Giving to Our World

UMCOR Disaster Relief

UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, is one of the non-governmental organizations that is a first responder when a disaster happens anywhere in the world. During the year, emergency requests are made to meet the needs of unexpected or emergency situations. There are several ways to contribute to disaster relief through UMCOR.

  • Use the Offering envelopes found in the Sanctuary; make your check out to Campbell UMC and write “Disaster Relief” in the memo line
  • Drop off your cash donation at the church office.
  • Visit the UMCOR webpage and donate online.

100% of all donations go toward helping people affected by tragedies.

Along with United Methodist churches all over the world, it is Campbell UMC’s goal to give 10% of its income each year to ministries that are “connectional”—i.e., that are shared with other churches in the California-Nevada Conference of the United Methodist Church. These ministries are worldwide in their scope—from helping to fund start-up churches to a Conference commitment of $2 million to an Imagine No Malaria campaign. For more information, go to