMYF) members will be available before and after service to man the bins and take your collections. Thank You!


South Bay Crop Walk

Join in Sunday, April 24th for the South Bay’s annual CROP Hunger Walk, sponsored by Church World Service to end hunger both locally and internationally.  Sign-up sheets will be available Sunday during Fellowship time.

Sponsor the 4th/5th Grade Fellowship!  On Sunday, April 10th during Fellowship Hour, you can sponsor the 4th/5th Grade Fellowship Group, who will be participating in the CROP Walk.  The UMYF Group (6-12 grade) have a CROP Walk Team website page.  Rather than trying to decide which deserving youth to sponsor, you can sponsor the groups as a whole.

With its inception in 1969, CROP Hunger Walks are viewed by many as the granddaddy of charity walks. The walk’s legacy is deeply entrenched even in our own community; South Bay has hosted 24 CROP Hunger Walks since 1994, raising over $1.2 million as a response to hunger!

The South Bay CROP Hunger Walk is one of 1,000+ across the nation, symbolizing the walk many around the world must make for basic resources such as food, water, shelter and protection. With our combined national efforts, we raise around $10 million annually towards the shared mission of ending hunger. Money raised supports work in emergency response, as well as longer-term solutions like enhancing food security and providing sustainable safe water supplies. In addition, 25 percent of funds raised stay in the community to bolster the local responses to hunger.

CROP stands for “Christian Rural Overseas Program” and the program began after WWII so that Midwestern farm families could send food to Europe and Asia. Today, 75% of the funds raised by the walk help provide food, water, seeds, tools, wells, micro-loans and more, around the globe. Twenty-five percent of the funds stay in the local area and support local food banks.

For more information, see the CROP website – and also the South Bay Walk website.


Multi-Cultural Potluck Dinner

A Celebration of Culture and Community!  2016Apr16_MultiCulturalDinnerPlate

With the goal of building and deepening ties within our multicultural congregation, on Saturday, April 16th, from 5:30-8pm, ALL are invited to a potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall.  Facilitated activities will promote rich conversation and opportunities to connect with other members of the Campbell UMC family.  There will be fun activities for children too!

View and share the event Flyer.

       Please bring:
– Food to share that represents your cultural heritage

Stories & mementos of your childhood experiences and how they shaped you
– And feel free to wear something that represents your cultural heritage as well!
or mention it on your Sunday attendance card


Bright Days Silent Auction


The Annual Bright Days Silent Auction Fundraiser closes Tuesday, April 12th. Proceeds support the Bright Days Playground Fund, for playground improvement projects; and the Bright Days Financial Aid Fund, which assists families with tuition costs during times of financial hardship.

To bid, mark your name, phone number and bid amount on the bid sheet (available after Sunday service). The winner is the highest bidder per item at the time of auction close.

Come by the Education Building to peruse the selections and put your bids in!

On the day of the Auction Close, all are invited to a free Pasta Dinner on Tuesday, April 12th, at 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Auction Closing begins at 6:15pm in the Education Building immediately after dinner.

Thank you for your support!


Holy Week & Easter


Maundy ThursdayMarch 24, 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall

An authentic Passover Seder dinner, for children and adults to experience Jesus’ tradition.  Rabbi Melanie Aaron, from Shir Haddash congregation in Los Gatos, will lead us in the Haggadah.
The Joyful Notes children’s choir will sing.

PLEASE RSVP to so we may plan for dinner and table settings.  Thank you!


Good Friday Worship March 25, 7pm in the Sanctuary

A contemplative service based on Jasus’ last words.  This joint service will include the Campbell, Los Gatos, and New Creation UMC congregations.  A reception for all follows in Fellowship Hall.  Please bring a plate of cookies to share.

Easter! – March 27

7amSunrise Service in the Courtyard
8amPancake Breakfast served by the Youth
10am  Easter Worship Celebration
11am – Easter Egg Hunt for Children


Lent 2016: “Into-Me-See” (Intimacy): Knowing and Being Known

There are many forms of intimacy. In its truest sense, intimacy is a closeness between persons that comes with familiarity, understanding and acceptance. My favorite re-phrasing of the word intimacy is “into-me-see”.

To be in relationship with Jesus is to be in relationship with other people. That relationship necessarily involves listening, asking questions that invite the other into connection, and self-disclosure that is mutual, respectful, and safe.

