Campbell United Methodist Church Photo Gallery
The Elmwood Art Show at the Hall of Justice in San Jose, California
TRANSFORMATION - ART FROM WITHIN – BE INSPIRED!Over the last two years, volunteers from Cambell United (under the auspices of CIC Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy Ministries) have been going into Elmwood Correctional Facility to lead Art and Spirit classes, which involve music, scripture, prayer, writing and art. Read about the Gala Art Exhibit opening and view the photo gallery at the end of the article
In addition, check out a wonderful article in the Campbell Reporter regarding our Jail Ministry.
CUMC Handbell Concert
On May 18, 2014, the second annual all-handbell concert was a huge success. Here are some photos of the event. Click here for the video Handbell Concert Highlights.
Hallelujah, Amen!
Stop Hunger Now!
On January 12, 2013, Campbell UMC joined forces with Stop Hunger Now (SHN) ( with the goal of bringing together 40 to 50 volunteers to package 10,000 meals in two hours. But in an extraordinary outpouring of support, more than 120 people showed up on a Saturday morning ready to work! The result was 10,212 healthy meals packaged in around 90 minutes. The meals will be distributed to those throughout the world who are in the greatest need.
World Communion Service with Korean Traditional Drumming
Begun in 1936, World Communion Sunday takes on special meaning this year as Campbell United Methodist Church celebrates its 125th Anniversary. In this year’s service, our children presented breads made from around the world – from the countries of their grandparents and more distant ancestors – in recognizing our diversity and global roots.
EGO, UC Berkeley’s Korean Traditional Percussion Group accompanied the singing of the final hymn of the 10:00AM church worship service and then lead everyone into the courtyard for a 30-minute live performance of drumming and dancing.