Church in Action (CIA)



Are you feeling a call to serve the community?
Church in Action (our own version of CIA) is the group that coordinates this work for Campbell UMC.

Have a suggestion? Need more info?  Contact


Events sponsored by CIA include:


Advent Offerings for 2016

amdcf_coverphotoeditOur special Advent offerings this season will all be committed to support the work of the Abdul Miracle Disabled Children’s Foundation (AMDCF), which provides school fees and support to disabled children in Sierra Leone.  $150 pays for a whole year’s tuition; $50 for one trimester; $25 for much-needed administrative support.    Read more details here.  Forms available in the Sunday bulletins and here.



Annual Alternative Gift Faire Event

Give Gifts that Give Hope

On Sunday, November 20th, Campbell UMC hosted an Alternative Gift Faire in the Fellowship Hall following worship – an opportunity to do good while Christmas and holiday gift shopping.

Were you unable to make the Gift Faire on November 20th? No Problem!
You may easily shop by mail – download and print this form. Fill out the center section, and mail the form to the church office.
We will mail the gift cards for your recipients to you!

You can find out more about the foundations we are sponsoring by viewing this document.
Gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted. Prices are for information only.

Sponsored by Church in Action (CIA).



Worship at Work – Build a Bike – Fifth Sunday Event

On Sunday, October 30th, another “Fifth Sunday“, we will brought 20161030_buildabike_lg our pledges, worshiped for 25 minutes in the Sanctuary and then continued to worship with our hands and hearts as we worked together…

We assembled 60 bicycles and helmets!
We sewed 40 blankets and rain ponchos for our homeless neighbors!
We made chili and had lunch together!

Every person, of every capacity contributed in some way on this day.

Adults AND Youth alike:
– Built bikes or worked alongside an expert bicycle-builder in Fellowship Hall, and
– Cut and sewed fabric in the Fireside Room or Library, and
– Helped prepare and serve lunch, and some
– Remained in the Sanctuary and supported this project with continued worship and prayer,
led by Pastor Larry LaPierre

On Monday, October 31st, all bicycles were given to children who need them – in the church’s neighborhood and community.

See photos from the event here.  Read the article from the San Jose Mercury News.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this event!

Click here to find out more.



There was a meeting of the CIA Sunday, October 9 from 11:30-1pm.

New members welcome.

The Committee chairs will outline new and ongoing opportunities for service. They want to hear your interests, callings, hopes and ideas!  This is a chance to connect to a cause where you feel passionate. Light refreshments served.