The practice of intimacy—exercising the heart and using the skills required to create open, authentic and loving relationships–is the spiritual discipline on which we will focus this Lent.
There are a variety of opportunities to enter this practice. Do one, two, or all of them.

  • Sunday Lenten Season Worship

Our Lent worship and sermons will focus on Gospel stories of personal encounters with Jesus, and particularly the questions Jesus asked as he invited people to open their hearts and to see differently.

  • Wednesday Soup Suppers (Feb 17 – March 16)

“When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the ‘nay’ in your own mind, nor do you withhold the ‘aye’.  And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart.”
– Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

On five Wednesdays during Lent (February 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16), we’ll gather for a simple supper of soup and bread, and practice together how to enhance the quality of our relationships by building two essential skills: asking questions to learn rather than to judge, and listening deeply. 6:30-8:00 pm in the Fireside Room.

  • Individual Lenten Disciplines

“In the spiritual life, the word ‘discipline’ means ‘the effort to create some space in which God can act.’ Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn’t planned or counted on.” – Henri Nouwen

Traditionally Christians have thought of Lent as a season of fasting, or “giving something up”. But fasting is only a spiritual practice if it brings you closer to God; otherwise it’s a diet. This year, what if you fast from something that has stood in the way of relationship: your judgment, or fear, or anger? What if, during each of the six weeks of Lent, you commit yourself to spend time with and invite into meaningful conversation someone who has never before come into your focus? A neighbor, a work colleague, a clerk or service person who you see regularly; someone who has seemed to you very different or strange.


ReThinkChurch_Instagram_40DaysFollow and join us on Instagram as we participate again this year in the ReThink Church “Picturing Lent” project.
Another way to turn in toward this season of spiritual attentiveness…

View on the web the Campbell United Instagram feed here:

Let’s start this 40-day journey together, sharing glimpses of our lives with one another. Let this be an intentional time, even for a few minutes a day, to pause, remember and reflect.

Join in & use the tags: #hopespiritservice #cumc #Lent #photoaday #40days #rethinkphoto #RethinkChurch #unitedmethodistchurch #umc (and the tag for each day’s topic)

  • Individual or small group reading

We recommend to you as spiritual reading for this season the book Gospeled Lives: Encounters with Jesus, by John Indermark (Available at Amazon and B&N.  A limited number of copies will also be available for purchase in the church office.)


 Monthly Inn-Vision (Life Moves) Dinner

Every month, we donate our time to serve at the Life Moves homeless shelter at the Montgomery Street Inn.  On March 21st, we will be serving baked chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, mixed vegetables and carrot cupcakes.
Please sign up in Fellowship Hall after service to donate needed food items, to cook and to serve.  Plan to bring the food items on the 13th and/or the 20th.  Cooks are needed from 9-10am and from 2-5pm on the 21st.  Servers are needed at 5:30pm.  Any questions?  See Jane LaPierre after worship or call the office.


The Annual Crab Feed Fundraiser!

Online ticket sales are now Closed.
Tickets will be available at the Door.

Enjoy all-you-can-eat Crab, Pasta, Clam chowder (new this year), Salad, and Garlic bread!
Don’t skip the [now famous] Chocolate Fountain and dessert table!

We are excited to announce Michelle Pollace’s Latin Jazz Trio will provide wonderful MichellePollaceLJT
entertaining live jazz music for your listening pleasure while dining.
Check out her arrangement of this fun song!


Join the Festivities on Saturday, February 27th, 5:30-8pm!
Share this community event with friends.
The Annual Crab Feed always sells out, so be sure to get your tickets early!

2016 Prices:

  • Adults: $55
  • Youth 12-17 yrs: $15
  • Children under 12: $1
  • “Non-Crab Eaters”: $30 (new for 2016)
  • Discounted Table for Eight (price of 7): $385
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the Crab Feed!
(FYI – Crabs sourced from Oregon/Washington)

RSVP & Share the Facebook Event!


New in 2016 – Worship at Work in the World!

Four times each year, there is a fifth Sunday of the month. In 2016, we are trying something new:
On each 5th Sunday, worship will be brief (~20 minutes), joyfully led by our own Gospel Choir.  At the end of worship, the entire congregation will be sent out to be in service for the remainder of the morning. Over the year, we’ll have a number of opportunities for service, on and off campus, for every age and ability.

We launched this effort on the first 5th Sunday of the year, January 31, with a Stop Hunger Now event in Fellowship Hall. At 10:30, all of us–adults, children, everyone—received instructions and went to the Fellowship Hall to pack 20,000 meals to be sent overseas through Stop Hunger Now.

And we completed filling, measuring, weighing, sealing, and packing over 20,000 meals by 11:58am!
Afterward, we shared lunch and a time of reflection.

This was a hands-on service project for people of every age and ability.

Don’t miss this exciting new way of worshiping God with the work of our hands.
We will have other projects on the other 5th Sundays of this year: May (29th), July (31st), and October (30th).  All are invited to join in!
(Everyone is also welcome to come at 9am to rehearse and sing with the Gospel Choir.)


Winter Soup Lunch!


On Thursday, February 18th or Thursday March 17th, join your friends for the Winter Soup Lunch. The lunch will be in the Fireside Room from noon to 1pm; Mary Ann Gee will be providing music for us on the piano. There is no cost, and transportation can be provided upon request.
RSVP to Jane LaPierre, 408-558-4831.  Everyone is welcome!


Horns, Handbells & Harmonies! ChristmasConcert2015_Icon

Even if you missed it, you can view & hear the fabulous Christmas concert (held December 20th, 2015), featuring “Horns, Handbells, and Harmonies”.  DVDs are only $25.
Order forms may be found in the church office.
Last day to order is January 24th, 2016.

Nothing says Christmas like a brass fanfare, melodic voices, and… sleighbells. (Or in this case, HandBells!).
The annual Campbell UMC Christmas Concert celebrated the sounds of the season in a musical extravaganza on Sunday, December 20th, 2015 at 2:30pm in the Sanctuary.

The Los Gatos Presbyterian Brass Ensemble accompanied the Campbell UMC Vocal Choirs (including the Joyful Notes Children’s Choir) and CUMC’s Handbell choirs all rang to get everyone in the spirit. The repertoire spanned the secular as well, with arrangements of traditional carols to stirring Christmas overtures to jazzy contemporary tunes. See photos from the concert.

Happy New Year!


Advent 2015

Advent, the four weeks in which we waited together for God to be born again at Christmas,
began on Sunday, November 29, 2015.

You can read the Annual Advent Devotional‘s 28 entries (plus a couple bonus entries) which have all been written by members of the congregation. The theme of worship during the four Sundays of Advent has been
Sacred: Life Infused with Holiness. The devotionals are brief stories of where and how we have found the presence of God — holiness — in the middle of our ordinary lives; something we experienced that has taught us something about: — Sacred time — Sacred people — Sacred space —

Read the Advent Devotionals


On Sunday, December 6th, 2015, Campbell United Methodist Church hosted the annual Advent Fun workshop, Merry Mayhem.

See some photos from the event here!

Hope to see you next year!
(First Sunday in December.)


Transformation: Art From Within Transformation_ArtFromWithin

The artwork by the inmates of Elmwood Correctional Institute, facilitated by CIC Ministries and the Art & Spirit Prison Ministry Program, (some of which was showcased at the Hall of Justice two years ago), will be on display at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles from September 12th – November 1st, 2015. There will be an Exhibition Opening Reception on Sunday, September 13th, from 2-4pm. The Museum is located at 520 S. First Street, San Jose, 95113, and easily reached using VTA Light Rail.

Also available will be an interactive weaving activity for visitors in which they can write a thought or prayer. When complete, that weaving will be displayed within the jail so the inmates will be able to view it and know that they are not forgotten.

From the program:

Transformation: Art from Within is an exhibit that affirms how art enables incarcerated men and women to tap into their humanity, their spirit and their gifts. Recognizing the dignity of their humanity, and the commonalities we share, is essential for the incarcerated. Each piece has been created in community by a diverse group of inmates. The art and writing show there is more to them than their crime. Their work exhibits introspection, spirituality, promise and hope…

When people are put in jail, they become invisible. They will, however, ultimately be part of the fabric of every community. By tapping into their creative side, they become aware of their positive assets. Having these inner resources to draw upon provides ways to better cope with their current or future situations. The inmates themselves have noted that community art has encouraged cooperation, unity and peace within the facility.”










